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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I find that I've been sleeping better since I had the new mattress delivered, its a fair bit deeper than the old one so its about another four inchs if I fall out of bed. Time for breakfast, kettles on, be back later.
  2. All OK, its set up now in UK English, thanks.
  3. Panic over, when I closed Firefox it was sitting there ready for use. When I clicked on the icon it opened my Firefox page with an additional tab for Libre Office, not really sure now what that was. This time I clicked on the icon and it showed the LO page as normal. Seems OK now but thanks for your help and advice all.
  4. Panic over, when I first clicked on the icon it opened my Firefox page with Libre Office on an additional tab. When I closed Firefox there it was ready for use DOH!
  5. Well I downloaded LO but I can't get into it without a sign in. I think that the problem may be because cookies are currently disabled and LO asks for cookies to be accepted. I'm not that good with computers and I cant find how to enable cookies. I'm on Firefox, how can I enable cookies please?
  6. I came across a really annoying 'lazy parker' a couple of years ago. I entered a car park where the only vacant parking place was partially obstructed by the car in the bay to the left parked six inches into the vacant bay, this despite the bay it was in having an extra half bay on the other side, the bay having been divided to provide a footpath. This necessitated my having to park very close to the (drivers) door just so that I could open my own door but despite that my car was central in the bay. When I returned to my car I found a note on the windscreen saying 'Nice parking dick-head'. He was lucky that he had left before I returned to my car otherwise he would have found his note placed where the sun don't shine.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I've been trying to find how to get into Libre Office this morning. I downloaded it on Friday and made a donation and the icon is now on my desktop. However when I click on the Icon the pages that come up require a sign in before proceeding further. The problem is that there was no request for sign in or creating a password when it was downloaded and there is no apparent provision for opening an account now? Either I've missed something or there's a fault in the system.
  8. The red lights were flashing and the klaxons were going so what's the problem? The action taken was to operate the warning lights and klaxons and instruct the train drivers to cross at slow speed. If the barriers were jammed in the up position what other action could be taken in the circumstances? I've no doubt that strenuous efforts were made to get the barriers working again.
  9. I had the same problem with Firefox. It was my usual habit to leave it 'open' when I switched my computer off but I found that since I closed everything before switching my computer off I've had no problem.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day at Shenfield today, very tempted by the Metropolitan Bo-Bo on John Dutfields stand but I (just) managed to resist as I have no use or need for one. I forgot to ask about the Hornby Sentinel with the cranks but there was no sign of one, probably sold out as elsewhere. As Tony said I met him as I was leaving, having met a fellow Basildon member just a few seconds before, also on his way in. The new mattress arrived yesterday, had a really good nights sleep on it but the problem is I've now got to get rid of the old one, its pretty useless as its got a hollow on one side and a broken spring on the other. Congratulations and commiserations where necessary.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quick look in before I'm off to Shenfield, be back later.
  12. I have now installed Libre Office on my computer and I will be testing/trying it out over the weekend. But first tomorrow I'll be off to the Shenfield exhibition where I might meet Tony, theres also three or four layouts with RMweb members involved. Nice to hear from Jock and I hope things improve for you. Thats it for tonight goodnight all.
  13. According to the radio this morning the queue of traffic reached almost to the A12 (J 28) a distance of 7 to 8 miles. Later reports were that the A127 was gridlocked going into Southend, about 1.30 this afternoon. I've just read Pete's report that this mornings hold up was due to a fatal accident, sympathies to the friends and family of the victim.
  14. I've now installed LO on my laptop and I will be giving it a try over the weekend.
  15. Not a problem really as I've done it before but I will have to empty the coat rack and explain to the delivery men what is required, once on the stairs it will be easy. The old mattress is a lot easier, I measured up the window opening and hopefully it will just squeeze through and it doesn't matter if it gets dirty or damaged by dropping it from the window as its only fit for the tip.
  16. I'm considering it but it seems to be only available in US English. Is there a UK English version available?
  17. Morning from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning as I had to transfer from Firefox to Chrome as Firefox is again dead slow. It seems to happen every time I go into Facebook I'm wondering if it is something to do with the attempt to hack my account because it only started happening after that. I watched WDYTYA last night, Anne Reid was following the story of her G G Grandfather who was deported to Van Deimens Land (Tasmania) in the 1840's, he was released a year early but was unable to return home as he could not afford the return passage which the convicts had to pay themselves. I thought of Tex as I watched that program that also showed some of the very attractive scenery. Waiting in this morning for the delivery of a new mattress, hope it arrives near the beginning of the time slot (10.30-1.30), In the meantime I'll have to clear the passageway downstairs as there is a 180 degree turn to negotiate at the foot of the stairs in a space of only 6 X 4 feet with a low ceiling as well. Commiserations and congratulations were necessary and have a good POETS day all.
  18. In the Great Heck accident the Land Rover had stopped with its front wheels just over the rail. When it was struck by the train the axle, because of its shape* would have acted as a ramp and would have caused the DVT to roll as it did as well as derailing it. *A Land Rover front axle is basically a straight steel tube with a bulge for the differential shaped like a hump back bridge.
  19. Thanks all, I've looked at the Microsoft app store but no time at the moment for a good look.
  20. In the Great Heck disaster it was the front axle of the Land Rover that derailed the train.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear from Jock and that all is as well as can be expected. Using Chrome at the moment as Firefox keeps buffering for some reason. As I said I now have a new computer, this is on windows 10. I have also installed a new laser printer as I hoped to print my own transfers, problem is that things such as Microsoft Word are 'optional extras' on 10. So can anyone suggest a suitable software package that can be used for creating transfers?
  22. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning so a walk into town later. No news from Jock yet? just hoping that no news is good news. Have a good day all.
  23. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A couple of days ago I had an e-mail from Facebook saying that someone had tried to access my account and that for security reasons I would have to change my password. To play safe instead of clicking on the link I went to my Facebook and indeed when I signed in I had to change my password, someone from Salford had tried to hack my account at four in the morning. Luckily they did not succeed but it is evident that they do succeed sometimes judging by the amount of spam and porn that comes up.
  24. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit damp and dreary here this morning and according to Carol it aint going to change much today. My recycling/rubbish collection day is Thursday but as is my habit I will put them out tonight when I get home from the model railway club. Looking forward to the Shenfield show this Saturday, first port of call will be the club sales stand to grab any bargains going. Hope we hear from Jock soon about how things went and best wishes for anyone else who's family members (including pets) are under the weather.
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