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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I've bitten the bullet and ordered the steam tram from e-bay. Delivery quoted as week from 4 Aug. I will keep you posted.
  2. Hoping to visit the Gravesend exhibition this Saturday. Intend to use the Tilbury-Gravesend ferry. £3.00 return fare on the ferry as opposed to £2.00 each way on the Dartford crossing, no brainer really as it will less than half the mileage as well. The exhibition in the old town hall is only a short walk from the pier.
  3. It looks now as if we in the south east will get the thunder storms overnight Friday/Saturday.
  4. I wont even use the 'Sun' as toilet paper. The girls seem to shed more clothes as the temperature rises, none are naked yet but some are almost so.
  5. Including the bit on the building of the Victoria line, 50 years ago! Incidently they have the 1969 documentary currently on I-player.
  6. Morning all, up at six this morning to have a luxuriant long soak in the tub. Just too hot and muggy last night, thermometer was 25.5C.
  7. The trams are available on e-bay. The steam tram is the most expensive at almost £24 but post free. Other prices range from about £8 to £18 but some of the cheaper ones have to have postage added.
  8. I love the steam tram, I wonder if they are available elsewhere?
  9. I'm beginning to feel the heat, 24.5C indoors. Problem is I can't open too many doors and windows due to the high pollen count. Hoping that the thunderstorms that are predicted for later in the week are sooner than expected.
  10. When I checked the thermometer early this morning before going to bed it was showing 24C. It is showing 23.5C this morning. Despite that I slept like a log last night.
  11. There was a musical instrument called a hornpipe, it resembled a recorder with the addition of a bell mouth made from a cows horn, hence hornpipe. It was a development of the schawm.
  12. They managed to cock up my Retirement Lump Sum. It was due to be paid into my account on my retirement date, a Monday. It was not paid into my account until Friday and only after I insisted on a special transfer. The person responsible for making the payment decided to go on holiday and 'Do it when I get back'.
  13. There is an ongoing discussion on the District Dave forum as to what will replace the 1938 stock on the Isle of Wight. These trams would make a suitable replacement and enable a limited degree of street running to avoid the tunnel at Ryde that has caused problems.
  14. Another name for the Hornpipe.
  15. I was sorely tempted by the railcar despite it being 12 mm gauge, and by talking to some of the other exhibitors I wasn't the only one.
  16. Slightly of topic but at the New Cross show yesterday a trader had an old Triang-Hornby 08 (the one with the Jinty chassis) on sale for £60! . Strangely alongside it was a very well finished hand built 00 scale narrow gauge white metal railbus for £40.
  17. Note that her husband is all for raising the wall.
  18. Just had a massive thunderstorm pass over. Just the thing to watch from indoors.
  19. Arrived back from New Cross, took 3/4 of an hour to get there and twice as long to get home. The traffic in Greenwich and through Blackwall Tunnel was horrendous this evening.
  20. Off to New Cross in a few minutes.
  21. I'd recommend Bruges anytime. And if your not driving I would suggest sampling a 'Trappist'.
  22. The problem is that central government controls the purse strings of local authorities but still issues directives without the money to pay for them. This happens irrespective of the colour of party in charge but one political party seems to let the opposition carry the can whenever they can.
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