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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Late breakfast today, toaster refused to work. Luckily I found a few rashers of bacon in the fridge and a couple of baps in the bread bin so its bacon butties for breakfast, yummy.
  2. Definitely a Jeffery Quad, FWD only had the front axle steer. A virtually complete Jeffery Quad was found in a French barn about eight years ago and reported in the vintage vehicle press at the time, I wonder if that could be the same one?
  3. A fellow member of my local model railway club retired from teaching a couple of years ago. When we attend local shows invariably some young (and not so young) people come to talk to him, all his ex pupils. There was even one young man who was operating on a layout that features strongly on RMweb!
  4. The WW1 truck is an American Jeffery Quad.
  5. In the film it looked as if he may have been wearing headphones.
  6. My brother like our late dad is left handed. My dad was forced at school to use his right hand which as a result he was ambidextrous. The junior school I attended also tried to force my brother to use his right hand, when my father found out he went ballistic, storming up to the headmasters office. That was the end of any attempts by the school to force left handed pupils to use their right hands. When it was my turn to go up to junior school the staff seemed relieved to discover that I was right handed.
  7. Had my haircut yesterday, went from scruffy Beatle to 'Bovver-boy' in 5 minutes flat.
  8. Still no age, I think you have to add your year of birth to your birth date.
  9. Just the thing for the daily commute.
  10. Funnily enough I can only remember my infant school teacher, a Miss Whitaker, but because of her I entered junior school able to read and write quite well.
  11. Things seem to bode well for the Deltic then? They seem to have settled down to a pattern, cr@p followed by a model to drool over.
  12. That is a different system to the friction drive which was very basic, namely two wheels at right angles to each other. It does however combine elements of both friction drive and the DAF belt drive. Most manufacturers have now based their automatic gearboxes on a development of the DAF system, the rubber belts being replaced by a flexible metal belt.
  13. When doing my family research I have obtained the military records for my father and his uncle (my great uncle). My father who joined the territorial army in 1938 aged 19 his height was given as 5' 8", when he left the army in 1946 he was 5' 11". My great uncle was 5' 6" when he signed up in 1904 and had gained 2 inches before he was medically discharged in Feb 1914.
  14. IIRC the weedkiller trains are not allowed to spray much beyond the rails. So Jock it looks like you will have to get the glyphosphate out.
  15. Known as friction drive, problem was that it only took a little wear to make them slip.
  16. Well it looked like a sparrowhawk and was no bigger if not smaller than a pigeon, I can't say whether or not it was bigger than the pigeon it killed as there was not enough left to tell.
  17. Back in the 70's when I lived in Romford (directly beneath the signal box) at the foot of the embankment but in my back garden I discovered a clump of Japanese Knotweed. I used a large bag of rock salt normally used for de-icing on it. It must have been effective as the knotweed disappeared and did not return.
  18. Systemic weedkiller, but keep it away from anything you want to keep. (And the fish pond!)
  19. If she's a shot putter you've got to have the balls for it.
  20. A few years ago I came down one morning to see a Sparrowhawk taking a pigeon breakfast on my patio. All that was left afterwards was the head, a few feathers and a spot of blood.
  21. Someone once made a 'double 20' using two Lima class 20 bodies to make a centre cab Co-Co, IIRC it was on a modified Deltic chassis..
  22. If I'm going somewhere that I am unfamiliar with I 'drive' the route on Google Streetscene. Even with my memory I have always found my destination.
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