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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I have a Hyundai i10, which is basically a Piccanta with a few extra bells and whistles and it reminds me of a Mini because of its similar handling and superb road-holding. Now I wonder if the engine/gearbox will fit in a Mini.
  2. To be quite honest it was not worth very much, my estimate would be £50 tops. I was considering breaking it up but I'd put a lot of time and effort into it so I was reluctant to do so. So at least it will continue to be appreciated and may even return to the exhibition circuit someday.
  3. Evening all, as of this morning I am layout less. The layout was old and as such required more maintenance and due to my mobility problems I have been unable to set it up or operate it for a while now so it has stood packed away in the garage for nearly two years. A few months ago a new member joined the club, a 14 year old who is very keen so a few weeks ago I offered the layout to him (via his dad) which was accepted. I am planning a small box file layout and also making a few dioramas using a few oddments and other bits I have laying around.
  4. Talking of Richard III, there was an item on the BBC news this morning about his forthcoming interment. Flowers and wreaths will be restricted to what was available during his time and the coffin will be made of English Oak and Yew. Interesting fact the carpenter making the coffin is the same gentleman who being a relation of Richard III provided the DNA to confirm the identity.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is trying to break out so looks as if it might brighten up.
  6. Theres also Spanish Sahara that borders both Morocco and Mauritania, according to my very old atlas. And after studying it closely I see it also borders Algeria (only one tiny corner). Mind you it might no longer exist as my Atlas is rather old, it still shows Yugoslavia and the USSR as single countries. Gibralter is a British territory and not a country in its own right.
  7. I'm from Essex and its 3 Portugal, France and Andorra. But if you include the Spanish North African territories its 5 (Morocco and Mauritania).
  8. Congratulations Andy and to RMweb.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather is as Tony said, I was woken by the rain at 6.15 this morning but just turned over and went back to sleep, at the moment its a bit dull but at least its dry. I usually cut my toenails after my Sunday morning bath though for the last few years it has become increasingly difficult due to the sciatica, arthritis and increasing age. This morning I tried something out and it works a treat, I propped the toe in question on the 'earth' prong of one of those 3 pin plug protectors that come with new electric appliances nowadays. This made it far easier and quicker to complete the chore without stabbing myself with the scissors.
  10. G'night all, I'm feeling knackered see you in the morning.
  11. Wrong thread! But you can go out and blow up Jeremy Clarkson if you wish.
  12. There was four derailed tank wagons on the Nuneaton-Hinckley line near to where it crosses Watling Street that were there for quite a long time twenty or so years ago. I understand that they have now been removed but does anyone know for how long they were there? I passed the site several times and was surprised that no effort was being made to remove them.
  13. Knock out the wall but instead of replacing it, fit a wider or double gate. That means that if you have to remove or replace it you shouldn't have the problem again. EDIT punctuation.
  14. You should look at his/her other items, a very strange looking Stagecoach bus and a BT teater!
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land, up a bit earlier than usual but can't stop for long as I have a bath to run.
  16. The 12 Schoma diesel hydraulic locomotives are being/have been converted to battery electric, film here of one of these locomotives being tested using a class 31 as a test load/load bank >>
  17. Just had a quick look in on the 'negativity' thread, it appears that all those who are negative have abandoned it, extraction of urine must be a very painful experience for them.
  18. Actually its the 2 ton Bedford M type not a 3 tonner and was actually made for Del Prado by Matchbox in whose 'Yesteryear' range it appeared.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Nice to hear from Ian and Sherry though I was aware that they had re-appeared as I had asked Ian to 'friend' me on Facebook a couple of days ago and he did so this morning. There are certainly raptors hereabouts, there is ample evidence of one using the flat roof of my porch as a dining table. The local birds seem to have discovered that invertebrates like to live under the aluminum gutter linings of my house and make an enormous racket trying to lift them.
  20. I wonder if there is any extant recording of Les Dawson playing classical music.
  21. Morning all from a warm and sunny Estuary-Land. Mick's post took me back to when I passed my test, more than 47 years ago. I passed third time though in fact it was my second full test as my second test was aborted due to the car breaking down. I think I only passed because I thought that I had failed in the first few minutes and relaxed for the rest of the test. A few others I know have said the same thing but anyway I have not received even a parking ticket in the intervening 47 years.
  22. So was Les Dawson, he had to be to play so badly, deliberately.
  23. On the subject of stolen logs, what about drilling a hole in the log, inserting a firework (preferably a banger) concealing the hole but don't forget to secretly mark them so that you can identify them.
  24. I answered that in response to the suggestion of secreting a shotgun cartridge in a log, perhaps if their log pile is accessible a way could be found to sneak a few 'doctored' logs in.
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