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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from a damp and dreary Estuary-Land. The lurgy is still hanging about but slowly backing down. Commiserations and congratulations were necessary but got to go now as tea is brewed and bread ready for the toaster.
  2. Evening all, still got the dreaded lurgy, so its the reinforced lem-sip again tonight.
  3. Groan button please! Link doesn't work.
  4. I misread Smiffy's post as saying the gulls were trying to mate with the ducks , no wonder they were looking disgusted.
  5. Morning all from a bright and sunny Estuary-Land. The man flu though still with me has abated somewhat due no doubt to last nights administration of the lemsip/honey/rum but I'd rather not think about what its done for my glucose levels, I think I'll be joining Smiffy on the boiled fish today. Suitable weather for a trip into town today to see what more shops are boarded up.
  6. I recently purchased three Oxford Diecast low loader trailers (the modern 'trombone' type) via e-bay for £18 + £3.95 postage. They were described as 'faulty' hence the low price. When they arrived the 'faults' turned out to be that one small part on two of the trailers had become detached, easily dealt with with a spot of glue. The third trailer does not appear to have any faults at all. A single example of one of these trailers is currently on offer at a buy now price of £15.95 + postage.
  7. My sniffle and sore throat this morning has now developed into full blown man flu. A Lem-sip boosted with a bit of honey and rum as a nightcap is in the offering methinks.
  8. Oxford Diecast have been producing diecast models for ten years or more and AFAIK there has been no contamination issues with any of their products.
  9. If you have cats an ex racing greyhound is a no-no. I had a friend now sadly no longer with us who had several 'rescue' racing greyhounds, they are trained to pursue the mechanical rabbit. Problem is that they can't tell the difference between a mechanical rabbit, a real rabbit or a cat. That is why you will see many greyhounds wearing muzzles despite them usually being one of the friendliest of breeds, unless your a cat or rabbit of course.
  10. It doesn't read ER's does it?
  11. No transgression you have merely embedded it, as many Youtube links are on this thread. Posts on Wheeltappers threads such as this thread do not count towards post totals.
  12. I enter it 'longhand' as I can't get my head around 'click and save' or whatever its called but once you get used to it its easy. Start by entering http://www. then without any spaces youtube.com then again without any spaces, forward slash, watch?v= and then continue with the code following the =. This will consist of up to a dozen letters or digits, some of the letters will be in upper case and some in lower, make sure you do not confuse capital i with l or O with zero (0) only don't forget the 'dots' and NO SPACES. Here is your choice Jock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_e2jfcfUxg
  13. Morning all from a sunny but cold Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Jim and many more of them. Bit of a sore throat last night and this morning, not full blown man flu yet but the tea and toast I have prescribed myself this morning should help to alleviate the symtoms.
  14. Evening all. When I started the classical music thread I little realised that it would 'take off' like it has, five pages at the last count. Not that I'm complaining as its such wonderful music including pieces that I cannot recall ever hearing before and some forgotten favourites such as Sartre who I have been able to reacquaint myself with. Only problem is that with so much wonderful music to listen to I have not reached the bottom of page 2 yet!
  15. You must now have a wallet full of brownie points, don't go wasting them now.
  16. We can only hope that the Adams Radial will be as good.
  17. You can now get square sponge pads, but I must admit they only work effectively with good quality paints.
  18. I'm using a paint roller on a very long pole.
  19. Elsewhere in Wheeltappers there is a classical music favourites thread. When I last looked there were nudging 60 contributions, each with a different preference - and not a cross word in sight. Pity some modelling discussions can't be undertaken in such an atmosphere. As I started the classical music thread I'm more than happy to accept any suggestions, indeed I have just posted Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue' on the thread, all 17 minutes of it. I did consider putting it here on ER's (the classic music thread) but the way its 'flown' just as well I didn't as its taken me all of those 17 minutes and more to catch up with ER's this morning.
  20. Classical music is in the ear of the beholder, I am currently listening to this, which to me is classical music >>
  21. Perhaps you could swap the wife for one?
  22. Thats what I'm doing, I am playing some music as I type this, you can play it on another tab at the same time.
  23. Thanks everybody for your input, and excellent good taste. Perhaps I should have said 'Your favourite classical music (plural)' as following this thread I've added a couple to my list. I do think I spend too much time on RMweb, now I'll be spending even more time on RMweb listening to some wonderful music. PS keep it up.
  24. You could use any one of these as a start >> http://www.editionsatlas.fr/collection/minisite/michelines-et-autorails/index.html click on L'autorail du mois to see the range. I have three of these and they are very good models, similar in build and quality to Oxford Diecast. EDIT I forgot to mention to page down to see the range.
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