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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Thanks Don, up till now I've usually been able to go all night without stirring, but in the mornings I could pee for England. No sign of blood now fortunately but the antibiotic instructions warn that the urine may 'turn a strange colour' but does not say what colour.
  2. But he/she must have become a British MP?
  3. Better get one quick then.
  4. Morning all, not as many visits to the bathroom last night but when I did I had to be quick!
  5. I think I will do the same as Tony and set up an account. Not that I use the crossing very much about two or three times a year. I thought the problem with ANPR cameras was that they couldn't recognise foreign licence plates, not very practical considering the amount of foreign trucks that use the crossing.
  6. Still up and down all day/night but feeling a lot better. The local Tesco's has a special offer on water softeners so as my vouchers arrived a couple of days ago I'm considering trying one.
  7. Thanks for that, the building opposite in the second pic looks as if it needs a curved corner as well.
  8. Went to make an appointment with my GP about my waterworks problem. Whilst I was there my GP came out into the reception area and he gave me a prescription for antibiotics on the spot. Still drinking plenty of water and still a bit sore down below but things are getting better.
  9. Do you remember where you took the pics? The building with the curved corner looks fascinating.
  10. Morning all, due to my drinking copious amounts of water yesterday I was up every twenty minutes or so last night to use the loo. It seems to have done the trick however as there is no pain or even irritation and everything looks normal. Off to make an appointment with my GP shortly although by the time I get to see him it will probably be all over. As for the scantily clad young ladies, a former GF's attitude was 'You can look but if you dare touch I'll make a pair of ear rings out of your b***s.'
  11. Thanks for the good wishes from everyone, still feeling a bit sore down below but I'll be making an appointment with my GP in the morning.
  12. So far this morning the waterworks have been working as normal so keeping fingers crossed not legs.
  13. I had an endoscopy about 12 years ago following a similar infection. It was uncomfortable but not that painful, until the anesthetic wore off that is.
  14. Trip to the hospital this evening, most likely a water infection. Unable to leave a sample for tests as I could hold on no longer just before seeing the doctor. Its eased off a bit now very little if any blood and not as painful, just have to keep drinking plenty of fluids,
  15. Had a bit of a scare lunchtime, went to the loo and noticed I was passing blood in my pee. Dialed 111 and they said they would make an appointment with the emergency doctor so I'm now awaiting a call back to confirm. No aches and pains other than the usual ones except a bit of soreness at the 'exit' end.
  16. Happy birthday Pete. Have to take my car to the car wash today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92r5xWr0im4
  17. Actually it cooks food with a blast of hot air. It can also be used as an oven.
  18. I went out and purchased the 'Air Fryer' today. £134.25 .Taking it out of the box it seems quite simple to use so I'm cooking tomorrows dinner with it. The snail appears to have moved slightly so it must be OK, perhaps its shy.
  19. A quick reminder, this thread's title is 'the forum new jokes thread'.
  20. Definitely still in occupation, perhaps its just taking a rest.
  21. Morning all, no sign of movement from the snail on the window for the last 24 hours, I fear that it is now in a similar condition to Monty Python's parrot.
  22. It will certainly get rid of any annoying neighbours.
  23. I was considering one of these to accompany the pair of Sentinels I already have. However they seem to be somewhat oversize so I'm reconsidering. How do they compare size wise to the 03/04 and the 08?
  24. The snails got the cabbage first.
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