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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Slightly disappointed in that an item that runs on two parallel strips of metal on Ebay and I was the highest bidder suddenly went berserk in the last ten minutes and went to far much more than I was prepared to pay. Another disappointment, I had the two bonus numbers, 02 and 04 but only one of the other numbers so I might have a couple of quid to come.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I must admit that when I last looked at Anchor/Hanover it was just the Hanover Trust and a vastly different scheme. Done nothing more than an eyelid inspection this afternoon but tea has brewed so its be back later.
  3. Instead of purchasing another property have you thought of giving these a try. https://www.anchorhanover.org.uk/
  4. It seems that the RMweb server is playing up again with duplicate posts and uncleared editors.
  5. Yes I have found it but I was beaten to posting it by JohnDMJ. Do not worry about presentation, believe me I've seen a lot worse, even live presentations. I hope its OK to post it on my society webpage, I suspect that some of our members who are also members of the EM gauge society may have been present anyway. I look forward to viewing it fully later.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. You may recall I mentioned the scrotes on motorbikes plaguing the estate a few months ago. Well they or some other scrotes came back a few weeks ago. Yesterday morning I spotted them and notified the police but before the police could intercede there was an accident. The scrote had come out of a side turning and collided with a car. The scrote wasn't seriously hurt but he was thrown from the bike and wearing just T shirt and shorts the gravel rash was quite severe.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Tea has brewed and about to partake of supper. The supper is a portion of one of Tess Coes 'finest' pork pies with a few pickles.
  8. It wasn't to fight alongside the French that Britain entered the Great War. It was to defend Belgium which Britain had agreed to by treaty. In fact if one French soldier had set foot on Belgian territory he would have found himself facing British soldiers. It wasn't until later in the war that French soldiers were on any Belgian territory and then only under special circumstances. If Britain had stayed out of the war it probably have developed as you described but other factors would make it a very different society. The development of our democracy for one thing. One result of the war was female emancipation. Would this have happened in 1919? probably not (though it was bound to come but may have taken longer). There was also technical developments such as aircraft that were forced forward by war. War is also one way of keeping the human race in check. If all those young men hadn't died and carried on to produce offspring what would the world population be now?
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Dinner tonight was sausage toad, delicious. Time seems to be disappearing today so I've got to do a bit of catching up on RMweb.
  10. You have SWMBO for that.
  11. Imagine him driving a tank!
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was in full voice early (4 am) this morning but getting up and moving about soon quietened him down so I went back to sleep for a couple more hours. Any possibility of a link? Time to run a bath, be back later.
  13. We have Muntjac deer that were originally imported from India. Although they are only about the size of a large dog they can cause a lot of damage if hit by a car.
  14. I've used rock salt to get rid of Japanese knotweed. I'd cut it down to about six inches and poured the rock salt into the hollow stems. I burnt the stems I cut making sure that it all was burnt. It didn't come back and I left the ground untouched for a year, some weeds did spring up but were quickly removed and the following year I could plant some shrubs without any problems.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The mugginess has gone so it looks as if its going to be a comfortable night. Time for a sandwich and a muggatee or two first. Be back later.
  16. You said you are going to see your GP so ask him about it. They can detect stones with a sound scan so there's no intrusive checks, the only problem will be if the operator has cold hands. Blood tests can also show up any problems.
  17. Not anywhere near as painful as a kidney stone departing. My ex SiL had a kidney stone and she said it was more painful than giving birth, and she's had two children. If a stone gets stuck it can be even worse, my brother had a stone jammed halfway and it destroyed one kidney and damaged the other that it eventually failed. He's now on dialysis for the rest of his life.
  18. Rain has stopped, started again then stopped again. Its now getting a bit muggy, will be sleeping on top of the bedclothes tonight.
  19. If mirrors are replaced by cameras would the video screens show a mirror image? Its sometimes feels strange when on Zoom looking at my image unaltered and the image moves in the opposite way to what I expected. On Zoom there is a 'mirror image' option so hopefully this will be available on any vehicle based system (preferably as the default).
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