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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just had a peek in on Debs Facebook page and apparently they are sending her to another hospital tomorrow for just one day. She says that she will be travelling in an ecnalubmA, well thats what written on the front. Good wishes applied as usual. On the health front my cold/man flu has abated somewhat but is still hanging on by its fingertips, venturing out into the fresh air seems to have done the trick.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is now shining so time to make the most of it and leave the car on the drive today. I see that Debs has given a 'like' to a pic on my Facebook home page so hopefully she'll be back before long. Jock, I seem to have the flu like symptoms too, fortunately its not to bad and hopefully I can get rid of it soon. Back too the subject of the million pound house, I looked up the details such as the floor plan on the estate agents web site. The layout of the rooms is not very convenient, the kitchen and dining room for example are on opposite corners of the house, as far from each other as possible, mind you the entire ground floor of my house would fit into the 'kitchen/breakfast room' of that house. I think I'll give this one a miss. Mind you if I did win the lottery I'd be looking for a similar type of property, probably a bit further east around Jock's neck of the woods as my sister lives at Kirby Cross. 4" or 6"?
  3. Probably to get away quickly before all the Scottish fans could get to him. And on that note, goodnight all.
  4. On the subject of properties for sale there is a property mentioned on its own thread here with a garden railway attached. A million quid if your interested, I'm going to check my lottery ticket.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Stewart above I have read through the threads but I've mostly lost touch with who's ailing or to be congratulated so commiserations and congratulations where necessary. Another week beckons, where did the weekend go? not that it makes much difference to us retirees. I had intended to go to the Peterborough show but it was only reading the thread on the show yesterday that I realised it was on this weekend. I do know that the Chelmsford show is on this Saturday so its booked for a visit after the Brentwood toy fair.
  6. They were notoriously easy for the scrotes to break into.
  7. I've noticed recently that some of Hatton's prices for certain items are RRP. This applies to the 'cheaper' end of the market in such products as Oxford Diecast.
  8. E-bay do him no favours either by showing at the bottom of the page exactly the same model from another dealer for £88, less than a quarter of his asking price.
  9. Morning Afternoon from Estuary-Land. There seems to be a big yellow thing in the sky at the moment, I wonder what it is. Need to get out to get a few bits, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just catching up on everyone's posts. Pete, I hope the naked lady's bum and the photographers you saw were not connected. I have never had the pleasure of travelling overnight on a sleeper but have experienced overnight accommodation on various cross channel ferries. The worse was in a sort of dormitory in the bows of the ship during a heavy storm, every time the ship hit a wave it was like being inside a base drum. The best was on the one time Sheerness-Vlissingen ferry which was a very large vessel that doubled as a cruise ship, the cabins although spartan were clean and comfortable and I got a good nights sleep. Goodnight all.
  11. There is also a Bachmann boiler load in there, worth about £4-5. I'm tempted to bid the 99p and the + 3.50 postage keep the coach sides and the boiler and junk the rest.
  12. It wasn't a Perkins and it was turbocharged, it was made by an Italian company called VM. The problems with it were mostly due to poor maintenance. The engines had aluminium heads and if not properly maintained suffered corrosion problems, think Hillman Imp. Cylinder head warping was a particular problem mitigated somewhat by each of the four cylinders having its own head that could be removed without disturbing the others. The biggest problem would be spares, there aren't any unless you want to order them from Italy.
  13. Actually it was a good engine by all accounts but as it was only used in the SD1 and Range Rover spares became a problem.
  14. Good morning from Estuary-Land. I've decided to put off my trip to Gravesend as its still too windy. The landing stage on the Gravesend side is rather exposed with only a bus shelter thing for protection, the one at Tilbury is even more exposed but as you can park on the pontoon you can wait in your car for the ferry to arrive. So its down to Tesco's again today, just as well as I need to get some replacements that I forgot yesterday. Speaking of Tesco's, they had a 'Vintage Tesco's' at Goodwood a couple of weeks ago and they had some 00 scale model lorries specially produced by Oxford for that event. The models are of two 50's vintage lorries that Tesco's have restored and by all accounts are one off's and were sold out at the event. I found some for sale on e-bay, after a bit of thought I decided to purchase one, at nearly twice the original price, it turns out to be a pretty good model, its of an Albion box van, the other model, a Leyland articulated van didn't look so appealing. Commiserations and congratulations where necessary and have a good day all.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Might take a trip across the river to Gravesend tomorrow seeing as the wind is predicted to drop. I need to stock up with a few things for Christmas and the shops over there seem to be far better.
  16. They won't accept mine as I take medication.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Welcome to Alfsboy, despite appearances we don't bite, well not very often. Not a lot to report this morning, its a bit dull and overcast but dry (at the moment. Andy, I try to avoid MacD's and all similar establishments including those serving chicken and pizza's, if I need a meal on a day out I look out for an Asda's or Morrison's, their food is quite good and often cheaper. Congratulations and commiserations where necessary and I hope the E in POETS day is working for you.
  18. I received an e-mail yesterday informing me that mine was on its way, hopefully it will arrive tomorrow.
  19. Get your new tyres from Black Circles, thats where I got my new tyres from four months ago and was quite impressed with the service. I got a new set of Yokohama tyres which I have had before and found them to be excellent tyres.
  20. There's a modelling use for everything.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sherry, your lounge is immaculate compared to mine, my house is a typical bachelor pad, add to which I am an inveterate hoarder. Hope everyone's feeling well, commiserations to those that are a bit under the weather. I see that Debs has given a like to something on my Facebook page, and whats more its railway related so stand by your beds she'll soon be back. Waiting for the postman to deliver a pre-ordered model, hopefully it won't be to long, the postie usually arrives well before lunch.
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