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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Fist and mog first thing this morning but has now been burnt off. Arthur Itis was having a go this morning suitable anti-inflammatories have been deployed. Not much else to report, be back later.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Its persisting down at the moment with hail in the mix as well. No thunder or lightening, yet. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  3. I know of someone who accidently hit a car parked on a double yellow line. He reported it to his insurers and the other driver tried to make a claim but it was turned down because the car was illegally parked. Apparently this is in case law that though the driver who hit the car is deemed at fault it was deemed by the insurers that the accident wouldn't have happened if the car wasn't illegally parked.
  4. I have in my stash a couple of EKO Jeep Waggoners which though described as HO scale are in fact 00 scale. It was one of these that was used as the prototype of the Hi-Rail road/rail system, as depicted by the Oxford road/rail Land Rovers. I intend to fit one out with the Oxford rail wheels.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The tales of (house) plumbing problems reminded me. Not long after I moved in to my cottage at Burnham it became obvious that the ballcock needed replacing. It was an entirely plastic fitting and in the end the only way to remove it was to use a hacksaw to cut through the plastic pipe. once it was removed the reason why it couldn't be unscrewed became obvious, whoever had installed it had used plumbers tape on the plastic fittings and virtually welded them together, I replaced the whole lot with metal fittings. This was typical of the previous owner. When he had vacated the house I noticed that he had replaced all the bulbs with 40W ones and he'd taken the garden shed with him (It was in the property description). I contacted my solicitor who in turn contacted his solicitor. As it turned out he had taken the shed down and used parts of it to build a new shed at his new house. I ordered a new shed and sent him the bill with a letter from my solicitor. He contacted his solicitor who told him to pay up, which he did after huffing and puffing. Best of all the old shed was past its prime and he had intended to put it in his new property only to find that some of it was rotten, hence the use of only parts of it.
  6. Hello again from Estuary-Land. The lack of internet this morning I thought was something to do with the hub. That would explain the TV going into scan mode when switched on. Everything seems to be OK now so hopefully its dealt with the problem.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I know its 3.5 hours late only that when I switched my computer on this morning Virgin Media switched their bit of the internet off and it's only come back on an hour ago. I was slow getting up this morning as I got the full house. Arthur Itis, Si Attica and the eczema on fire. Nurofen was deployed and ointments applied to the eczema and all is calm for the moment.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Since the extended eye lid inspection this afternoon everything seems to be running late. Only just about to start on Farcebook so will probably be up late.
  9. And giving him time to hide the cake.
  10. It possibly could have been moved and placed elsewhere but that would have probably involved moving it by sea on a barge which would cost a couple of million.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. This afternoons eye-lid inspection turned into a marathon and I didn't resurface until after six. Feels a bit muggy at the moment and still 19 degrees outside. News just in Ibiza, Malta and the Caribbean are now on the green list, I've visited Malta three times and would like to go back there again but the Spring or Autumn is the best time as the summer is too hot for me. I have been to Barbados for a holiday many years ago before it was too expensive. I was looking for somewhere to go but I didn't fancy any of the usual destinations around the Med and then I found it at the back of the holiday brochure. At the time it only cost about £40 more than the equivalent holiday in the Med so I went for it. I went late in the year, October and the first couple of days in November and chanced on the best time to visit the island. The 'wet' season starts in April and finishes in September and the most expensive time is from late November to the start of the wet season.
  12. Eagle would make a great little model, the motor could be hidden in the passenger section.
  13. I don't have any of them either. Perhaps I'm smarter than I think.
  14. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Great to hear from Kelly despite its not being all good. My mobility has been in slow decline for some years now but visiting exhibitions and swap meets etc. seemed to slow the decline somewhat. To get about at such events I use a walker that is fitted with a seat, very useful if I want to take a rest. It folds up and easily fits in my (very small) car. The only thing is it sometimes ends up being used as a shopping trolley festooned with shopping. It does give me some exercise, or did when the exhibitions were running but now I only get exercise walking around Tess Coes.
  15. Why do many Italian sports/racing cars have right hand drive?
  16. It had been moved before, thats why it was on the pad. The disturbance to the SSSI was also a factor as was no doubt the cost which was down to the owner.
  17. I don't have a smartphone, I don't want anything smarter than myself.
  18. It's 1849, very few locomotives had any sort of protection for the footplatemen. As an aside it would be easier for them to 'bail out' in the case of an accident.
  19. Sorry, nearly forgot. Great to see GDB back.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny first thing this morning but clouding over now, pollen count is predicted to be high but I'm not noticing anything yet. Re Terry Wogan's modelling career. It was very brief during his impoverished student days, advertising knitwear. Yes that is Terry Wogan, I can understand why he kept it quiet.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The TV is behaving itself but lets see if it continues to do so as the weather warms up. The chap on the left looks like Terry Wogan. And he was a male model before he became a DJ.
  22. Thats nothing.... https://metro.co.uk/2013/01/16/woman-accidentally-posts-naked-photo-of-herself-on-ebay-3354542/
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