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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Ian, perhaps we should start a recipe thread on Wheeltappers? Not just British recipes either.
  2. Yes, best wishes Don, great to hear from you, get well soon.
  3. I last used the line regularly more than 25 years ago during the BR era, then I found the staff very helpful and accommodating. The same could not be said for many of my fellow commuters, many were rude, arrogant and ignorant. As I know someone who still uses the service who tells me that things are not much better in that regard.
  4. Back in the late 60's a friend of mine also had a Jag Mk 2 3.8 litre automatic. As he was only about 19 at the time the insurance was horrendous, and as he was buying it on the 'never-never' he was required to have full comp. He thought he'd save money by once the finance company had been shown the 'full comp' insurance cert he changed it to third party only. Needless to say almost as soon as he'd done that he managed to write the car off. The A12 coming into Romford from Ilford at the time was a succession of roundabouts. Just before the Mawney Road roundabout was a bend, he made the bend but couldn't make the roundabout, when he hit the roundabout at about 70 mph he removed the front suspension, sump and gearbox. Fortunately the only injuries were to his pride (and his pocket).
  5. Just back from the model railway club, the very cheap Airfix RAF recovery set kit was passed on to one of our layout groups as they required the crane, I hope to grab any bits left over as I might have a use for them.
  6. Great to hear about Don, hope to hear from you soon Don. You've got a hell of a lot of catching up to do on ER's.
  7. Depends on the cause of the groans, jokes past their sell by date on this thread, terrible puns on ER's.
  8. Just now remembered to fetch the milk in (I still have it delivered). About to put it in the fridge when I noticed a small snail on the side of the bottle. Did you know that snails can fly?
  9. Looks like Vatican City State will have to go elsewhere for its machine tools. I imagined a machine shop with a line up of cardinals all operating lathes.
  10. When I took out equity release they undervalued my property by about 20%. The guy who surveyed it did not take in to account the 'location'. within easy walking distance of the town centre, station, hospital and with both a primary and secondary schools with very good reputations. It didn't worry me too much as I was still able to release the funds that I required. The 'surveyor' was no more qualified than an estate agent, he decided that the 6' brick wall surrounding part of the back garden was unsafe because it was 'propped up' by a fence post that the water company workers had left leaning up against it!
  11. 46 years ago I was working for the Post Office Telephones, my job was to maintain the road vehicle records. Each vehicle had a card which showed its history. Some of them were pre war or wartime ex military, fascinating stuff for a petrol head.
  12. I noticed the 'do not hump' sticker on the buffer.
  13. I didn't know that about the pensioners rail pass. I think that Tesco's vouchers are due shortly. Where do you apply for the railcard?
  14. The GER has been neglected for far to long by the mainstream manufacturers, for many years the ancient Hornby B12 was all there was.
  15. Not a very good night last night, the wet weather aggravated the arthritis in both hips not helped by the amount of walking I did yesterday at the Castle Point transport museum show. However I managed to pot a couple of bargains at the swap meet held in the museum. An unopened Airfix RAF recovery set for a fiver and a made Hornby house (plastic kit) for two pounds.
  16. Likewise, with two mugs of tea.
  17. Andy, if you want to model a preserved railway perhaps a fictional railway would be better then you could run whatever you like including extinct types.
  18. Bob, you will find two agrees from me on the above, Andy and I must have hit the keys at the same time and I thought I had hit the wrong key.
  19. Oxford delivery dates sometimes seem to be very elastic, some items are in the catalogue for more than a year before they appear whereas some others have beaten the catalogue.
  20. Evening all, spent more time than intended at Canvey today, time to put my feet up now. Talking of dogs I met a lovely Scottie today, he's all of 15 years old and nearly blind but there was nothing wrong with his nose and ears, especially where food is concerned.
  21. Another indication that a 'Groan' button is needed.
  22. Morning all, off shortly to Canvey Island for the Castle Point Museum end of season event. A good opportunity to spend some money?
  23. The new releases/models are currently showing on Facebook.
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