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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all. off to the docs in a mo to find if its good news or bad. Fingers, toes and a few other things crossed as well.
  2. Just collected a 'commissioned' model of a transport cafe. As it turned out the gent who makes the models lives only 10 minutes drive from me so I was able to save on postage. Well worth the £13 he charged me (it would have been £16 with postage). Look up 'scale model buildings' on Facebook.
  3. I remember a planning application ending up being thrown out when it came to light that not everybody who would have had a viable reason to object was informed. But this was over thirty years ago and things have changed now.
  4. Might as well, I have put in 'bulk' orders before that have arrived in separate packaging and being charged postage each time. There appears to be no provision to 'hold' orders until they are complete. It would be good to have the option of immediate delivery or hold until the order is complete.
  5. Did you ask for a copy of the letter 'sent' to your mum?
  6. Morning all, looks like the long range weather forcast I mentioned a few days ago was wrong. The current forecast is that its going to be 'normal' October weather by the weekend. ID, unfortunately I do not have any 10 year olds available to help me but the guy who is doing it for me is from the charity shop where I offered the old TV to. Jock, at the moment I only have one pill to take, for BP, but that might be having some adverse side effects so when I visit my GP tomorrow I'll have to ask him if it can be changed. I did read somewhere that a new BP drug has been found to have a beneficial side effect in that it can slow the advance of Alzheimers. I would prefer not to take any medications at all but I'll have to settle for as few as possible.
  7. I'm not sure what the make of mine is, it doesn't seem to have a manufacturers name anywhere. What worries me slightly is my new TV set is a Toshiba! Thanks for the offer Tony but someone has already offered to do it for me in exchange for the old set. Many years ago I purchased a Casio pocket calculator, one with all the flutes and whistles, the instructions were gibberish and I was never able to use it properly. Although I can sometimes speak gibberish I am unable to understand it.
  8. I also bought a combined CD and video player at the same time as the TV that is going to be replaced and it has sat on the shelf doing nothing for the past 4 years as I can't get my head around the instructions. As I want to get that up and running as well it would be better to call someone in to do it. As my TV is on cable (Virgin) I could call them to do it though it might be expensive.
  9. Bought a new TV today, nothing wrong with the old one except that not being 'wide screen' the picture disappears either side. Now I've got to interpret the destructions if I can, then call a man in to do it for me.
  10. There seems to be a large number of young starlings around, some very recently fledged. It looks like the indian summer has encouraged another brood.
  11. A recent article in the 'Dominion Post' reported that a woman had sued Wellington Hospital, NZ. saying that after her husband had surgery there he lost all interest in sex. The hospital stated that her husband had only been admitted for cataract surgery and all they did was correct his eyesight.
  12. Thats my plan for every day.
  13. Afraid not, Sarah Siddons IIRC is fitted with a motor-generator and some others in the class may have been so fitted.
  14. I thought for a minute you were referring to the shop on the left.
  15. When they were withdrawn some went to BR IIRC for testing purposes (load bank?), they remained in their LT livery and most were scrapped without being used but I wonder what they would look like in BR black or green (with or without yellow panels).
  16. I checked his other railway/transport books and his prices look very reasonable. Either its a mistype or its temporarily out of stock.
  17. Morning all, missed my usual evening call in to ER's last night, I put it down to reading a crime novel, didn't get to bed until past midnight. I do tend not to put such books down until I've read them from cover to cover.
  18. I wonder if it will be possible to 'backdate' it by using the Minix 1100 body?
  19. In this country a driving ban means everything, a few months ago an elderly gent was barred from driving his mobility scooter as he had injured quite a few people whilst doing so.
  20. Morning all, bright and sunny this morning. In yesterdays papers it said that this weather could last until November, so warm/hot days and freezing nights to come.
  21. Going by the first line you've spent some time there already.
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