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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Apologies to TD, I omitted to mention anything about Mrs. TD, thats because I try to read through all ER's and if your away from here more than a few hours there's a lot to catch up on. I was reminiscing about my school-days just now and as I recall 40 pupils to a class was nothing unusual, nowadays half that number is considered a large class.
  2. There is/was a kit for a Thames Barge produced by a Dutch company to 1/80 scale. They seem to be produced in batches every few years. This is a wooden kit with a shaped and finished wooden hull. There as a 00 kit advertised on e-bay, not one of the kits mentioned, item # 181794122821.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No evidence of the predicted rain, just as well as I gave the triffid another dose of glyphosphate yesterday evening although it now looks as if previous doses are having an effect. Sad report of a hit and run on the local news this morning, it occurred in a street in Hornchurch where I used to live, in turning just off of it. The street concerned (Albany Road) is dead straight and about 1.25 miles long, the incident happened in the early hours and probably involved drink.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. No change with regard to the mini motor caravan so tomorrow I'll make time to give it the once over and if there's no further bids I'll put one in myself. Thats it for tonight, sleep tight all.
  5. Have you seen the effects of paint stripper on cellulose?
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Many happy returns Lurker, I almost forgot. The talk of Canadians and Americans reminded me of a lady who stops by for a chat at our clubroom (which is actually within a cricket ground with public access where people walk their dogs). The lady is from Oregon but many people presume she is Canadian. As I have known a couple of Canadians I can understand why people assume she is Canadian when they hear her speak. I did read somewhere that the citizens of Oregon once voted as to whether they would become American or Canadian. There are some Islands in Vancouver bay that there was some debate over whether they belonged to Canada or the US, troops from both countries were stationed on one of the larger islands until it was decided that it would go to the US, both sides got together for a celebration.
  7. Most 'American' cars with right hand drive are in fact Canadian built, Ford and GM models in particular. One of the most difficult vehicles to convert to right hand drive was the wartime Jeep although a few were converted in Australia, apparently to swap the instruments over they turned the dashboard upside down. Until recently the number of right hand/left hand drive vehicles manufactured throughout the world was more or less equal. Only in the last 25 years has that changed due to the demand for cars from Russia and China. In fact until WW2 the left hand rule of the road was predominant, with countries such as Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia all driving on the left. Many South American countries also drove on the left up until the 1930's, as did China until the late 40's.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. No gardening done after all, except for another dose of glyphosphate applied to the triffid, or what's left of it, the stump is sprouting but the glyphosphate is knocking it back slowly and its one of those plants that do need several doses of the stuff. Still watching the mini motor caravan on e-bay, no further bids at the moment and the price is still (just) under my upper limit, but still 5 days to go. I'll keep an eye on it and if there's no change I'll consider bidding for it in two or three days. I can't take most anti-inflammatorys as they will cancel out the blood pressure tablets that I have to take so I have to rely on paracetamol if I need a painkiller, a case of put up with the arthritis or run a greater risk of a stroke.
  9. As the driver was found nearby its possible he had abandoned the car only a few seconds before the train hit it.
  10. Not an old banger either, I wonder if it may have been stolen.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weathers looking good so the garden will get a little bit of attention this morning.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Condolences to Mick's friends family and to Matt. It looks like I'll have to forget about the mini motor caravan, the bids have virtually doubled the price in 24 hours and there's still five days to go and its already close to how much I'm willing to pay. Time for a rant, its usually my practice to switch the TV on for the 6 o'clock news only to find that the golf had overrun and was continuing. The news eventually came on at 7 when the powers that be at the BBC deigned to move the golf to BBC2. The question I would ask is why not move the golf to BBC2 at 6? The only programs on then were repeat quiz shows.
  13. Perhaps the previous service running very late.
  14. I noticed the switch at the bottom of the picture. I wonder how that works on a cable car network?
  15. Morning all from a damp and drizzly Estuary-Land. Commiserations and congratulations where necessary, I too had a colleague who was due to retire at the same time as me, we even discussed having a joint leaving do as many people would have attended both., a couple of weeks before the due date he was rushed into hospital with a severe kidney infection and he died two days before he was due to retire. The exertions in the garden yesterday seem to have no ill effects, the nagging of the arthritis is to be expected if the weather is damp.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Belated best wishes to Baz and Mr. & Mrs. BoD. Being doing a bit in the garden this afternoon and now feeling completely knackered. Early night beckons so if I'm not back this evening goodnight all.
  17. Global warming is a fact, it has happened several times in the past, as have ice ages. It has been found that some species of butterfly had considerably reduced numbers, when it was looked into it was found that the cause was food plants that they relied upon were dying out in more southern regions due to climate change but were thriving in more northern climes and the butterflies were slow in following suit.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Grim news indeed about the RM webbers mum, as Ian said its hard to put into words how you feel at such times. Glad to hear from Jock again however briefly. I find as you get older even a change of scene, however pleasant, can bring on tiredness, paying visits to events more than a couple of hours drive away now has to be considered carefully. I am at present looking to bid on a small motor caravan thats advertised on e-bay, with the added advantage that its local to me. It is small though. Vauxhall Rascal based and not suitable for more than an overnight stay but it looks clean and well cared for and needing only a little work to get it up to scratch. Having once owned a Rascal I know what to check for and anyway I hope to take a motor mechanic friend with me to check it over.
  19. There are many reasons given for the decline in insects, some agricultural chemicals have had a devastating effect on bee populations for instance and the decline in some butterflies has been attributed to global warming.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear from you Jock, it seems that your internet links are adequate. While your up that way have you thought about paying a visit to the Long Shop Museum at Leiston? This is the old Garret steam wagon works and a fascinating place to visit. I went there a couple of years ago, its hard to imagine that a sleepy East Anglian village once was home to a major manufacturer. I couldn't quite imagine railway wagons being shunted through the village streets as they once were.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. On the subject of accents, where is the 'estuary accent' on that list? I'm not actually sure if my accent can be categorised, I am Essex born and bred but neither of my parents were born in the county and having done some family history research I can claim to be 50% Essex as both my parents had one parent who was 'Essex'. Many of my antecedents have come from rather interesting places such as Portland Bill and I found that I am a distant cousin of a right wing Tory MP its not all bad though, another ancestor was hung for piracy.
  22. Considering that many pop stars are now getting old its time to re-title some of their greatest hits. Led Zeppelin, Stair lift to heaven. Rolling Stones, Gimme seltzer. The Who. My degeneration. Manfred Mann, Doo wah diddy diddy...um...diddy doo? Cat Stevens Father and great grandson. Moody Blues, Knights in white statins. James Brown, Papa's got a brand new colostomy bag. Mungo Jerry, In the zimmer frame. Olivia Newton-John, Granadu. Everly Brothers, Speak up, little Susie. The Beatles, When I was 64. Rod Stewart, Do you think I'm sixty? The Hollies, Bus pass. and Jerry and the pacemakers is now Jerry with a pacemaker.
  23. Mice don't have bladders, they are therefore incontinent leaving a trail of urine. That is why whenever they contaminate food it should always be thrown away.
  24. Morning all from a breezy but brightening Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear about your friends father Mick. Congratulations Dom on your forthcoming nuptials. BoD, I hope you enjoy a long and happy retirement, I found that you keep 'drifting back' for a year or two to celebrate things like significant birthdays, weddings and most of all others retiring. In my case as a long standing member of a largish surrogate 'family' but like one's real family it often shrinks as the years pass. Thinking of that one young lady who I first knew as a shy and slightly introvert 17 year old is now herself mother of a teenager. Thats enough of my ramblings for today, have a good POETS day all those not fortunate enough to be retired.
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