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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. They used to operate goods trains into Vine Street Depot at Farringdon. The depot could only handle about a dozen wagons and the trains were about 5 wagons max + brake van.
  2. I have seen a picture of the Mumbles one, it ended up as the chassis of a horse drawn coach replica used to mark the 150th anniversary of the tramway. There are no survivors AFAIK but the AEC locomotive preserved at Didcott was built using parts 'left over' from the AWD locos.
  3. Hopefully Captain Kernow and the rest of the orange army's efforts will be recognised in the next Gong-fest. It will make a pleasant change from all the luvvies and political hangers-on. Arise Sir Kernow, or maybe Lord Kernow?
  4. DS499 was built about 1929/30 by a company called FWD. The company was absorbed about that time by AEC, they used AEC petrol engines. The original locomotives were based on the American FWD lorry chassis of WW1 but by the late 20's were entirely British made. Quite a few locomotives were built for industrial use, the Mumbles Tramway had one fitted with an overhead servicing tower. Most featured a radiator and bonnet at each end, the extra radiator was to aid cooling when running in reverse and the bonnet hiding the fuel tank.
  5. Nice to see that the house that had lost its front porch is now secured.
  6. If you used your fingers instead of your fist it might work?
  7. I thought it was my computer but apparently not.
  8. Unless they're a Soviet Russian woman athlete.
  9. The Hatchet series is up to # 17.
  10. The waste from Crossrail is being used to turn Wallasea Island into a nature reserve. Wallasea Island for those who don't no where it is its opposite Burnham-on-Crouch Essex.
  11. I was already awake at 5 am, it was like switching on a recording.
  12. Depends upon whether its a male or female yak.
  13. Essex County Council in their wisdom have decreed that the streetlights are switched off from midnight to 5 am, as soon as they switched on so did the dawn chorus. At least the birds benefit from the change and don't go singing all night long.
  14. He's keeping that secret, hands off CK's pasties.
  15. Any vehicle found illegally using red diesel in the UK can be seized and crushed.
  16. Chemically identical to sheep urine.
  17. I too had an unpleasant experience with a dentist, that was 40 years ago and I have never been back to a dentist since. Despite that I have kept all my teeth except for a couple that had already been lost. The dentist injected the anesthetic into the wrong side of my mouth and then proceeding to drill through a nerve. That dentist was later struck off for claiming the costs of anesthetists when he was not qualified to administer anesthetics but not until after a patient had died in his chair. I have kept my teeth in good condition by regular cleaning (twice a day) and other maintenance.
  18. It depends on how porous the concrete is. Plain yogurt is even more effective
  19. Weekend engineering work is also going on the District line between Bromley-by-Bow and Aldgate East. I found out the hard way yesterday when I went to the Acton Town museum open day.
  20. Whatever the amount CK and crew appear to be on top of it. (NOT literally)
  21. Its life imprisonment, with a minimum of seven years before he can apply for parole. Unfortunately he will be kept apart from the other inmates.
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