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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Surely you mean the Thames tunnel, the Rotherhithe tunnel is a road tunnel.
  2. A bit late for this years then, in the film I noticed a few British and Italian number plates. Visit Malta at any time and the streets abound with classic cars and trucks in everyday use, the climate and low mileage probably has a lot to do with it. A great pity that the traditional Maltese buses can only be seen as preserved examples now but that is inevitable I suppose.
  3. It stated on the e-mail that they would contact me, I'll have to give them a call in the morning.
  4. Many of these containers are still around, my model railway club uses one as a storeroom. Any possibility of a 'grounded' one?
  5. I know its an ad, but I know where I might be holidaying next year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMYhum6T90g Its held mid October, might be just enough time this year.
  6. I want one! Where can I get one, and how much please? I'll even promise not to take it and wear it at any exhibitions.
  7. There is/was a pub in Dagenham called the 'Ship and Shovell', a new sign was once made and erected and it took a week before someone noticed the 'p' in ship had been replaced by a 't'.
  8. Very little goods traffic passed over LT lines by that time. What there was was hauled by mainline locomotives, LT's steam locomotives were only used for their own engineering trains. There were a few coal depots that were accessed via the Underground lines but they went out of use by the early 70's if not earlier. The last 'freight' trains operated by LT were the Chiltern Court 'rubbish' trains, normally hauled by one of the Metropolitan Bo-Bo's.
  9. I pre-ordered the Red Star version some time ago, the order was confirmed but I have heard nothing since.
  10. Morning all, off shortly for more pin cushion duty. My blood glucose on the last blood test was on the high side so I have to undergo a double test (1 test then given a glucose drink and then another test 2 hours later.) Worst part is I am only allowed to drink water so not even a cup of tea this morning let alone breakfast!
  11. Interesting in that many of the containers have an outward bulge when you would expect them to be pushed in, or are they gradually collapsing due to the weight of the contents.
  12. Door mirrors seem to be a favourite place for spiders. I have had a spider in my drivers door mirror for a couple of years. The other day a large bluebottle was caught in the web, it was far larger than the spider which however managed to maneuver it into its larder. Like snakes spiders can go for some time without food and they then gorge themselves.
  13. I hope not all of it leaked out.
  14. More about spiders here http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/23/horny-male-spiders-scare-stories?CMP=fb_gu It seems if you don't want spiders switch off your central heating.
  15. Last night when I came home from the club meeting I espied a fly apparently sitting on the back door so it was out with the flyspray and ZAP! only to find that it was trapped in a spiders web. I would now like to apologize to that spider for depriving her of her supper.
  16. You should encourage spiders in the layout room then.
  17. Back to spiders, most are quite harmless but some can give you a nasty bite http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/10-common-spiders-found-around-4200933
  18. As was said above you could find plenty of full ones alongside the tracks, except they would have all rusted away by now.
  19. Reminds me of the time when I was a member of Maldon model railway club. The clubhouse was on a farm, one warm summers evening the farmer spread chicken manure on the adjacent field.
  20. What went through my mind when I read that I daren't say here. Better go and take a cold shower.
  21. Evening all, Ian your mentioning 'overhead' electricity supplies reminded me of Medina, once the capital of Malta and now a world heritage site. As most of the city is medieval in build most if not all the electricity is supplied by overhead cable. When the city became a world heritage site it was decided to place all the cables underground. In doing so they hit a snag, every time a hole was dug ancient archaeology was discovered much of it pre dating the Romans.
  22. Door and windows replaced in the front porch, just come down from the 'high' created by the adhesives used. Only joking but they do tend to linger. Hippo, your comments about cleaning the tea urn reminded me of an incident at work about 25-30 years ago. A colleague complained about the encrustation of tannin on the office teapot which was stainless steel, I mentioned that the best way to get rid of it was to place some washing soda and water in the teapot and leave it for a couple of days. This was what he did just before we all went home on Friday. Instead of getting washing soda however he got caustic soda, the type used for cleaning drains. On the Monday morning we opened the tea cupboard to find a brown foam oozing out of the teapot, it cleaned the teapot ok but it also removed the paint from the steel shelf the teapot was standing on.
  23. Seeing as the Hornby Sentinel diesel is also available in NCB livery I was going to ask if they ever could be seen working together. So it looks like I shall have to dust off my modellers licence. Is the Hornby one a genuine livery?
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