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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I forgot to mention, thanks Tony for liking my post on Facebook, I would love it as an avatar despite being a 'dog person' rather than a 'cat person', I'm not even sure though if I can use it because of copyright.
  2. Theres a bit of information Flavio http://www.falconenamelware.com/product/tea-pot http://www.collectorsweekly.com/kitchen/kettles-and-teapots The first one also has enamel mugs.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hot and sticky here this morning, almost enough to make you want the predicted thunder storms to arrive. Not a lot to report, the postman doesn't arrive until about 11 so I don't know if my parcel will arrive yet.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The parcel I was hoping for hasn't arrived yet, hopefully it will do so tomorrow (expected delivery date 12 to 15th August). Nearly done for a learner motor scooter rider when I returned home from the club this evening, the idiot cut behind me as I was reversing onto my drive, I didn't spot him as he was riding without lights. Goodnight all.
  5. Just this evening, about an hour ago I nearly took out a learner motor scooterist, if he had been a fraction of a second slower I would have done so. I had just returned from my club night and as is my usual practice I reverse onto my drive. My road is about 16 feet wide and my drive about half of that. I usually pull into the kerb by my drive, check that the road is clear, swing across the road and then reverse onto my drive. This evening the idiot on a motor scooter decided to cut behind me as I was reversing. There was only about a two foot gap between my back bumper and the kerb when he shot behind me. To make matters worse he was riding without lights, I only knew he was there when he was caught in my reverse lights.
  6. That is a 'detachable goose neck' trailer, more suitable if stock has to be loaded/unloaded in confined spaces. The one drawback is the time taken to load and unload as temporary rails have to be laid after the tractor unit has detached and removed before it is reconnected. If your on Facebook look up 'UK TRAINS ON TRUCKS' for pics of transporters.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast this morning and the odd shower predicted, at least it means another let off for giving the lawn a shave. Waiting in until the postman arrives to see if an expected parcel has arrived. Glad to hear Flavio is recovering well and Sherry has dealt effectively with the insect bites. I never seem to suffer from insect bites, perhaps its due to my being rather hursuit.
  8. The Atlas Komatsu is not made by Oxford but by another manufacturer. I now have three of them, two directly from Atlas and one obtained at a swap meet for £12, like Tamperman I am going to fit one with a set of jaws as a demolition machine. Airfix are producing a series of 'damaged buildings' in unpainted resin in 00 scale for wargamers and I am looking at these to see if they are suitable to be used as a building under demolition.
  9. If it was bright red then possibly yes. The weight was very low down as due to their having no B posts and to increase the rigidity there was two massive girders underneath. Very strong cars, I lost mine when it was rear ended by a truck and it rolled two or three times before ending on its roof, the only injury I received was a cut finger from the broken glass. They are surprisingly rare nowadays, only a handful registered for the road. Talking of impatient drivers, during the long hot summer of '76 I had a Bedford Dormobile, I was on my way down North Street in Romford when I spotted a mate of mine waiting for a bus to work so I offered him a lift which he accepted. Further down the street I came up behind a learner driver who was getting a bit flustered so I had to stop and then crawl behind him. Once the traffic had cleared I started on my way only for an idiot who was behind me pulling across my bows stopping me and mouthing off about my holding him up. My mate just happened to be a police officer in uniform, who went and had a 'quiet word' with him.
  10. In the bumph that came with mine was a card with a picture of machinery being carried on a detachable goose-neck trailer.
  11. Mine is still on the base but I've loosened the securing screws. This is because they are often screwed down so tightly that it leaves 'flats' in the tyres that can be very difficult to remove.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull at the moment and there was even a splatter of rain earlier on. Sorry to hear about the travails of your friends and colleagues John. My problem with shoes is that I am size 11 broad fit, not helped by the fact that shoes sizes seem to vary even within the same size and as for width I've yet to meet anyone with feet as narrow as some shoes are made for.
  13. Fourteen years ago I took a fortnights break in Malta, while I was there I hired a small car, a Dawoo IIRC. This despite being a micro-car had PAS. When I got home I went to drive my car, a Nissan Prairie, which did not have PAS and nearly hit the brick wall opposite my drive!
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Hope things go well for you Flavio. Dick, great photos and Daisy looks as if she's having a great time. Jock, I've been hunting high and low for footwear with Velcro fastenings but I can't find anything in the local shops. I've had bad experiences with mail order footwear so I'm disinclined to go down that route. The same reasons apply to the need for Velcro, whatever did we do before it was invented? There is an article in the September 'Fly Past' magazine about the Blenheim fighter, apparently three Mk IV fuselages were discovered in Canada and the Mk. I is using the third fuselage not one previously used.
  15. I would have let Fido wee on his front wheel and pretend I hadn't noticed.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Trying out some new trainers today, I don't normally wear trainers as I don't like fiddling about with laces but these have a zip on the side so that they are easy to take off and put on without touching the laces. My usual preference is Velcro and needing some new shoes and as I couldn't find any with Velcro fastening I thought I'd give these a try.
  17. On several recent occasions I have had pedestrians step out in front of me without looking, more often than not while texting on a mobile. Even a quick blast on the horn doesn't wake them from their reverie. Perhaps a ton of car at 30 mph will? I do leave space between me and the vehicle in front, its called braking distance. Its for my benefit not for the 'Hurry up Henry's' to dive into. As has been stated trucks are now fitted with speed limiters so if I wish to pass one I wait until it is safe to do so, and the opportunity to do so arises after a minute or two, unless of course one of the 'Hurry up Henry's' has imposed himself between me and the said truck, usually so close to the truck that he cant see when it is safe to pass.
  18. The modern idea is to let it rust in the open air so that any expansion happens before the concrete is poured. I'm not sure though of the effect of salt water on the process.
  19. I signed up to MRRZ but I can no longer remember my sign in after clearing down my computer memory and I have not found it worth the effort to 're-connect.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bright sunny morning today and looks as if its going to stay that way. It was probably the Blenheim IF that has been reconstructed to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. An interesting story, there are no known surviving Blenheim I's, the one now flying was built using a Blenheim IV fuselage with a Mk.I nose and cockpit which someone had acquired shortly after the war to make a car body, various other pieces were found as far afield as Canada and Australia.
  21. It says for 'Wood, metal, stone or concrete' on the label, nothing about plastic.
  22. Mine arrived a couple of days ago, only thing is it is secured to the base by those dreaded triangular headed screws. Another model I have seen inn Stobart livery and might be from the same series is a 'sliding bed' recovery vehicle that is sometimes used to carry smaller items of rolling stock.
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