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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Can you let us all know what the website is?
  2. I think they were about in the 40's or maybe even pre war. I remember being given a lithograph of a LNER teak coach to use with my Trix Twin train set in the 1950's.
  3. I was half expecting Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty to come tumbling down the waterfall.
  4. I wish you'd let us in on the secret.
  5. Last Christmas I had a similar problem with my central heating, obviously the PCB, like yours it was an obsolete model and a 'back boiler' to boot. When it came time to fit the new PCB the old one was found to be soaking wet from a leak in the boiler casing which was not repairable. As a result it meant a brand new evaporation boiler fitted in the loft but at least it should outlast me.
  6. Morning all, the kettle seams to boil a lot quicker after its defurrring, I tried out a little tip I was told about and it works! Don't empty the defurring liquid down the sink, instead empty it into a washing up bowl and add an equivalent amount of cold water, place any glassware that has become cloudy in the bowl for about 10 minutes and then allow to drain (do not use a cloth). You will find the glassware comes up crystal clear.
  7. When I lived in Burnham-on-Crouch I often saw the Shorts Belfast landing or taking off from Southend. IIRC it was the largest aircraft to use Southend. Regrettably there are none left, the one at Southend was broken up quite recently.
  8. There was two fires at the 'factory'. The first was about 1967/8 when the old tarpaulin factory burnt down. It was quite spectacular as the flames could be seen from South Street in Romford. I was working in an office next door to the old police station at the time and we all stopped work to watch. The second was in 2002 when the main factory building, which has grade II listing caught fire whilst being converted to flats.
  9. As you said the rails had to be at earth putting the overhead at line voltage. The London trolleybuses in the isolated Woolwich system at least must have been at line voltage as in some places the trams drew power from the trolleybus overhead. In fact this may have been the case in most instances as most trolleybus systems replaced trams inheriting a lot of the infrastructure such as sub stations and power feeds from the trams. Also in many cases trams and trolleybuses ran together sharing that infrastructure. On the subject of studs the Hastings stud system had a wire brush attached to the rear of the cars connected to a bell that rang when it passed over a 'live' stud, the conductor then hit the offending stud with a rubber hammer.
  10. Woke up at 5 this morning, so decided to get up. Now it seems as if the day is already half over.
  11. The skids are U shaped so that they 'enclose' the wire. Another advantage of skids was that they lubricate the wire with a film of carbon. At crossovers and junctions the live and return are separated in much the same way as model railway turnouts and crossings, think Insulfrog. Most trolleybus systems worked on 500-600 volts DC but at least one in Switzerland was 1500 volt DC.
  12. Its entitled 'Down in the Dumps' scrap cars in 1965. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P-f1mssUeI
  13. There is a good chance that the mouse will find its way back into the house, if it survives that is as it is not unusual for them to die from shock.
  14. Could possibly be ex British Railways. Austin in pretty good nick by the looks of it.
  15. It was flagged up in a Facebook group, pretty bad going by the pics, one coach with the side ripped open.
  16. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ajNPknZdAtM
  17. The seller started at 99p!
  18. Best wishes with your new home Andy.
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/28014318
  20. I bet he was good in the slips.
  21. My grandmother tried one of those but it was not much use. As I said above Oust is the most effective way of getting rid of limescale. Its main constituent is formic acid, what you find in nettle stings and ants.
  22. A few years ago some joker scattered cannabis seeds in some planters outside a police station in Bristol. It wasn't noticed until a passer by came into the station and complimented them on their 'crop'.
  23. But kettles are so cheap nowadays most people just chuck the old one out and buy a new one. In fact my kettle is just about six months old, my old one still worked but the filter that was supposed to stop bits of scale getting out disintegrated, I use Oust which is very effective at descaling. I remember when my grandmother lived in Northumberland Heath near Erith where the water was extremely hard having to replace kettles every few months.
  24. What is he doing with his old shed?
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