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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I may have purchased something from him but a long time ago.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis is having a field day with the arrival of the rain so Nurofen has been deployed. Its stopped raining for now but it looks as if more is on its way.
  3. About 50 years ago one of my chums had a split rear window beetle. The only mods he carried out to it was a bright red paint job and reversing the rear wheels therefor increasing the track. Being only 18 years old and having just passed his test he was easily caught out by the swing axle rear suspension. He ended up losing control one evening and ended up without hitting anything between a bus shelter and a lamp post with barely an inch to spare either end and having to bounce the car sideways to remove it.
  4. I have a white metal running plate from an unidentified 4-4-0 to add to that if anyone is interested.
  5. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Started pouring here almost as soon as I shut down the lap top. And still pouring as I type. An examination of the fridge contents means that I will still need to venture out to Tess Coes shortly.
  6. I think you've coined a new phrase there.
  7. Thick and heavy storm clouds are gathering here but no rain yet. I'm looking forward to it knocking out the pollen and with it the hay fever.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No sign of the predicted rain this morning but Arthur Itis, and the sun disappearing from earlier this morning but before that the mackerel sky also indicated rain to come. I hate to worry you but that could be a kidney stone. The pain feels like a punch whereas Si Attica is more like being stabbed. I have both and at first thought the kidney stone was sciatica. Arthur Itis pain falls somewhere between the two. Just as well you are going to be tested
  9. That is the long way round.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just spent an interesting couple of hours with a Zoom talk on the Gainsborough Model Railway, quite interesting. Temperature is still in the twenties and getting sticky with it. At a guess I think the satnav would have sent you via Woodham Ferrers or failing that possibly South Hanningfield?
  11. Your wish is my command:- https://www.facebook.com/rollindrones/videos/4176986835646504
  12. True, and a lot of that went into creating the NHS.
  13. Hello again from Estuary-Land. The personal plumbing seems to be getting back to normal though the extra water drunk has to go somewhere so I'm getting plenty of exercise running up the stairs to the loo. Time to get dinner ready, early as there's another Zoom meeting tonight.
  14. I wonder how clean the engine compartment was?
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. It's 26 degrees C here at the moment so who wants to go abroad? Especially as Portugal has just been removed from the green list. Looks as if some more of the kidney stone is making its exit so drinking a lot of water to help it on its way. Will be getting in touch with the surgery shortly to have things checked out, I'm expecting a call from them to arrange a sound scan to check that nothings stuck in the pipework. Heavy showers predicted for later tonight and tomorrow and probably thundery with it, should cool things down a bit.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up before five this morning and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and watched the breakfast TV. I finished the book I was reading last night, I have had the paperback for a good five years thinking that I had read it.
  17. Aren't they for Werewolves?
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I'm not feeling unwell in any way shape or form but I am not feeling very hungry. The meal tonight was a cheese salad with a couple of slices of wholemeal bread with some raspberries for desert. Instead of spending the evening on the computer I've found a novel that I can't put down, so thats the next couple of hours spoken for. Will be back later.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Finally finished putting the laundry away, worst job IMHO is folding sheets, easy job when there is two of you but not so easy solo. I usually do them on the bed which helps stop them from dragging on the floor. Examination of my linen cupboard reveals a number of towels and items of bed linen that hasn't been used for years, a load for the charity shop I reckon. Tea has brewed, be back later.
  20. We have the sharpened wooden stake and mallet prepared, with the garlic and crucifix as back up.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a good night last night, the hot weather set the eczema on fire, well thats what it felt like. Aqueous cream was plastered on but only cooled it a little and then Si Attica joined the party. Anniversary congratulations to Beth and Jamie and to anyone else with a celebration today. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
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