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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. A few model truck enthusiasts are buying these to put on the Oxford 'trombone' low loader.
  2. Last month I received a letter from my bank telling me that I hadn't taken £20 from an ATM that I'd used. I could not recall leaving the cash behind, especially as according to the letter this was back in June 2008! However they did credit my account with the £20 + £5 'for the inconvenience.
  3. I still wonder whatever possessed the mother of a former colleague surnamed Head to christen him Richard.
  4. All this talk about coaches reminds me of when back in the 60's I used to travel by coach to my grandparents at St. Leonards. IIRC Sevenoaks was a notorious pinch point the drivers however managed to avoid the hold up by using some back streets and the private yard of a factory that had two entrances. This went on for a couple of years until the factory owners fed up with coaches and other vehicles using their yard shut and bolted the gates. As there was not enough room to turn in the side streets this caused an even worse traffic problems with at least four coaches and a dozen other vehicles trying to back out of these side turnings.
  5. How did you manage to keep a straight face?
  6. You mean the Richard Montgomery? Yes its still there, if it blows it will wipe out Sheerness, now where did I put that detonator?
  7. I thought photosynthesis is what green plants do with sunlight.
  8. They had protests when they visited the USA IIRC.
  9. I was thinking that that may have been put there by the sea?
  10. I had an early mini, 8763 MT. The previous owner had fitted a new clutch, the problem was he had omitted to replace the lock washer to the flywheel. It was not long before the flywheel parted company with the transmission and destroying the bell housing in the process. For those not familiar with minis the clutch was fitted between the engine and the flywheel, this was to enable the drive to be taken down to the gearbox in the sump. The car was eventually passed to the local technical college for the trainee motor mechanics to practice on.
  11. I used to live in Burnham-on-Crouch, great place but 'out on a limb', my first winter down there the town was cut off by snow for a week. Someone I know is looking for their entire beach hut.
  12. If the 9F's were retained until the end of their working lives perhaps the following could have occurred. For such a small number of steam locomotives the retention and maintenance of water columns would be uneconomic so therefore to increase water capacity two bogie tenders would be provided based on the frames of the Diesel brake tenders but fitted with a water tank, the tenders would be one each fore and aft. The tenders would also have a driving cab at the outer ends to eliminate signal sighting problems. The locomotives themselves would be converted to oil burning, the fuel oil to be carried in a tank in the space between the frames and the boiler (belly tank?), to be enclosed in a casing similar to the spam cans. With the oil fuel the controls for which can be fitted on the footplate or in the cab or both with the possibility of one man operation.
  13. I think Hornby have been caught by surprise at the popularity of this locomotive.
  14. Kept awake last night by the 'clattering' of the tiles on the roof. When I had some of the timbers and the felt replaced last year the roofer told me that the wind can get under the type of tiles on my house and this what was causing the clattering. A quick look with the binoculars this morning showed everything to be OK.
  15. I hope everything is still OK after this mornings weather.
  16. Heard a good Valentines day story this morning. A guy forgot it was Valentines day and only just remembered as his wife was going out to the supermarket, so he gave her £5 and told her to get herself some flowers. Half an hour later he gets a call from his wife "Thank you for the flowers, they came to a bit more than the £5 you gave me so I had to put your beer back on the shelf."
  17. Are the people able to access their houses now?
  18. There is a bit of confusion over the decision of all political parties not to allow an independent Scotland to carry on using the pound. In fact when lunch was ordered they all requested stuffed salmon.
  19. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1330832063118
  20. Police stop a Romanian registered Transit van on a motorway, the policeman goes up to the driver and says "Your only allowed 70 in this country." The driver turns round and calls into the back of the van "Three of you will have to get off."
  21. Whilst the winds are in the current direction things will not be too bad (or at least no worse than the last few days). However this mornings forecast shows gale force winds from the SSE on Friday.
  22. One unmarked and in plain colours would be good.
  23. I took early retirement at the age of 59 and eight months and I wish I had done it earlier. What made up my mind was when my line manager walked out after an almighty row with one of the senior managers (who was in the wrong). Another tip, consider equity release if you require more funds, it depends on your personal circumstances but as I have no dependents I found it ideal when I needed funds urgently (both gas and water leaks needed urgent attention).
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