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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I have seen cars with spacesaver wheels being driven at far higher speeds than the recommended 50 MPH. What is more I know of a few cars that have been driven around on such wheels for several months. When I had a flat tyre I got it replaced as soon as I could (within 48 hours) and used the car as little as possible in the meantime.
  2. And I thought I had trouble finding size 12's.
  3. And a few other mods as well. Extractor vents, rear screen wash-wipe and possibly new front lights.
  4. I once had a Reliant Kitten van, about as light as you can get, just over half a ton in weight about two thirds that of a minivan.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. It just said Newcastle on the tracker. Anyway the box arrived at half past three and I've been unpacking it. It contained a selection of diecasts and I've been sorting them into keepers, those suitable for modification. Those to passed on and a couple for the charity shop. In all not a bad haul for the price. Favourite has to be a fire engine in Essex fire brigade markings with Burnham- on-Crouch marked on it depicting one that was stationed there when I lived there.
  6. The parcel I'm expecting is coming from Swansea sent via FedEx. I just checked the status of the parcel and found that it left the depot at Chelmsford at just after eleven this morning. According to the tracking it went from Swansea to Newcastle and then to Chelmsford!
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Stuck indoors waiting for a parcel, its 'out for delivery' at the moment so when it will arrive is anybody's guess. At least its not with UPS which is absolutely dire.
  8. I live under the flightpath of the air ambulance to the local hospital (about quarter of a mile away) and it comes in a few times each month quite low and loud. When I lived at Burnham on Crouch I was under the flight path to Southend airport and sometimes they were low enough for the airline names to be read. However they were not that noisy.
  9. Before I retired I used to do a high mileage which meant two new tyres every year. With front wheel drive I had the part worn front tyres put on the back and the new tyres on the front. I had one puncture, on a rear tyre not long before I was due to renew the tyres so the best of the three tyres went in as the spare and the other two were replaced as above. No doubt the tyres that were removed were sold on as used but I have always been particular about the tyres on my cars.
  10. I was wondering about the small wheels, unusual for coaching stock.
  11. Those diorama bases are thrown out by many modellers. I have several sections of the 'road' that comes with the German 8 wheel armoured car. trimmed and joined together* and the 'shell hole' filled in they can make a reasonable length of road for the layout. *Alternated with each piece the opposite way to its neighbour.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. @chrisf's remarks about Dudley More bought to mind another great comedian who was a dab hand on the piano and who is no longer with us, Les Dawson. It took an expert pianist to deliberately play badly and a comedy genius to get an audience to go along with the joke knowing full well whats coming next. I avoid Amazon as much as possible and if President Biden has his way the multinationals are going to find it difficult because Biden's cabinet is stuffed with those opposed to multinationals*. *From the New York Times morning briefing https://www.nytimes.com/series/europe-morning-briefing
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Looks like its going to be a hot and sticky night. The toy fair today was quite well attended and speaking to some of the traders they were quite happy. However the really big local toy fair at Brentwood is no more. The company that ran the Brentwood Centre where it was held went bust and the centre is closed for the foreseeable future.
  14. Back in the late 60's a friend of mine had an A40 Sport. The hood was so rotten it wasn't worth putting it up. Biggest problem was washing the dead insects out of one's hair.
  15. Hello again from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has been in full voice this afternoon, sure sign that there is dampness around. I did hear the patter of rain earlier during eye-lid inspection but there can't be much of it as the road beneath the trees opposite my house was bone dry, just enough to set A.I. off.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Quite enjoyable visit to the toy fair. Bought a few bits and pieces though one or two traders were conspicuous by their absence. Feet are sore and a bit of eye lid inspection is called for so its be back later.
  17. About fifty years ago I knew a few retired prison officers. One of them had been stationed in a young offenders unit in the late 50's. They had a group of teddy boys in for various offences and their leader was a stroppy so-and-so. This led to a sit down by the inmates led by the stroppy one. My friend asked the senior officer what could be done. He told him watch what I do. He then went to the cell of the troublemaker, pulled back the bedclothes and peed on the bed. He then collected the urine stained sheets. He took them to where the inmates were, held them up and said "You've wet your bed again ******." There was never any trouble from that quarter again.
  18. Morning ll from Estuary-Land. I hope to make it to the toy fair shortly. I don't know what it will be like, will the punters crowd in or stay away and how many traders are still in business? I'm starting to sort out my models now. Some will be re-distributed among friends and family and some will be sold (and the money raised spent on more models?). The list of ingredients puts me off as its more sugar than anything else.
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