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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The question is. Is it meant to offend? If it isn't then why bother?
  2. Wot, and no LDC splashback?
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has started making his noises again so Nurofen will be deployed. Now to put the kettle on and after a muggatee or two time to tackle Farcebook.
  4. Not a great idea if the fire is close to the alarm.
  5. Red is also notorious for fading so the red painted ends might not be so obvious after a few years of weathering.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Another do nothing day, only a trip to Tess Coes to get in supplies for the weekend. When I got home a couple of neighbours were cutting their grass and that set the hay fever off big time. With the floods in Germany I hope Dom and his family are OK, though Leipzig it appears is just getting a soaking.
  7. The current 'correct' term is black as I understand it. Of course it might change next week and again the week after. I was criticised once for using the word 'coloured', by someone who was always saying how much he hated c***s and n*****s.
  8. Checked with Dart charge, they owed me £11.20 on my old account. As my card number had changed they couldn't send it back to my account, neither could they transfer it to my new Dart charge account so the only way they could pay it back was by cheque.
  9. I have a couple of old credit card bills for long cancelled and paid off cards. I also have an open bank account that I very rarely use that holds the grand sum of 42p.
  10. I had a telephone message some months ago telling that there was a problem with my bank card. It was an automated call with the female speaker with an Indian accent and requesting me to press button 1. I thought straight away it was a fake call. A couple of days later I found that I couldn't swipe my card, when I checked up with my bank a payment request had flagged up as a bit iffy and that they wanted to confirm that it was OK (it wasn't). It turned out that the call I had received was genuine.
  11. I too will carry on wearing a face mask although its not compulsory. I intend to visit a few events over the next couple of months but only those that insist on masks being worn.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Warming up nicely but still plenty of cloud being blown in by a brisk NE breeze, if that wasn't there it would be el scorchio. The high pressure system will move eastwards by Sunday so no wind and no clouds so it will be hot! That though is better than what is happening across the North Sea. The low pressure system with all its rain that caused the flooding in west London is now pushed up against the Eiffel mountains and there its stuck but it looks as if the high pressure system will squeeze it out like a zit over the coming days. The death toll in Germany is not far short of 100 but with 1,300 people unaccounted for its bound to rise. Time to get on with the rest of the day, be back later.
  13. The car was driven through the barriers, a train had just left the station but the barriers had not raised.
  14. He has a very limited supply and I don't think that he is an official importer. His prices are not unreasonable, comparable to the prices of the Hong Kong traders.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been a bit of a grey day but no rain, its the extreme edge of the system thats dumping all that water on Germany (and Holland, Belgium and parts of France) at the moment. At least Arthur Itis has kept quiet and El Scorchio is predicted for the weekend so I'll be keeping a watch on the pollen count. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  16. Stolen car, police officers hurt trying to stop him. Hope he gets caught.
  17. The wheels are of a hard rubber or plastic.
  18. You must be in contention as our oldest member.
  19. Not at present AFAIK. Not all of the D78 stock conversions have been completed yet and not all of them will be converted. One or two vehicles may be swapped for another for various reasons and only when the order has been completed will which cars were converted become established.
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