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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Whats the machine thats sitting on the platform? The one that looks as if it's escaped from Dr. Who.
  2. The answers simple, cut the metal wheel rig down the centre and insert a piece of plastic, re-gauged and insulated all in one go.
  3. Pointhouse depot of the Rothesay Tramways on the Isle of Bute is still in use as a bus depot.
  4. I've still got my teeth, well most of them anyway.
  5. Are they copies of another company's products? If you are producing a copy of the same prototype in the same scale of course they should be identical. The only way you can be sure that it is a copy is if an obvious error is replicated. A few years ago the Ordnance Survey suspected that Bartholemews were copying their maps, to prove their case they deliberately introduced minor errors which were duly copied and they promptly sued for breach of copyright.
  6. It would make a great subject for a boxfile layout.
  7. The one in the photograph (B.E.L. 1) was used because the tracks it was used on are only accessible via a wagon lift that was limited to about 12 tons.
  8. I had a friend, unfortunately now passed away who due to childhood polio lost the use of both arms. Despite his disability he was able to drive a specially adapted Mini which he steered with one foot!
  9. Only some new colours for the existing models.
  10. I have had 3 bumble bees in my house recently, two very much alive and one dead. The third one seemed to appear out of nowhere then I noticed a small hole in the ceiling where a cable used to run, perhaps they had overwintered there? The two live ones I was able to release hoping they will not succumb to the cold. I don't know what variety of bumble bee they were but they had little if any yellow markings and were about two inches long.
  11. Yes but what about the sea life which will be disturbed.
  12. One of the administrators 'Colin' on the District Dave forum has three buses restored and running. He has a link to his own website re. the buses.
  13. I passed my test on the third attempt, actually my fourth test as on one test the car broke down within minutes of leaving the test centre. No one was more surprised than me when I did pass my test as I'd thought I'd messed up in the first few minutes, that had probably made me relax for the rest of the test. One of my former line managers said that exactly the same happened to him when he passed his test.
  14. Have her checked out by a vet, there are some nasty things out there for dogs.
  15. After my complaining about there being none of this partwork available locally the local Asda's now has stacks of them.
  16. Some interesting stuff there. My favourite has to be the Bedford CA Dormobile Debonair http://www.travellerhomes.co.uk/?p=12987
  17. The Light Rail Transit Association has its own publishing department, perhaps they would be interested?
  18. I would have directed the minister to the meeting room upstairs and enjoyed the entertainment. It sounds as if the minister was well aware of the mice and their actions.
  19. There was an incident where a driver was waiting for the train to pass when she was rear ended by a drunk driver and her car was pushed under a freight car between the trucks and was dragged a few miles, fortunately she survived.
  20. None seem to be available now locally (between the M25 and Southend). I found one of the A4 at a local Sainsburys but that was all, I did ask if the had any of # 2 but no one seemed able to answer. The local W H Smiths claim to have some but not a sign of them on the shelves.
  21. Started at 99p, the eventual winner did not start bidding until the price reached £50!
  22. The Hastings Tramways depot at Bulverhythe still survives.
  23. Not a tram depot but Beresford Square in front of Woolwich Arsenal had tram tracks visible at least until the 80's. Then theres also the Kingsway tram tunnel.
  24. I hope the mods don't remove this as it appears to be 'pre-sanitised' (no deaths or serious injury's)>> Look out for the idiot who tried to drive his car across a foot crossing half the width of his car.
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