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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Look for 'Oxford diecast collectors', its a closed group so you might have to join. Theres also an 'Oxford diecast collectors wishlist models' group where you can suggest future models.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thanks Robert for those excellent pics, took me back over 40 years ago when I visited that part of Germany. I stayed with German friends in Oppau, a suburb of Ludwigshafen-am-Rhein. Highlight of my first stay was a trip to Bad Durkheim by the tramway/light railway (interurban?) that connected with the interlinked Mannheim/Ludwigshafen system. At the time it was a fascinating system using articulated (Dewag?) cars, it left Mannheim using the street tracks but as soon as it was in open countryside it became a double track 'main line' where the cars moved at considerable speed. But when the line came to a village it went down to a single track wending its way through the village street(s). As the cars were single ended the terminus at Bad Durkheim was a large loop with various sidings some of which were occupied by wagons loaded with grapes (it is a wine growing region) the wagons appeared to be converted from old tramcars going by the low frames, rather like a bus converted to a lorry, I saw no sign of whatever hauled these wagons alas. It was also possible to travel east to Heidelberg by another connected tram system meaning that it was possible to travel a considerable distance (IIRC 50 to 60 kilometres) from Bad Durkheim to Heidelberg entirely by tram using the rails of only five systems, something I wanted to do but alas was never able too.
  3. Two different vehicles, perhaps the grey version will be offered as well.
  4. I used to have a Nissan Prairie 1.8 GL, I would love to have a model of one in 1/76 but I very much doubt if one would be produced.
  5. I have some of these Atlas French railcar models and they really are very good models, very much on par with the EFE tube stock, one even has a raised floor over the bogies making motorising easier. There is an immense number of prototypes out there, enough I think to provide two separate series, one steam and one petrol/diesel, particularly if you take into account Ireland and colonial units.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny if a bit breezy so its down to town today.
  7. No need, a certain someone has left the forum.
  8. Went out to do a bit of shopping this morning. I had to get a new pruning saw to get rid of the 'triffid' in the front garden so on my way to the supermarket I popped into Homebase to acquire the said saw. When I went to pay the young lady on the till asked me 'Are you over eighteen?' In fact its less than a month until my 67th birthday and although I am sometimes told that I don't look as old as I am I don't think its all of 49 years. (I might act a lot younger sometimes ).
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit overcast this morning but the sun is trying to break through, no mention on the weather news of pollen levels so hopefully they will not be that high.
  10. If you want to take a 'late' holiday, having mentioned Barbados when I went there it was late October, early November, quite by accident I'd hit on the right time to go. The rainy season in the Caribbean is from mid April to early October. The 'high' (expensive) holiday season runs from mid December to April so November is the ideal time to go. Not so much when I went there but now there are plenty of cruises available to the region.
  11. I have seen pictures of machinery being carried on the telescopic boom with the tracks suspended each side, probably due to height limitations. The trailer manufacturer Nooteboom has a fan page on Facebook well worth following. http://www.facebook.com/NooteboomTrailersFan/photos/
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. On the subject of mango's, many years ago I went on holiday in Barbados, the hotel was in fact several bungalows set in a large garden that included several mango trees. The fruit was on the breakfast menu and if you wished the waiter would pick and prepare one for you. I know someone who retired a couple of years ago from the employment service, she was only hanging on to get her pension at the earliest opportunity, when she left the average turnover rate of staff was ten days in the job before they quit. Very sorry to hear of the death of the young man, any such death is tragic, even more so when it is someone so young. It bought to mind the recent accident at Alton Towers, fortunately with no fatalities but a young girl has had to have a leg amputated and another of the victims is still critical.
  13. I've already put in a pre-order for mine. Only problem is with such models is that the interior is the standard bus one with just seats. Some photographs of the prototype have been shown on Facebook and bulkheads and partitions are evident, any photographs/details of the interior available?
  14. An item about cold callers on the breakfast show this morning reminded me. If you apply for any Atlas series using the flyer with the detachable postcard check the boxes in the corner. IIRC they have to be ticked if you don't want your personal details passed on to a third party.
  15. The start price was a reasonable £75. Looking at the bidding the initial bidders dropped out at £90 when a bidding war started.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Clouds occasionally scudding across the sky and the forecast is similar to yesterdays. Because of yesterdays forecast I put off giving the weeds poking through the patio a dose of Roundup. Whatever made you think that retirement meant that you will spend your time relaxing Jock? Its now over seven years since I retired and I've never been busier, even though I don't have any wife or family to consider.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The predicted rain did not materialise but it came over a bit dark and cooler but must have done something to the pollen as the slight hay fever this morning had disappeared. Of to bed now, night all.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nice sunny weather this morning but the forecast is for showers later.
  19. Wasn't the GT6 fitted with the more rigid coupe body as the Spitfire body/chassis twisted with the torque of the six cylinder engine?
  20. Thats great news about the 66 Phil, if its correct. If it is a static model it can still be placed on a layout, and if it is as it appears is fitted with couplings it might be usable as a 'dummy' for double heading.
  21. Having no first aid skills I would leave it to those who do. Luckily the only time I've been in that situation, a little girl being run over by a moped, within a couple of minutes a fire engine came past returning from a 'shout' and the firemen attended to the victim. I might add she made a full recovery.
  22. And camouflaged toilet paper? or do we not have white tailed deer.
  23. Many of the current survivors were better cared for that is why they survive. Hence the scarcity of light vans which were most likely to be poorly treated and not cared for.
  24. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Decided after all not to go to the Bromley Pageant of Motoring and had a long soak in the bath instead. The next three weekends are 'booked' anyway and I'm getting to an age where you can have too much of a good thing.
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