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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Its all OK now, the delay was caused by technical problems as well as my e-mail going straight into his spam file. Although I didn't order via e-bay he has a shop on e-bay and I was able to contact him that way. (He is also here on RMweb so I could have contacted him by PM here as well.) So my goods should arrive by tomorrow morning.
  2. I visited Tyne Cot cemetery a few years ago and was astounded by the size of it. Sadly many of the graves are marked as 'Unknown'.
  3. Yes it does have a USB port, it also serves as the battery charging port.
  4. Great shot, if the train wasn't there I'd find the tunnel hard to spot.
  5. I've now found out that the order was not received, I received confirmation of the order and of the payment via Paypal. I went into Paypal this morning and found no indication of a payment, I then clicked on the website to be told that it was not available. I have this problem with a few other websites but no one seems to know what to do about it. I have been told that it is a 'remote server problem' whatever that is. Part of the problem is that it happens on an old internet address as well so its not my IP as has been suggested and neither does anything appear in the recipients spam folder, my e-mails just 'disappear'.
  6. You only have to put your sign in once and then store the information. My desktop is on Virgin cable which is pretty secure but I will not use internet banking for example even though the chances of someone penetrating my security is small. I will not even use the Hudl for things such as Paypal for the reason you state.
  7. I agree, that was one of the reasons that I decided on the Hudl was the ability to maneuver and enlarge the screen. I have both distance and reading glasses and I usually leave my reading glasses at home and if I have to read anything I normally just remove my distance glasses.
  8. Back home from the club, the clubhouse is an ex cricket pavilion and sits on its own on the edge of a cricket pitch. There is nothing to muffle any noise however and tonight it seemed like being in a trench on the Somme at times. There seems to be an exhibition/swap meet near me every weekend between now and Christmas starting with the Romford exhibition on Saturday.
  9. Well the postman called but still no package, I've e-mailed the vendor and awaiting a reply. I bought the Hudl so that I can keep in touch with RMweb etc. when I'm out and about, but another week to go before the hub is available. Be back later, model railway club night tonight.
  10. The sun is now shining so I will venture out as soon as the postman calls (I'm expecting a package).
  11. Its actually a petrol-mechanical built around a Fordson tractor. Branchlines produced a white metal kit a few years ago intended to fit on to a Tenshodo spud.
  12. Perhaps a 'fine' for those who don't turn up for GP's appointments will make a difference. The problem with the NHS at the moment is the politicians, the present lot are privatising it by stealth but the Labour government didn't do much better, they tried throwing money at it that mostly went in to the bureaucracy or the PPL disaster. I haven't heard many complaints about the Scottish NHS so maybe they are getting it right.
  13. Well at least you don't have to get wet to find out that its raining. Did he bring Monica Lewinsky? bit of a blow if not.
  14. Popped down into town today to sort out my wifi, apparently my modem is now obsolete as is my set top box and I require a 'new' bundle. The good news is the new bundle will cost less than the old one . The only thing is they cant be delivered until the 12th.
  15. Morning all, bright and sunny this morning and according to the forecast its going to last all day. I feel envious of ID with his new 'family member' and I would like to have a dog of my own but I'm not sure that I could cope. I certainly think that we should make dog owners in the UK more responsible for their pets and the Swiss system is the way to go. If I did get a dog it would either be a Heinz 57 or a Jack Russell, not one of those poor creatures that has been messed up by the Kennel Club.
  16. Well I've got it charged up and was about to start when I remembered that computer imbecile that I am I don't have wifi! I can pick up one of my neighbours Sky but I don't want to do that. In fact I've been in touch with my internet provider and they can provide a device that just plugs into the back of my modem.
  17. I went out this morning and purchased a Hudl, using my Tesco vouchers doubled up. On charge at the moment.
  18. Rain promised for today and my arthritis concurs. I hope Ian gets his internet sorted soon unlike someone I know who waited for several days for his internet to be reconnected. When he telephoned to enquire about the delay he was told that it was caused by his not answering the e-mails they sent. He changed his IP soon after.
  19. I think I see a cab appearing. Its looking more and more like a Jones Goods.
  20. That explains the short smokebox. Hat, coat gone.....
  21. Its not his backside that he should be worried about.
  22. I've now spluttered tea all over my keyboard.
  23. Do you mean belly button? I tried pressing mine but nothing happened.
  24. About two or three weeks before my last day at work I had to deal with an arseclown of the first order. He was leaving (they managed to push him out of the door at last) but as the payroll had been run, and his final payments had been calculated he would have had to have waited until three days after he'd left. He insisted on being paid on the leaving date which meant that I would have to stop the payment by computer and manually calculate his payment. He claimed that by ex boss who had walked out a few weeks before telling the other arseclowns where they could put the job had approved it, though it was almost certainly a lie. I was determined not to give in to his demands but there must have been an arseclowns club operating because orders came from on high to do as he demanded. The outcome was that I had to waste an afternoon sorting it out. I had the last laugh though, payment on the day in question bought him into the previous tax period which meant more tax was deducted and the only alternative to bank transfer was payment by cheque which was paid to him on the Friday, even if he deposited it in his account on that day it would not have cleared until after the computerised payment was in his account. If only that had occurred nearer to my last day I would have taken great pleasure in telling him to do something possibly physically impossible.
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