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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. He could at least have put the transfers on straight.
  2. The first ones had just the one cab behind the lift. The dual cab came about after an accident where they were criticized for the drivers vision being obscured by 'A mass of heavy steel' to quote the magistrate who dealt with the case. Incidently they were made by Shevloke and Drury.
  3. This looks like turning into a marathon.
  4. The Battlefield line has one in preservation (C958YOR) but this now has a dropside body. A recent photograph has appeared on the 'On Track Plant' website but you have to be a member to view other than a thumbnail. The OTP site also has a section for disposals/sales and Bruffs sometimes appear on there.
  5. So thats what a gremlin looks like, now all I have to do is find the little bu&&ers infesting my layout.
  6. Regrettably all the old Maltese buses have been withdrawn and replaced by modern buses and now operated by Arriva. There is a quarterly magazine published called 'British Buses Abroad' which has a sister publication called 'Maltese Transport'. You can find these at bus rallies etc. or you can take out a subscription.
  7. I,ve been taking a look at Oxford's website, no pic but they have a 'Modern London Ambulance' listed as 'bodyshape' Mercedes ambulance.
  8. I came home yesterday to find a note from the wife on the fridge door, it said "It's not working any more, I'm going to my mothers." I opened the fridge door and the light came on and my beer was still cold so what's the problem?
  9. Perhaps they could be converted into holiday lets as per those illustrated. It would also be a good source of revenue for a preserved line.
  10. Who did she hit first, her husband or the doctor.
  11. I have one of these, IIRC they were made by Lima. There is no manufacturers name but it looks very Lima-ish.
  12. The last but one would make a good subject for a caption contest.
  13. It is a GE family saloon # 8. of 1877. Originally built as a 6 wheeler.
  14. It's possible that the vendor has come across this item legitimately not knowing that it was stolen property (thats assuming it is stolen). Most such items appear to be stolen to order but I would certainly like to know a lot more about the providence of such an item.
  15. HGD was issued Jan-Mar 1950. A bit late for that type of vehicle as most none standard (i.e. foreign) wartime military vehicles had been sold off by about 1948
  16. The tipper truck is a wartime Canadian Dodge. The registration dates from late 1947/early 1948 so I assume it is an ex military vehicle. (The HGO registrations were issued from December 1945 to March 1948.)
  17. There is an article on Transits in the current edition of 'Classic van and pick-up' showing a photo of an articulated Transit with a trailer that looks very Scammel-ish.
  18. Not forgetting the Airfix MK military truck which certainly looks narrower than the EFE one.
  19. I had the same a few years ago, it left nothing but the head, a small pool of blood and the feathers.
  20. If the Dodge is still listed on the DVLA site they can't just scrap it. There might be a chance of saving it for preservation.
  21. Its a Bedford CF not a Ford. Interesting weathering however.
  22. I was clearing some rubbish from the garden over last weekend. When I was loading the wheelbarrow a robin came down and started delving in the wheelbarrow for insects despite my standing only inches away from him(her). Having got a beak full of insects it flew away coming back a few minutes later for more.
  23. Like many similar establishments our local bookshops are pushing Titanic publications. One has a sign saying 'Titanic, the best of British'.
  24. OAR was a Hertfordshire registration. It seems that registrations were done at (road transport) depot or workshop level. Did BR have any large road vehicle depot or workshop in Hertfordshire?
  25. The OAR registrations were allocated to British Railways-LMR. They were issued between July '51 and June '53.
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