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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Like Jock I have been 'channel hopping' this evening and I found a program on BBC4 called 'Meet the Ancestors revisited', a follow up of the program 'Meet the Ancestors' that was transmitted nearly twenty years ago. Basically its about the archeology that they done at the time and how new technologies are providing even more information about that archeology.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Watched the special edition of 'Sherlock' last night, not at all a bad program spoilt by the weird ending jumping between 1895 and the present day. I'm something of a Sherlock Holmes fan and the Jeremy Brett Holmes is the yardstick I use to measure any others but the current series seems to be lacking in many respects.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear from you Jock and that your on the mend, a word of warning though, whatever you do remember it is not a space hopper. I was hoping that the local chippie would be open today but it was not so the intended fish and chips supper will be tomorrow night. Gone over now to 'real tea', no way am I going back to tea bags, a little bit more effort involved but the flavour is incomparable, as long as you get the right tea. The best leaf teas I've tried so far are from Marks and Sparks and Tesco's. I've also tried Morrisons but thats pretty awful with a lot of 'dust'. One I'm trying at the moment is quite good but I have no idea who produces it as it came with a gift caddy and is unmarked.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Is there somewhere that is still in 2015, still a couple of hours away from the new year?
  5. Glad to hear Jock is back home after his op. Good news about the hotel fire in Dubia, apparently no serious casualties except for one heart attack victim who is being treated in hospital.
  6. Just my luck, if a train came along and cut her in two I'd get the half that eats.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up this morning to find no RMweb! fortunately its now back on line. Hope that Jock's op goes well and for any other ER's that are ailing get well soon. Will be trying out one of my Christmas presents today, a new mobile phone, as a confirmed Luddite I hope I don't mess things up. Bye for now, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. New Years Eve weather is predicted to be dry but cold with a good chance of frost in rural areas, make a change from recent weather much to the relief of many people. Getting late so goodnight all.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept this morning and only been up for about an hour or so. Jock, I hope everything goes well with your operation and Bod I hope everything proceeds as it should. Club night tonight if enough members turn up, not that much will get done. Blowing a bit outside and rain predicted for later but a bit of watery sunshine at the moment. Bye for now, be back later.
  10. Researching one's family tree is fascinating, you can discover all sorts of things. I have an ancestral relative who was hung for piracy, another from a different branch of the family was sent to spy on the poet Wordsworth, because he (Wordsworth) had expressed sympathy for the French revolution. As for any monies from wealthy relatives is concerned any wealth is long gone, although I did discover a 2 X Great Grandfather who was a tea merchant able to maintain a household with several servants.
  11. Pidgeons used to roost under the arches supporting the platforms at Romford station. Alongside the station was the brewery where there used to be heaps of fermented grain left over from the brewing process. The pidgeons used to feed on this grain and were often to be seen absolutely drunk trying to fly. The down side was that they were easy prey for the feral cats that also occupied the arches.
  12. My apologies, it is Frank not Fred.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The wet and windy weather predicted for western parts of the UK tomorrow has now been named Fred but fortunately will only last for a day or two. Off to the toy fair at Rayleigh shortly, just need to stop at the cash machine on the way. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.
  14. Evening from Estuary-Land. Just watched the final episode of of the Agatha Christie thriller, and the end was still a surprise as in the film based on the same novel the hero and heroine survived. I must be thinking of a different novel but as Agatha Christie only ever used about six different plots with changes of hero/villian location, characters or outcome its not surprising. Actually saw a bumble bee a couple of days ago, looks as if spring has started. I hope there's now not going to be a cold snap what with the recent warm weather starting everything early. Enough of my ramblings, goodnight all.
  15. I'd forgotten that, so no deliverys today then. Chances are that it will be delivered while I'm at the toy fair. Richard, I feel for you being forced to eat stollen cake but I'm willing to assist if you need help.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning and the same or more forecast for tomorrow. The only excitment this week is the toy fair at Rayleigh tomorrow, always good for a bargain. Trip down into town today to pick up a few things, after the postmans called as there might be a parcel in the offing (next in the Atlas 'World of Stobart' series).
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not having partaken of Christmas dinner at home I have no turkey leftovers to consume, but before anyone makes any offers, no thank you. A grilled salmon fillet with new potatoes and various green things is todays lunch as I remembered to remove them from the freezer last night. Watched Dickensian last night, pretty good but I'd rather it be served up in one hour episodes rather than the half hour slices with other programs in between. The following Agatha Christie whodunnit was pretty good even though having read the book and seen the film (under the old very un-PC title) I know the outcome but I can't remember the villain is so I will have to watch it through to the end. In some of the papers this morning its being reported the Barbara Windsor is to be made a Dame of the British Empire in the new year honours list, probably much to the delight of comedians and satirists. Commiserations and congratulations wherever neccessary, be back later.
  18. Hope you put that one on the forum jokes page.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thoughts go out to all those affected by the weather. Biggest surprise perhaps is that many people are in denial about global warming. The reindeer journey mentioned by Tony is repeated tonight at 7 pm on BBC4 followed by a film about the making of the program, I will not be watching it as I will be watching 'Dickensian'. Going out shortly to get the papers, be back later.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had an enjoyable Christmas day with my sister and BiL. Christmas dinner went well and had a good chat about family, last I heard of my BiL's great neice she was a babe in arms, she's now 4 years old and has started school! where does all the time go? Journey wasn't to bad there going but coming back a couple of cockwombles insisted on tailgating with their headlights shining into my mirrors. As soon as I was able too I let them pass, better to come upon the accident than to be involved in it. Tea is waiting to be drunk and then to bed, goodnight all.
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