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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. When I opened the page, I just clicked on + and it then showed one of the item in the basket. I then clicked the basket and it took me to checkout. I too am on Firefox but the only problem I had was the lack of any instructions or guidance on how to make an order.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not long after I ordered the items from Fraggle Rock this morning there was a knock at the door, it was the postman with a couple of parcels, obviously not from Fraggle Rock but the next item from the Atlas 'World of Stobart' series, the service truck model, the other parcel was the gift for taking out a magazine subscription.
  3. I can tell a Canadian and an American apart which is due to knowing a few Canadians one of whom I worked with for a while. If in doubt I ask "Are you Canadian", the Canadians are pleased and the Americans are not offended. A similar situation exists with Australians/New Zealanders but whatever you do don't mistake a New Zealander for an Australian. I have just ordered some items from Fraggle Rock, not from Neils Emporium but from the IOM Railway, the 00 scale models of IOM Steam Railway locomotive No. 12 and MER car No. 21.
  4. Only the 4-4-0T? I would send a list of models I'd like to see. I've only ordered the pair at £49, there is no mention of postage.
  5. A belated good morning from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that those undergoing medical procedures or tests have come through without any bad news, I count myself fortunate that I have reached my 68th year without anything really serious healthwise happening other than the usual aches and pains of growing old and try as I might it seems impossible to shed any weight. Andrew, I dealt with HMRC for most of my working life and I always found them to be helpful and efficient although as privatisation increased it became less so, the initial cause of your concern almost certainly came from an agency employed to do such work on behalf of the HMRC. You didn't say Jock as to whether the item of interest to you in Lidl was the telescopes or the air brush, you will have to be quick as allways with Lidl they won't be there for long. The reason for my visit was for another item but I was too late they had sold out.
  6. I mentioned Lidl earlier, they also have airbrushes at £39.95 a time if anyones interested.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning so a walk (hobble) into town beckons. I have just purchased a new water filter jug and as the filter on the old one expired last night I gave the new one a try. To do so I decided to try out the filter teapot and was delighted to find that included with it was a couple of sachets of real tea. One was of 'English breakfast' which is one of my favourites anyway so I tried that one. It was a revelation, the flavour was out of this world, I'm going to avoid tea bags from now on. Perhaps a 'Campaign for real tea' on the same lines as CAMRA is needed. On the subject of beer an Australian once told me that it was called XXXX because no one from the state where it originates from can spell beer. Not that we have not produced terrible beers in the UK, Skol was reputed to be the only liquid that could pass through the human body completely unaltered. Jock, interesting to find that you are a serious stargazer, it might interest you and other stargazers to know that Ldle have some telescopes in stock at the moment and if the price/quality of their other stuff is anything to go by they should be good. Thats all for now, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to all those being poked and prodded in hospital over the next few days.
  9. I recently obtained a couple of 1/43 scale buses and I am now looking for suitable seated figures to populate them with but without much luck so far. I have only found two figures so far, a 'DMU driver' that is a tight squeeze in the cab of the bus and a rather well endowed young lady who except for the feature alluded too appears to be closer to 1/50 scale.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that our Lancaster contingent are OK but that brings to mind others on the missing list, we haven't heard from Tasmania for ages or from Trev for even longer. Like Smiffy's weather here is best ignored here as well, the forecast is better for tomorrow so wait and see what that brings. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been browsing Facebook, a pic of some stupid prat in a Chelsea tractor driving through a flooded street at some speed creating a bow wave, as if the residents of the street don't have enough problems. I hope he got stopped or at least his number taken. On my facebook page I've posted an Australian drink driving film from a few years ago (2009), the Aussies certainly don't pull their punches. Now time for bed so goodnight all.
  12. I have driven three different transit minibuses each fitted with a speed limiter supposedly set at 100 kph (63 mph), one would bare do 60 mph, one was pretty much spot on and one could reach almost 70 mph.
  13. It appears very dark, I clicked for normal view and its just the same.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to all our friends in the north west affected by the flooding. I fortunately have never been in that situation but the aftermath of such an event is horrendous what with all sorts of nasties in the water and damage to the fabric of many buildings. Though there are a lot of problems that can be laid at the door of many politicians, the defences, or lack thereoff, against such events as after this weekend isn't one of them. Peirs Morgan ought to complain about those who are in denial about global warming which is where I will leave it before it gets too political. As for flooding, I live more or less 50 metres above sea level and the ground falls away on three sides of the house right down to the Vange marshes so if I get flooded out its far too late for the rest of us. Haven't decided what I'm doing today, probably what takes the least effort so probably nothing.
  15. Got it in one, what happened in fact he was teaching his girlfriend to drive and he had a skinfull one evening so he got the girlfriend to drive home. She got into a panic when he passed out and stalled the car on a busy junction and was still there half an hour later when the police arrived to find out what was causing the traffic hold up. They found the poor girl in tears and the 'instructor' snoring loudly. He not only lost his licence but his girlfriend as well. Fortunately she had not had a lot to drink so was not charged with anything.
  16. Of drunk drivers, take their licence away for good, no ifs, buts or maybe. Also on that subject I know of someone who was convicted of drunk driving though he was seated in the passenger seat, in fact passed out. I'm not saying yet how that came about but the wording of the actual offence gives you a clue, see if anyone has the answer.
  17. Just been watching countryfile (mainly for the weather for the coming week), the program finished with an item on the Glen Ord whiskey distillery. Out of interest I Googled Glen Ord and it don't come cheap, up to £525 a bottle! Just as well that I drink very little alcohol and then only the occasional beer or wine.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wind is still blowing but has abated somewhat, rather noticable in my abode as it is an end terrace with the gable facing due west. Some stuff in the garden is laying on its side and it can stay there for the time being. Hope things sort themselves out Mal and thoughts and best wishes to those on the receiving end of storm Desmond.
  19. I hope the pall-bearers hang on tight to the coffin.
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