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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all, just watching the evening news. Glad to hear that the UXB in Bermondsey has just been removed after a thousand people had been evacuated from their homes for a couple of days.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as reported by Tony but showing signs of brightening up.
  3. Evening all, found this on the internet and I think this may be useful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aviWdkOHDU4#t=145
  4. That sounds like a great job, what qualifications do you need?
  5. Morning all from a cold but sunny Estuary-Land. On the subject of knowing famous people, my aunt (honorary, actually, a very old friend of my mothers) lived in Blackpool, her next door nieghbour was an actress from Coronation Street. I can't now remember her name or the character name but she was one of the three old biddies, the one with the beret who 'died' in the Rovers Return. Just around the corner was the actor who played the cafe owner in 'Last of the summer wine' again I can't remember his name(s). Pete may have known her (my aunts) son as he was a professional musician playing guitar usually at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool. His name is Terry Pack and he also had a music shop in Blackpool and produced his own guitar under the 'Pack Drill' name. The music shop was very near to the Tower Models shop IIRC.
  6. He could probably make a fortune by making ships in bottles, he obviously has some talent along those lines.
  7. I did a similar thing in my 'yoof', its surprising how flammable balsa/tissue/dope is.
  8. Morning all from a sunny Estuary-Land, not too chilly either, well certainly warmer than yesterday as that cold north wind has dropped a bit. I'm going to test out the 'work station' I purchased yesterday, I can see one modification I will need to make, at the moment it rests on five small feet created by the tabs on the sides and back so I am going to glue a piece of MDF to the base to stop it sliding about or giving under pressure when using the cutting mat. The mitre block needs a bit of fettling, there is a fair amount of burring around the slots and ends, that will mean a very careful use of the needle files and emery cloth.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Yes Roneo models is still there Pete but I'm not sure for how long as they seem to exist by taking a sales stall at many local shows but they seem to be reducing their presence at shows/ taking smaller tables. You probably remember them from the 'sheds' opposite South Street, they now have a shop at the other end of the row of adjacent shops 'around the corner' in Upper Rainham Road. I went to the 'Southern Expo' at Hornchurch today and made a few purchases principle of which is a 'modelling station' which consists of an 8" X 10" tray with a cutting mat and a holder for paint pots and brushes and space for some small tools. It is made from laser cut MDF and comes flat packed in a natty wallet, assembly is quite straightforward with the parts slotting together but instead of stretching 'O' rings over the tabs to lock it together I opted to glue it together. Another tool purchased was a 'Gyro-Cut' knife intended for cutting card and paper, you just 'draw' with it as if with a pen but instead of leaving a line of ink it leaves a very neat clean cut. Among the other things I purchased was ten (seconds) diorama bases for a pound! One is already allocated to be a solid base for the small mitre block I also bought.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I am fortunate that I am only a couple of minutes walk from my GP surgery and its easier to pop in in person to make an appointment, having said that the staff I find are very helpful anyway. Mel, I would recommend Co-operative Energy, I changed to them about three years ago (from British Gas) and immediately by bill was down by a third. Off to the model show at Hornchurch shortly, see you all later.
  11. And you can make a unicorn as well.
  12. The eclipse was a non-event here in Estuary-Land due to the cloud cover. Tony was saying a couple of days ago that he had got the date of the Alley Pally exhibition mixed up thinking it was this weekend. Well there is a local exhibition this weekend at Hornchurch, but not a model railway one http://www.southernexpo.co.uk I have visited it in the past, and spent a fair amount of money with the traders there, those selling tools and paints are almost guaranteed to be there. I like to 'look over the fence' to see what other modelling genres are up to so I intend to go there tomorrow. The only drawback with the venue is very little car parking so its better to use public transport, personally I catch the train to Upminster the 'twirly' it to the venue.
  13. Morning all from a cloudy Estuary-Land but should brighten up later, but not in time for the eclipse. Commiserations and congrats where necessary and I hope everyone has a good POETS day.
  14. Sorry to hear of your problems Ian.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just saw Jasper Carrot on the Breakfast show, the subject of his number one record 'Flunky Moped' came up, and he managed to turn the discussion around to the 'B' side, which had been banned by the BBC and was why the record was number one, much to the embarrassment of the presenters. Good on yer Jasper.
  16. I hear that the threat of the sack has caused Jeremy Clarkson to become depressed so he phoned the Samaritans. When he gave his name they hung up on him.
  17. One of the French buses intrigued me as it appears to be built on the back of a lorry. (#4 on the illustration). The short film clip shows some very interesting subjects including an American school bus, a Swiss postal bus and a rather strange coach with a half length upper deck, both decks having extensive glazing.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit misty at the moment but should turn out not to bad. Still no news from Trev yet?
  19. That was one of the DMU driving trailers.
  20. They are from a new part work series of 1/43 buses. Some are coming up on e-bay but the prices will give your credit card a nervous breakdown.
  21. Reminds me of 'Use Tesco Value toilet paper and get in touch with yourself.'
  22. Like TG I buy my socks in bulk and all of the same pattern. However I count my socks into the washing machine and I count them out again, if there's one missing its most often hiding in a corner of the washing machine drum. However a few months ago I found the remains of a chewed up sock caught up under the door seal, the mystery is that I haven't had any socks go AWOL for several years and it didn't match any socks that I can remember. Perhaps it took the worm hole and failed to reach the sock planet?
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