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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Just as well no one switched it on.
  2. Yes its a Commer BF, the one in the picture is based on the van body with windows and seats added.
  3. What have you been drinking?
  4. He might sell some if the price was what it says on the packing.
  5. House is nice and warm now, except for the bedroom with the leaky radiator that has been isolated. There is a couple of other rads I intend to replace in the new year anyway.
  6. Merry Christmas all. No heating or hot water last night due to leaking radiator. Plumber called at 7:15 this morning to fix it. House warming up but £170 call out charge!
  7. In the film Lawrence of Arabia a WW2 tilly can be seen.
  8. And a Morris Minor It was modified for the film using the front axle from a CMP Chevrolet.
  9. And thats just a sewing pattern.
  10. A radio licence would have been required if the person using it did not have a radio or TV licence for his/her normal residence. A car fitted with a radio was required to have its own licence, the vehicle registration being on the licence in place of an address. This turned out to be unenforceable and was dropped about 1970.
  11. He's misspelt 'expensive' in his e-bay name.
  12. Its a snow broom, the Liverpool tramways had a few very like that.
  13. I actually have some OO scale Walkmans in my 'stash'. They are PE metal and intended for military modellers.
  14. The term 'modern image' was coined about 50 years ago when it was relevant, is it relevant any more?
  15. Would canting the rail deal with the problem? I'm no mathematician but canting the rail would also effectively increase the radius if it is a 'reverse cant' (canted to the outside of the curve with the 'inner' rail raised).
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