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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Late this morning, just decided to be lazy and laid in bed until 8:30, a whole extra hour!
  2. Not exactly something I'd want blocking my back passage.
  3. Going by the weather forecast Bertha will be tracking north quite quickly and the risk will only be for a short duration.
  4. That happens to be the very one produced by Bachmann in blue/grey livery so that means you can legitimately run it as part of a passenger train.
  5. I hope you asked for a refund.
  6. My brother had kidney stones which resulted in his losing a kidney. It was marked by considerable back pain which fortunately I don't have. I have on occasions had a sharp pain in the lower groin area but that has only lasted a short while. I'm wondering if it could be bladder stones. I have an appointment with my GP first thing Monday so I will be able to discuss it then.
  7. Mine arrived lunchtime, fantastic service as usual from Hattons.
  8. Must be reading, if like me the book hitting the floor wakes me up.
  9. I take it you are referring to my medical condition not my rant re. disagrees but the answer is yes on both counts. The medical problem seems to have cleared up completely but not before I appeared to be passing solids! They were small tan coloured objects that dissolved after a few minutes, perhaps it was a blockage of some sort but since then everything seems normal, no blood and no pain.
  10. Some people seem to like punching the 'disagree' button. A couple of weeks ago on a thread that was locked I received a couple of disagrees after I had pointed out that a road traffic manoeuvre which someone boasted 'they do every time' was not only extremely dangerous and probably illegal. Ignorance is bliss and if I get any disagrees on this post it will only prove my point.
  11. I actually ordered mine yesterday.
  12. I've just been informed by Hatton's that my order for one (B/G) has been dispatched at the original price of £42.50.
  13. Even a normal forename has to be thought out properly. I had a colleague whose name was Richard, unfortunately his Surname was Head.
  14. That used to be common practice until about 100 years ago. A boon to the family history research.
  15. Just made my first pot of tea using the filtered water, it even looked different when I poured it out, a lot clearer and 'sharper' than usual. It definitely tastes a lot better.
  16. It must be good water, its been passed by at least 12 people before we get it.
  17. Purchased the water softener jug this morning, tomorrow mornings pot of tea will be the test to see if it improves the taste.
  18. Thanks Don, up till now I've usually been able to go all night without stirring, but in the mornings I could pee for England. No sign of blood now fortunately but the antibiotic instructions warn that the urine may 'turn a strange colour' but does not say what colour.
  19. But he/she must have become a British MP?
  20. Better get one quick then.
  21. Morning all, not as many visits to the bathroom last night but when I did I had to be quick!
  22. I think I will do the same as Tony and set up an account. Not that I use the crossing very much about two or three times a year. I thought the problem with ANPR cameras was that they couldn't recognise foreign licence plates, not very practical considering the amount of foreign trucks that use the crossing.
  23. Still up and down all day/night but feeling a lot better. The local Tesco's has a special offer on water softeners so as my vouchers arrived a couple of days ago I'm considering trying one.
  24. Thanks for that, the building opposite in the second pic looks as if it needs a curved corner as well.
  25. Went to make an appointment with my GP about my waterworks problem. Whilst I was there my GP came out into the reception area and he gave me a prescription for antibiotics on the spot. Still drinking plenty of water and still a bit sore down below but things are getting better.
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