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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The Japanese company Komatsu built a submarine bulldozer complete with snorkel.
  2. When I was shopping in Tesco's on Saturday I purchased one of their shopping bags. The one I purchased had a picture of one of their shops dating from about 1960-'65, whoever selected the photograph failed to notice that on the left hand side can be seen part of the sign for VG stores, a major Tesco rival at the time.
  3. I did, and its still on its side. It may have been 'right way up' when you looked but were you?
  4. You might find this of interest >> http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruit
  5. Tony, as I live within shouting distance of Basildon hospital its just a case of a ten minute walk, but Mondays are not good for that sort of thing anyway as clinics etc are usually crowded from the off. Glad to hear from you Don, I was about to ask about you, over here those overnight temperatures would be considered oppressive.
  6. I have to go for a blood test at the local hospital. Problem is that if you arrive there any time after about 9 in the morning you end up waiting for a couple of hours for your 'turn'.
  7. Looks like a General Motors product, probably powered by Lada today.
  8. Interesting series of pictures, it appears that the leading bogie derailed and the rear of the tram pushed the front portion to the angle at which it came to rest. An interesting selection of service vehicles as well, all in the German 'municipal orange' except the mobile crane which must have been hired in which is interesting in itself as it is on a Russian K.A.M.A.Z. chassis. A leftover from when Germany was divided into east and west perhaps.
  9. Had a slight accident this afternoon, I decided on a piece of grilled fish for my evening meal. My usual practice is to cover the grill with aluminium foil (saves a lot of cleaning). When taking the piece of foil from the roll I managed to cut my finger on the edge of the roll, blood everywhere! I managed to staunch the flow and find a plaster, I now have a very sore finger and dinner was half an hour late. The cut was like a paper cut but being metal foil was deeper.
  10. I was told by an elderly lady that a good cure for leg cramps is to rub the affected area with the cork from a wine bottle. I tried it and it seems to work!
  11. I decided to bite the bullet and sign up for g-mail after all, though I have no intention of using it. Problem was that several user names that I wanted to use were all taken, such as screwgmail and stuffgmail plus a few others that I will not repeat here.
  12. Actually Virgin Media sorted it out for me. Problem is that it keeps coming up every time I switch on but I find an easy way to get round that is to click on the back arrow to get the Virgin sign in screen.
  13. Is that an addiction to pollyfilla? Hat....coat....gone...
  14. Late on parade today, switched my computer on to check my e-mails and all I got was a 'Sign up to G-Mail' thing, no matter how I tried I could not access my e-mails. I had to contact Virgin Media, my internet provider to sort the problem out but that meant shutting down all my tabs and having to reset my passwords.
  15. I see that the containers are still there. When they are removed I assume that they will be cut up in situ. Would it be possible for some of the pieces to be auctioned off for charity? I am thinking of the more identifiable bits that have numbers or similar markings.
  16. 1/220 scale, looks as if the windows are printed on.
  17. I have a large self planted blackcurrant bush in my front garden that I have left alone apart from the odd trim as it hides a rather ugly brick wall and provides food for birds etc. This year there is plentiful fruit on it that has just ripened. Rather unusually it is now also in flower for the second time this year. There is such an abundance of fruit and berries this year that the birds seem to be ignoring the blackcurrants so I might just pick the fruit anyway.
  18. I obtained the tenancy of a garage almost 2 years ago, the garage actually adjoins my property. I made enquiries with my insurers about reducing my insurance, the answer was yes, about £10 per annum but I had to keep the car in the garage and if I left it on the drive and it was stolen the insurance would not cover it. Now the garage is used for storage and the car stays on the drive.
  19. The neighbours complained about funny noises in the attic so he managed to convince them that it was haunted and they daren't go up there to investigate.
  20. Went into my local Asda's today, the two Compounds that they had are gone. The latest partwork is called 'Bugs' life size models of insects if you please, first one is the scorpion.
  21. Not forgetting the Sparrowhawk which seems to be the predominant raptor in this neck of the woods.
  22. I've always been interested in the NE railway electrification scheme. My suggestion for a pre grouping electric freight locomotive would be a double articulated Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo equipped for both 3 rail and overhead collection. The pantograph(s) would be carried on the centre unit which would be articulated to the centre two bogies, all four bogies would be fitted with shoe beams. The outer units would be similar to the 1922 Metropolitan Metro-Vick Bo-Bo locomotives without of course the second cab and articulated to the centre bogies.
  23. My tailgate collision came about because my drive has a 30 degree slope and as I always reverse in the back of the car is at the top of the slope giving more 'headroom'. On this occasion I was collecting some tiles from a local supplier and the car was parked on a level surface. Being fairly tall 6' 2", I tend to stoop a little in such circumstances hence the scalp wound.
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