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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all, the mountaineering snail is still there this morning having moved about six inches overnight. At the club meeting last night one of the members organised a barbecue, hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken legs + chips. He used a 'hot air fryer' to prepare the chips, basically an enclosed hair dryer that can be used like an oven. I think I might give one a try as using a conventional oven is best avoided in this weather.
  2. The snail certainly wasn't lobbed by my neighbours, they're on holiday and as I live in the last house in the street I have no other neighbours. It can't have been dropped by a bird as the eves overhang the window, it might possibly have been living in the roof gutters but the most likely explanation is that it climbed from the ground.
  3. Yesterday evening a mysterious 'blob' appeared on the outside of my bathroom window, this afternoon it had changed position to another part of the window. As the window has only a small fanlight and I am unable to reach it or observe it other than through the frosted glass. I think it is a snail, but how did it manage to get onto the window nearly twenty feet from the ground?
  4. Slightly off topic, but these are PAPER! http://www.wired.com/2014/07/stunningly-lifelike-birds-made-entirely-from-paper/#slide-id-1309051
  5. Morning all, no burnt toast, weather fine and no other problems to report. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Morning all, woken by some distant thunder this morning but drifted off to sleep again. Cloudy and overcast this morning but forecast to get better.
  7. Although this is in German you will get it, daughter has just bought dad a new i-pad. >> http://www.snotr.com/video/8965
  8. No one's mentioned Belgian beers yet, my favourites Chimay Blonde.
  9. The Atlas steam tram has just arrived in the post, comes up fully to expectations. Not removed from display base yet but it appears that the 'locomotive' part is largely die cast and the carriage is plastic. One slight disappointment is that the carriage underframe is moulded in one piece, incorporating both bogies and underframe, the wheels appear to be separate however. The track gauge appears to be 12 mm on the base.
  10. I once had a similar problem with aerosol deodorant and fly spray. I ended up with the sweetest smelling flies that I could zap at five feet with my armpits.
  11. Glad to see you back Andy. I'd stick with Virgin if I were you. I've always had good service from them and prompt as well.
  12. I had a similar 'incident' on my patio a few years ago, again it was Sparrowhawk 1, pigeon 0. Mother nature red in tooth and claw.
  13. My dad was left handed and at school in the 20's and 30's was forced to use his right hand. My brother is also left handed and when my father found out that when he started school that the teachers were trying to make use his right hand he was straight down to the school to tell the headmaster in no uncertain terms that it was not going to happen, and it didn't.
  14. Morning all, stayed up late last night to watch the Crossrail documentary on BBC2 so I overslept this morning. On the subject of hot/cold meals for many years when I was a youngster the traditional Boxing Day meal was bubble and squeak with cold roast turkey and ham.
  15. Not among the railway modellers you see at most shows (I include myself in there as well).
  16. IIRC one or maybe two of the continental manufacturers produced a transporter wagon.
  17. Well car passed its MOT with flying colours, and running noticeably better due to manufacturers upgrades to the computer system. Not much change out of £400 though.
  18. Japan has 1/80th scale on 16.5mm track, representing mostly 3' 6" gauge prototypes.
  19. Morning all, car due in for its annual service and MOT today so off in a short while to take it in to the workshop.
  20. Just come over dark here, checked the clock and its just turned 3, just heard a rumble of thunder.
  21. Good idea. And while your about it would it be possible to add a few 'patch repairs' to the transfer sheet?
  22. You must have a good memory.
  23. When I holidayed in Malta a few years ago I saw someone painting the building opposite the hotel about 4 floors up. he was standing on a plank about 6" X 3' with a rope tied around each end suspended from the roof. He was nonchalantly swinging from side to side to paint a greater area. I asked one of the hotel barmen what would happen if he fell off, his reply was "He's a Tunisian, we'll just scrape him up and get another one."
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