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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. If they are on Kato chassis they might be well worth the asking price.
  2. There was a GE switcher that was operated by Esso at Fawley that was preserved. What happened to that?
  3. Scratchbuilt? I daren't ask what he was scratching when he built those.
  4. But tracked vehicles have a lower ground pressure so the weight is spread.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Someone must have told Tess Coes that its my birthday. I went into the bakery to see a table piled high with BREAD PUDDING! Of course I had to get some, forget the vanilla cheese cake.
  6. And might secretly be a member of the same coven.
  7. I used to use a water filter/softener until I found out that they add sodium to the water. Sodium is the element in salt that raises blood pressure. It made little difference in other ways too, the kettle still furred up as it did before I started using the water filter. In the case of the kettle furring up I use a descaler called Oust. Easy to use and perfectly safe as it is based on formic acid. My paternal grandmother in the early 70's lived in Northumberland Heath, not far from the boring borough. The water was so hard there that an electric kettle would only last a few months. All that was available was a solid chemical shaped like a shell that you put in the kettle and was supposed to absorb the limescale but that was rather ineffective.
  8. I don't see why not. If they are hopefully they will put on sale the motorised chassis for those who want to motorise existing models.
  9. That is why the LT&S, Great Eastern and Metropolitan railways and many others used tank engines.
  10. There is a footbridge in use that once was an RAF 'Queen Mary' aircraft transport trailer. All that was done was to remove the wheels, ramp and gooseneck and drop it into place.
  11. How they deal with runaway trucks in Colorado:-
  12. I for one intend to visit a few shows when they are up and running. With that in mind I have ordered some surgical standard masks and will be wearing them. I will check carefully the precautions taken by show organisers before deciding to attend that show.
  13. Engineering companies have often used Bailey bridges where a temporary bridge was required such as raising overbridges to accommodate OHLE. I'm not sure as to whether or not they still use it or whether they will sell any.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but a bit cloudy this morning, showers are predicted but we might escape them. Not a lot doing today, I have to go to Tess Coes for the fodder run so I might treat myself to a vanilla cheesecake to celebrate my birthday. Now time for breakfast, be back later.
  15. Airfix made two girder bridges in 00 scale neither of which is a Bailey bridge. One was the railway bridge now made by Dapol and the other was a pontoon bridge intended for wargamers.
  16. Just checked it out on Google Earth, the tracks are still in situ.
  17. Depends on how many and what numbers come after it.
  18. I nicked this from another thread.
  19. I'm borrowing that and posting it on another thread. (If thats OK).
  20. Also using old tender frames were the special brake vans used in Folkestone.
  21. Corrected. Mind you solid tyred vehicles were limited by law to 12mph but most lorry's (and many cars) of the period had rear wheel brakes only.
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