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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. A couple of evenings ago I heard a noise coming from the patio. When I investigated it turned out to be a young fox making the most of the snails and slugs bought out by the rain. I stood stock still watching him/her for several minutes until I moved and it was off like a shot.
  2. I found this clip that might be the one that Dave mentioned.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Bread pudding has been consumed so no cakes or biscuits until Monday, now on second muggatee. Delivered the wrongly delivered parcel a short while ago, no one was in but the porch door was open so I left it in the porch out of sight. Arthur Itis had been kicking up a bit but the Nurofen has been deployed and all is quiet. Now to tackle Farcebook, be back later.
  4. I can imagine the scrotes discussing the stolen horn button. "Well it was working when I took it off the car."
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. While I was in the bath this morning the postie called with a parcel so I asked her to put it in my hidey hole. When I came down to retrieve it I realised it was for someone a couple of streets away (but the same number) so later I will deliver it to the correct address. Puppers, thanks for reminding me that I still have half of the bread pudding in the cupboard, now reduced to a quarter that will be consumed with this evenings muggatee (if it lasts that long). My mum made the best bread pudding when I was younger, my siblings had both got married and setting up their own homes by the mid 70's so I often had a tray of bread pudding to myself, unless my dad got in first.
  6. I've found another You Tube film where they may have used bits from the original. Mostly about those in the dark blue uniforms but the RAF bit starts about 8:00.
  7. Just wait and someone will offer a car fitted with those as standard. In fact some motorhomes are already available with such fittings. Not the only inadequacy they want to hide. Before GM bought them out in the late 20's they were a serious competitor to the likes of Bentley.
  8. Just had a Farcebook friends request from a young lady with a photograph of a voluptuous young lady with oriental features. As usual I deleted such requests and blocked the sender but before doing so I noticed it was from a male.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Good to hear that @chrisf's scan went well and he hasn't irradiated half of Milton Keynes. Bin day today with the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon in full voice to start the dawn chorus. Arthur Itis was everywhere this morning but made himself scarce once I started moving around. I forgot to mention that Tess Coes had a batch of bread pudding in yesterday so I snaffled one, I did contemplate grabbing two but that would have put my BG into orbit. Me and bread pudding are like @polybear and LDC. When it comes to looking medical matters up on Google the only time I've done that was to check the side effects of some prescribed medicines. Some of my medical problems are down to drugs used to treat something else and if I had known of the side effects I would have asked if there was an alternative. Bearing in mind that most if not all drugs have side effects which could be worse with any alternatives.
  10. Put yours on E-bay and you should make a mint. Hat on, coat on and gone.......................
  11. Looking at his other model railway items they're all listed twice.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just looked at the clock and its 9.21, where did the time go? Alcohol is a common additive to petrol, 5% at present in the UK but going up to 10% over the next few years. Quite a few beers are about 5% AVB.
  13. To you and me they might be tins of old paint but to a collector they're worth their weight in gold.
  14. Comparing the couplings on my locomotive with a Dapol wagon they appear identical. Neither of them have a NEM pocket but the coupling is held in place by a plastic pin on which they have limited side to side movement. I intend to fit Kaydee's to mine so the lack of a NEM pocket could be a problem. Are NEM pockets to fit on stock not so equipped available?
  15. It appears to be a special machinery and plant carrier. It is obviously over the legal width of 2.5 metres so if running unladen it should be adjusted to the legal width.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The Radio Times is still a work of fiction even when there's no football then I remembered its Wimbledon fortnight. Great to hear that Robert has the 'all clear' and hoping for some good news from Chris when he is no longer radio active. Arthur Itis was active this afternoon so more rain is probably on its way, time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  17. I have the instruction sheet in front of me but I don't think it will be very helpful. All it covers is lubrication and fitting DCC. I have a Dapol wagon and the coupling appears to be identical and held on by a plastic pin. Its not the motor that needs oiling, just the gears as shown on the instruction sheet. I don't have a scanner but if someone could scan the instruction sheet and post it here it would be very helpful.
  18. Forgot to mention, I heard a scuffling outside yesterday evening. It was a young fox on the patio snaffling up the slugs and snails bought out by the rain. I stood and watched it for several minutes but then I must have made a noise because he/she looked up for a minute or two then shot off into the shrubbery.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to Chris and I hope they don't find anything nasty. Robert, I hope your results turn out OK. Joints were stiff again this morning but now I'm moving about the stiffness has disappeared. Time to get breakfast, be back later.
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