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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Just as well they've done away with hanging, drawing and quartering.
  2. My thermometer says 22C as well.
  3. Minichamps and Reitz produce 1/43 coaches but these are continental prototypes and left hand drive. However the more modern ones are used in the UK and could probably be modified.
  4. Our local bus stops have a digital sign saying when the next bus is due and how many minutes to wait. Surely something similar could be installed at level crossings so that drivers are aware that another train is approaching and how many minutes/seconds they have to wait? On the subject of half barrier crossings some could be made full barrier with say a two second delay on the 'exit' side to give time for anyone on the crossing to escape. If there is space available perhaps an 'escape road' could be installed where a vehicle could be driven off the crossing. This is a small piece of road rather like a driveway such as is installed on steep hills in case of a mechanical/brake failure.
  5. Sorry, yes indeed but Sheffield had some trams that were 'single ended' converted from normal trams, basically removing the stairs and entrance from one end.
  6. What about the two tone green as per Deltics and 47's and 25's?
  7. With full yellow ends? hat, coat, gone...........
  8. I think one or two other places had tram turning circles. Sheffield also had single ended trams that looked like a 1930's trolleybus.
  9. The Silverhill tram depot in Hastings is still in use as a bus depot.
  10. The trams were reversible and did not require a turning circle. The loop was installed for trolleybuses when they replaced the trams.
  11. There was a cave in at the mine so the emergency services asked Snow White to check if the dwarfs were still alive. She called out "Is anyone down there?", a voice called back "Manchester United are the best team.". So she told the rescuers that Dopey was alright.
  12. What about a Bo-Bo-Bo articulated version.
  13. This is our friend who produces 'scrap' rolling stock by attacking it with a soldering iron.
  14. I can't cut mine yet, about half of it gets no sun this time of year and its still a quagmire.
  15. Whilst driving on a couple of occasions recently I have had to brake sharply due to other drivers pulling out of side turnings without checking, usually getting a view of the back of the drivers head.
  16. I always understood that it was inadvisable to take tablets 'dry' if they were soluble in water, they're easier to take dissolved anyway. On the subject of tablets, did you know that if a snake eats Alka-Seltzer it will explode!
  17. I thought Intermodal had a biggish following but it appears even bigger than I thought.
  18. We had Corona delivered by a roundsman (just like the Co-op delivered milk). It only lasted for a few months, not enough customers.
  19. In a raffle once someone put in a condom (unused in its wrapper I might add). It was won by an 84-year-old.
  20. What about two HST power cars 'cut and shut' to make a double ended locomotive mounted on a pair of six wheeled bogies.
  21. Did that family get the insurance company sorted out?
  22. I can now leave pieces of 'raw' Slaters stone walling on my layout and say that it is prototypical.
  23. The only place that I can keep my layout is the garage. It is normally bone dry in the garage, in fact my biggest concern was dust, the garage being brick built with a concrete slab roof. This morning when I checked it I found water had penetrated the garage and dripped onto the layout, which was stored at least 2 feet away from the nearest wall which is shared with the adjoining garage. There was no sign of an entry point for the water and there was no evidence on the ceiling of the garage of water entry and the water was nowhere near the walls. I checked the roofs of the garages, mine was dry but the adjoining garages had standing water on them so I assume that was the source. Fortunately the water only fell on the underside of the layout and the extreme end and not too near any electrics, only a buffer stop and some plastic buildings were made damp.
  24. I witnessed something similar many years ago at a newly installed Panda crossing. On this occasion two 'boy racers' upon seeing the lights about to change tried to race the lights. As the first car flashed over the crossing someone done exactly the same thing with a bag. The first driver jammed on the brakes, the second driver only a few feet behind him couldn't miss.
  25. There is a waiting list, but it is rather long.
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