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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I had a car once that if you didn't have the heater on you would lose all the coolant. This was caused by a leaking bypass valve in the heater, if you turned the heater off you had hot water splashing on to your feet.
  2. A heater was an optional extra on some models up until the 1960's.
  3. Its all down to labour costs. The MD of Oxford Diecast stated in a magazine interview a few months ago that he would dearly love to produce in the UK but labour costs are ten times those in China and as his compeditors moved production to China he had to follow suit.
  4. It is accepted in France and other countries invaded by the Nazis that some casualties were the result of 'friendly fire' and as such were neccessary for the freedoms they now enjoy. They are included with those from the resistance movements and those who fought in uniform so its only fitting that they should have a memorial. By a lucky coincidence November 11th 2018 will be a Sunday so the 100 years from the end of WW1 can be suitably marked, a far more important date than the start IMHO.
  5. Morning all, the wind has blown the wheelie bin over but as it is only used for garden waste there is no urgency in righting it. The problem with parking is due a lot to the proximity of the railway station, we have resident parking and are supposed to have a parking patrol but that has been halved due to cutbacks.
  6. Thats because they are not Merit. They are from the very rare Dinky Toys set 054 'Railway Station Personel'. Complete sets are about £75 in mint boxed condition. But £15 is still IMHO rather a lot to pay. EDIT There is one on e-bay at the moment with a damaged case with a BIN price of just over £35, # 390849247887
  7. I live on a corner, there is a small plot of land about 3 metres wide between my property and the corner itself, and there is barely enough room to park a small car between the corner and my drive. Some people insist on parking there rather than park on the oposite side of the road where there is room to park. The plot of land which belongs to the local council is very overgrown and makes the corner 'blind'. On one occasion I was asking a woman driver not to park there as although she was not obstructing my drive the position of her car would make a bit of manouvering neccessary to reverse my car onto the drive, her reply was to give me the finger. As she did so another car came flying round the corner and collided with her car.
  8. Oxford have their own factory in China so are in a better position than some other better known model railway manufacturers.
  9. As I said earlier I had to go out this morning. I opened my front door to find a van parked blocking my drive, it was a driver making a delivery further down the street but the most annoying thing was the house he was delivering to had plenty of space for him to park his van.
  10. I received a package once sent via Royal Mail, it arrived damaged but in a clear plastic bag with a covering note apologising for the damage and asking me to check that nothing was missing, fortunately nothing was missing.
  11. A quick look in this morning , off out in a few minutes, be back later.
  12. I was wondering the same thing. Apparently Oxford have produced model railway items for a third party so they might be doing so now in conjuction with Kerno or some other trader. A lot of Oxfords diecast models are initially produced for the likes of Atlas and Eddie Stobart, those companies finance the developement costs and have first call on the production but eventually the products are incorporated into the Oxford range.
  13. Depends on if you have a cat or not, if not you will have to keep checking the cupboard.
  14. Theres one on Facebook, been going for some time now.
  15. Morning all, of to the exhibition at Romford soon. Nice and sunny if a bit cold.
  16. I speculated on some sort of WW1 commemoration several pages back. Not to long to wait but I will be out when zero hour arrives.
  17. Talking of tea http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Da_Hong_Pao The most expensive tea in the world
  18. Boris walking about naked... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I have never had any problem with telling Canadians from Americans by saying 'Your Canadian aren't you.' Americans dont seem to mind.
  20. And if you watch BBC London you can get Wendy Hurrell.
  21. He goes by the name 'Taff Oxford' on Facebook.
  22. Morning all, getting used to Firefox now and it seems a bit quicker. I have found a few sites that Google Chrome decided are not available to me are so on Firefox, I will have to transfer it all over now.
  23. It will be an enormous heap of froth.
  24. But if you scratch it something might fall off.
  25. Just got back into RMweb thanks to Tony_S who suggested trying another browser. So it appears I will have to use Firefox in future for access to RMweb and Google Chrome for the rest. I have had problems accessing other sites as I mentioned earlier, perhaps Chrome is blocking those sites so I'll give them a try in the morning.
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