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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The Irish 'potato famine' of the 1840's was a lot more widespread than most people realise. It affected parts of England and Scotland as well as Holland and Belgium. The Belgians were devastated by it as much as the Irish if not more so, the only difference being that it was the more rural (protestant) north that suffered more than the industrialised (catholic) south. The one saving grace was that unlike Ireland it was not as widespread and the population was more mobile.
  2. One of the things they use is dilute sulphuric acid.
  3. This is something that made me decide to take early retirement at 59. I had noticed that many of my colleagues who had carried on until 65, despite being able to retire earlier only survived less than 3 years after retirement. There were several reasons for my early retirement but that fact was always in the back of my mind.
  4. On my sound scan on Monday I was told to drink a litre of water beforehand. The appointment was for 3 o'clock, and so was everyone else's! Luckily I was in before 3:30 but it was a close run thing.
  5. Thanks all for your best wishes. Jock, I was told that the kidney stone (singular) is a small one so hopefully an operation will not be necessary.
  6. At least teats will stop you from spilling any.
  7. Had an ultrasound scan of the waterworks this afternoon. The cause of the trouble a couple of weeks ago is a small kidney stone. Seeing my GP on Friday hopefully an operation will not be necessary.
  8. Normal size, the trick is to cover the top with your hand and the spider will climb in to hide, take the spider to where you want to release it and uncover the top and it will scuttle off. EDIT For those who are a bit nervous of spiders you can use a beer mat instead of your hand.
  9. Back in the early 50's my grandparents moved to St. Leonards from Gidea Park. So every summer my brother and myself were put on the train at Charing Cross. I do remember traveling behind a Schools class engine before the introduction of the Hastings units. The carriages were not the best, the corridor concertina connections were so tatty that you could see the track through the gaps!
  10. Spiders galore today, had to remove an enormous beast before using the bath this morning, at least 4 inches across, used the card tube from a toilet roll to pick it up. A small spider that resides in my car door mirror housing managed to capture a large bluebottle yesterday so she wont be going hungry. (Its a she, only females spin webs.)
  11. I wish that supermarket parking spaces were a bit bigger, especially as many of their customers could not park a car properly if their life depended on it.
  12. You forgot Berwick-upon-Tweed.
  13. Bullsh1t baffles brains, even more so if its an HR person.
  14. As long as the shoes don't pinch you should be in the clear.
  15. If its not on the list (left by SWMBO) you don't have to do it.
  16. Both my sister and myself knew someone who died in the 9-11 and 7-7 attacks. My sisters colleague was responsible for evacuating the company's staff from the second tower to be hit, this he did successfully and all the staff survived, he then went back into the tower to help evacuate other people. That was the last time he was seen. A former colleague of mine was standing next to one of the 7-7 bombers when he detonated his bomb.
  17. Woke up this morning at 7:15, decided to stay in bed another 5 minutes before getting up. Three quarters of an hour later.....
  18. I popped into Tesco's last evening for a bit of last minute shopping. I was surprised to see a woman walking about breast feeding her baby. I know its only natural and if a baby needs feeding it needs feeding but a little discretion I think is called for. Some other parents with school age children were clearly embarrassed.
  19. Talking of ambulances, I live close to Basildon hospital so I am used to the sirens, but my house is directly beneath the flight path used by the air ambulance and I cant help thinking that some poor devil is in a very bad way every time it flies over. On a lighter note more on the chocolate teapot >> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-29126161 A chocolate coffee pot would be better methinks.
  20. Thanks for that, plenty of detail as well if anyone is thinking of a model.
  21. Got two agrees to that already.
  22. You can still get wooden clothes pegs, from the £ shop. (Hope you like wood smoke. )
  23. Can you post a link, all I can find is a lot of stuff on hair extensions!
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