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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Its just been announced that the easing of lockdown has been put off until the 19th. of July.
  2. It depends as much on which direction its coming from. Yesterday the breeze was from the south west, today its more westerly.
  3. But watch out for the stampeding hippos and bears.
  4. In some far eastern countries they have concrete balls hanging over the tracks to deter roof riders.
  5. Forgot to mention that the hay fever hasn't been as bad as I expected. There's not even the slightest breeze to carry the pollen in from elsewhere, that might have something to do with it.
  6. The (waxed) paper straws used to come in a paper tube sealed at both ends and you just tore off the end.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped down to Tess Coes today for supplies for the weekend only to find that my intended Saturday dinner* is no longer to be available. In its place was a 'Fantastic new range' which to my eye didn't look particularly fantastic with nothing even resembling what I was looking for. I did see some items from the new range on the reduced shelf so I purchased one to give it a try. *Tandori chicken.
  8. Thanks for that advice, I haven't been able to do anything much in the garden this year due to hay fever. The grass is getting very long.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was going hammer and tongs this morning, a brace of nurofen has been deployed. Grey and overcast at the moment but should clear up later but pollen count is still sky high. I have to go out on the fodder run but the pollen filters on the car are working well but the facemasks don't make a lot of difference. Time for breakfast, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A very good Zoom presentation tonight on progress on the F5 replica. Spoilt only a little as the presenter had difficulties with the sound, breaking up and disappearing altogether. But not too much of a problem as the talk was very well illustrated. After the break one of our techies suggested he delivered his talk through a mobile phone and that seemed to work.
  11. The Consul is the earlier 'hi-line' model.
  12. Dave should be able to answer most of them.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A busy evening ahead on Zoom. Firstly a committee meeting followed by a talk on the progress of the F5 locomotive. Hopefully the hay fever will have abated, its been really bad this afternoon. Must get on with an early dinner as I won't have time later.
  14. Hello again from Estuary-Land. I forgot all about the eclipse of the sun today, I did notice it get a bit dull a short time ago now its hazy sunshine. Pollen is well up so I'm staying indoors, even there I get the blocked up nose and itchy eyes.
  15. The Metropolitan Bo-Bo's and Southern EMU's had rounded cabs which would have given a small amount of streamlining. The GWR railcar styling was more down to the manufacturer initially but then wartime exigencies resulted in the Kryton appearance of the later ones.
  16. They're only worth what people are willing to pay for them. Dozens of items that keep being offered at highly inflated prices on E-bay when the vendor hasn't realised that the high price is discouraging buyers.
  17. Probably bought them at knock down prices when Modelzone closed.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit overcast this morning, but its still warm, not less than 14 degrees outside. Not that I will be going out much today with the pollen levels sky high. If I want to watch the partial solar eclipse I'll watch it on the net, a lot safer as well. Bin day today, just as well they're usually early as in this heat the bags will start to pong.
  19. Just as well there was nothing hot for the oil to spill onto. https://www.facebook.com/BWrecruitment/videos/362519655590053 The driver was unhurt.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dinner tonight was pork pie and salad. A bit low on the salad as Tess Coes were almost sold out except for tomatoes. Now time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  21. The cuckoo is in decline because of its own success. They tend to use the nests of birds that predominate in some areas but their actions can reduce the populations of those birds dramatically meaning fewer nests in which they can lay their eggs. You should remember that the cuckoo is a parasite and if its host declines so do they.
  22. Well at least the professional drivers know what the lights mean.
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