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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I knew it had to have an ISBN number, but I still can't find it on my copy. I found mine on a second hand book stall for the grand sum of £3.50.
  2. The Romans used radio active cobalt as an ingredient in glass making as it produced an iridescent green colour, they then proceeded to serve food of of items made from such glass. One such item is displayed in a museum in a special case due to it being so dangerous.
  3. The one in Basildon Asda's has exactly the same problems. EDIT I just realised that as you live in the same area I could be talking about the same model.
  4. I have a book called 'London's Lost Riverscape' which has a photograph of Cottons Wharf taken in 1937. The PLA sent a photographer to photograph the Thames riverside (both sides) from London Bridge to Greenwich, taking photographs from the opposite bank, each photograph connecting with the next to form a montage. These were published in the above mentioned book. If you can find a copy its well worth studying. There is no sign of an ISBN number, only the reference CN1481, the book was published in 1988 by Guild Publishing, authors Chris Elmers and Alex Werner.
  5. Don't forget one of the Albion or Leyland Cub service lorries, they were often seen changing the carbon inserts 'en route'.
  6. Add those who can't move over to the right when turning right.
  7. Some old car accidents >> http://www.vintag.es/2013/06/old-pictures-of-car-accidents-in-london.html
  8. Some cars were trapped when the LOR Dingle station tunnel collapsed a few years ago. The station had become a car repair workshop.
  9. Only the first London Trolleybuses were fitted with trolley wheels, from about 1935 they went over to carbon inserts which was imperative once war started as they were less likely to produce flashes in the blackout.
  10. I could make out a Cortina Mk II estate, a minivan and an HB Viva. Regrettably they are probably too far gone to be worth recovering, the Viva has probably been under water for years. This looks like part of the same mine complex >> http://www.corrismineexplorers.co.uk
  11. He must have one hell of an Oedipus complex.
  12. Talking of contrails, when I went to North Weald on Sunday I noticed a large number of contrails over the site, no doubt due to the proximity of Stanstead.
  13. He got stuck in WHAT? http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/06/22/student-trapped-stone-vagina_n_5519718.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
  14. Another sure indicator of heart disease is a dark ring around the iris. A case in point was the late Bob Crow.
  15. We really do need a 'groan' button.
  16. Went into the kitchen this afternoon to find a lot of flying ants near the back door. I do recall being told that WD40 squirted into the nest will get rid of them for good, can anyone confirm that?
  17. Just returned from North Weald a couple of hours ago having acquired more books which means more bookcases. An added bonus was a Spitfire doing bumps and circuits from the airfield as well as Jet Provost visiting.
  18. Morning all, off in a short while to the North Weald bus rally, if I have time I will take a ride on the EOR.
  19. The locomotives were all built to a similar design but each manufacturers product had identifiable differences, the curvature of the top corners of the side panels and vents and access panels for instance and the length of the bonnets. The Avonside locomotives are an exact match to the photographs.
  20. An excellent site, ideal for anyone modelling wartime military railways in North Africa. Also I noticed the same or very similar passenger stock was used to transport troops in both world wars, the six wheel stock with horizontal matchboard sides and unglazed windows, there are interior shots as well.
  21. Another one is 'He has two brain cells but their not talking to each other', such as this idiot. http://www.cdllife.com/2014/video/video-mans-big-mouth-gets-big-trouble
  22. They were built by Avonside (wks no. 1703-14) built in 1915.
  23. The London Borough I worked for had an HR department for every different department of the council, and sometimes more than one. This was more a case of jobs for the boys (and girls). The incident I referred to a few days ago was a case in point, the new HR person 'parachuted' people into management jobs within the HR department that they were clearly incapable of doing. One of these people became the line manager of the girl whose sickness record they tried to victimise her with. The real reason was that the line manager, who was one of those parachuted in didn't have a clue about what to do. As it turned out the woman was a friend of the HR manager, one of several she had placed in her department instead of those who knew the job. I was aware of the situation with regard to the HR managers cronies and at the members interview I slapped in a grievance for victimization. The HR manager came up to me afterwards and tried promising me that if I would drop the grievance it wouldn't happen again and the whole incident would be forgotten but by this time I had the bit between my teeth and revealed that I knew what she was up to. I didn't have to take the matter any further as both managers quit.
  24. You are talking about the Haswega 'Leopold' gun. There are quite a few on e-bay at the moment, a couple at less than £20. There was/is a conversion kit to enable it to run on 16.5 mm track available from Matador models.
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