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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. http://www.vintagecarriagestrust.org/se/CarriageInfo.asp?Ref=645
  2. I did think Shakespeare at first but thought it was a catch so I took a guess at Robbie Burns. Then Jock gave the second line that convinced me that it was Shakespeare and the timbre of the poem put me in mind of 'Romeo and Juliet'. I have never studied Shakespeare, even in school, just picked it up as I went along. Now who said this:- "I disagree with all that you have said, I think you are completely wrong. But I will defend until death your right to say it." A clue, it was not originally in English.
  3. Sounds like Shakespear, Romeo and Juliet perhaps?
  4. If there was three someone to do the ironing as well.
  5. I clicked disagree on the above as it was not unusual to see ethnic minorities working on the railways in the steam era, even a few working on the footplate.
  6. But you should have looked for the label saying spaniel proof.
  7. This may have been posted before >> http://www.tickld.com/x/actual-exchanges-between-pilots-and-control-towers
  8. Not the Basildon branch by any chance? Went in there this morning and only a gap on the shelves.
  9. Expect some similar weather this morning if the forcast is anything to go by.
  10. Morning all, bit overcast but dry and the forcast is good. Got to get the old TV set down to the charity shop as I have nowhere to put it.
  11. Evening all, now have the new hub installed together with the new TV and box connecting me with the Virgin cable service. Been practicing with the Hudl but I'll stick to the desktop for RMweb for now.
  12. There is/was the nuclear flask trains from Sizewell and Southminster.
  13. I'm partially disabled and I would find it difficult to get into such a car. The first thought that crossed my mind when I saw the photo was 'is he entitled to use the disabled badge'.
  14. Pity that a 'Storm Special' charter train can't be run in such conditions, I'm sure there would be quite a few takers.
  15. A friends six year old granddaughter has the same idea, she calls it 'splat' chicken.
  16. I remember travelling by 306 fifty years ago when I started work in the City of London in my first job. The seats were like a Victorian sofa and quite comfortable, so comfortable in fact that couples used to take advantage of the semi-fast late evening service.
  17. I have some of the Oxford bus and coach models. The upper half or sometimes three quarters of these models is clear perspex painted or tampo printed where appropiate, hopefully they may use this technique to produce passenger rolling stock.
  18. The Jet stream as you say is normally centred on the USA/Canada border, which on this side of the pond corresponds with the Bristol Channel. Generally this results in the low pressure systems being forced up into the Irish Sea and drawing the warm moist air behind it. At the moment the jet stream is further south than normal with a dip over the Azores and then heading north dumping a lot of rain on the first land it meets, the British Isles.
  19. That same southern drift of the jet stream is responsible for the mild weather on this side of the pond. As it crosses the North Atlantic it creates low pressure vortexes. All low pressure systems in the northern hemisphere rotate anti clockwise and in doing so draw up warm moisture laden air from the equator hence the mild wet weather.
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