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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The bank statement dropped onto the mat yesterday, so I thought that I might as well check it against last years October statement, only to find that I am a few hundred pounds better off! I'll have to start spending some money so Christmas in a hotel somewhere being waited on hand and foot beckons as is 'doing' York or North Wales next year, or maybe both.
  2. At the moment I don't have a working printer. Are they available ready printed?
  3. It would help if the wheels lined up with the splashers.
  4. I had that problem as well, at first I thought it was the arthritis but it turned out to be sciatica.
  5. If they are building a Patriot at Llangollen could the 'reveal' date have any significance? The 9th is Remembrance Sunday remember.
  6. Morning all, I have never flown on a helicopter and have never wanted to since I saw the aftermath of a fatal accident. This was back in the mid 70's when I was taking a trip with my brother and his (then) young family to an air show at Biggin Hill. As we were queuing to go in all hell broke loose with crash tenders and ambulances rushing around. A helicopter doing joy rides had taken off straight into an aircraft that was landing, the aircraft, a Tiger Moth, lost its undercarriage but the pilot made a successful belly landing. Unfortunately all on the helicopter were killed.
  7. Two more lines of poetry added, "How did he look - was he strong. Did he die, or am I wrong.". I might be staring at it too much but there appears to be outside cylinders angled back slightly. The first boiler ring is also visible, the dome appears to be on the second ring. I thought I'd seen the dome with the safety valves on top a couple of days ago but I wasn't sure, now I think I can see what looks like a Belpaire firebox.
  8. Trev has bought us very nicely onto ferries, the first ferry trip I went on was late summer 1973 or 74. You would think that the weather in September would be quite calm but it most certainly was not. It was blowing such a gale that the swell was about 10/12 feet, in the inner harbour at Dover! We even had to do a 'drag start' to get the car onto the ferry whilst the ramp was level enough. Despite the conditions the captain decided to put to sea, and as the destination was Ostend and the trip was overnight we had booked the basic accommodation which was a 'dormitory' type accommodation, the ladies one was amidships but the mens was in the bow of the ship. The ship was heading directly into the wind and every 20 seconds or so a wave would hit, and it was like being inside a base drum. Due to that I was unable to sleep so I made my way up to the cafeteria, which was almost empty and I ordered a full English breakfast, I was tucking into my breakfast when a member of staff came over and asked me not to sit so close to the entrance as potential clients on seeing what I was eating were turning green and rushing out. As you can gather I must have been born with sea legs. On another cross channel trip, this time in winter, IIRC November the sea was like a millpond if a bit foggy, it was so calm that you could see the reflection of passing vessels in the water.
  9. I can just about make out a small wheel (as from a pony truck) ahead of the smokebox on the illustration.
  10. The most interesting flight I had was in a Vickers Varsity. I was an air cadet at the time and a group of us were taken up for a two hour flight. The Varsity was used for training bomber crews and was fitted with a bomb aimers position in the belly, this was accessed by a hatch in the floor. At about 10,000 feet the Flight Sergeant decided to show us the bomb aimers position, some felt a bit queasy looking straight down two miles with only a thin piece of perspex between you and the ground.
  11. That makes two of us. Bit dull and overcast this morning but at least its looking dry.
  12. Morning all, this morning I noticed that my ratings have just topped the 5000 mark . A bit overcast but dry at the moment but as I'm now retired I don't have to worry about hump day.
  13. As long as you don't use EM wheels on P4 track you should be OK.
  14. There was a coach at Barking for many years, they even built a roadbridge over it. I do believe that the only way to remove it was to cut it up on site.
  15. Evening all, Jock, thanks for your tip about 'Allopurinol', I had to stop taking Voltarol when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure as it cancelled out the effect of Ramopril. Damp weather always affects my arthritis, I can tell almost to the minute when it is going to rain. The best exercise if you have arthritis is swimming.
  16. Yet Realtrack has entered the market and is going from strength to strength. A parallel can be drawn between Realtrack and Oxford in that both companies are very customer focused and more in touch with their customers. More so than Hornby or Bachmann perhaps?
  17. We in our club are fortunate that there is also a model railway club in our twin town in France. I have visited on three occasions with our club when they have held an exhibition. The exhibition is not organised by their model railway club but by the local municipality and it includes such things as craft fairs and vintage vehicle displays, the model railway club is one of many local organisations invited to participate. As was said above, the catering was superb and everything stops for about two hours for lunch. The town (Meux) is very close to Eurodisney and the show is on in early November.
  18. Could well be, the countdown finishes on the Saturday before Remembrance Sunday. Several railway companies produced/named/renamed locomotives in memory of the fallen. Perhaps the prototype is one of these locomotives.
  19. Good moaning, bright and sunny start this morning so I'll take a walk into town instead of the car to Tesco's. On the subject of Halloween, I am reconsidering my 7.30 cut off time for opening the door, and getting some sugar free huggy bears for those who call after that time. "Go on son, take a handful"
  20. I do get a few treats in for Halloween, but I do not answer the door after about 7.30 by which time most of the youngest will be going to bed. Not had any problems around here with eggs or flour for a long time, last time there was a problem, about 10 years ago the scroats were stopped by the police, one of them still had some eggs in his pocket, somehow they got broken.
  21. My favourite tipple, regrettably current medication means any alcohol is a no no. I still have some in stock and as it is a 'live' beer (ferments in the bottle) its possibly more than 8% now.
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