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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ed, there is nothing I can add to what has been said already. Chris, the term 'Primate' being used to describe both church leaders and the apes is not a coincidence, it was coined by Charles Darwin no less to describe ape like creatures. This was at a time when he was getting a lot of stick from the church authorities over 'The Origin of Species' and his beloved only daughter had died at a young age. The general public enjoyed the 'joke' so much that the name stuck. I can hear the binmen outside now, a day later than than it said on the council website. I had checked the website and it said that this week would be normal collection (Thursday) and I together with at least a third of the locals put our bin bags out yesterday. Checking the website this morning and surprise, surprise it had been changed to Friday, if nothing else cockwombles are good at covering their own backsides. Bright and sunny here this morning but cold, just as well as a trip into town is required to get some spending cash for the toy fair at Brentwood tomorrow (and I do need to work off those extra pounds gained at Christmas). Thats it for now and for all those who have to work for their crust have a good POETS day.
  2. No mention of the 'evidence' so I assume you managed to avoid sliding into it.
  3. And 100% feedback. I do understand that he is an RMwebber.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Being a 'glass half full' kind of person I find depression difficult to comprehend, not that I do not sympathise with sufferers. In the course of my family research I discovered that I had a great uncle who had suffered from depression. As he was serving in the army at that time (shortly before WW1) it is recorded in his military record in some detail. It does give an insight though into how mental illness was treated just over 100 years ago. The biggest surprise to me perhaps is the amount of sympathy and understanding given not only by the medical staff but by the military authorities though this might be due to his exemplary service up until then (8 years and an arm full of good conduct stripes). He was discharged from the army on medical grounds in February 1914 and sent to a civilian mental hospital where he died in 1919 in the Spanish flu epidemic. I get the impression that it was regarded as untreatable back then, hence his being put in to the hospital and forgotten. Bright sunshine when I got up this morning but now clouded over and so dark that I have had to switch a light on to see the keyboard. Anyway the forecast for tomorrow is bright but very cold and for the weekend as well so those working make sure its POETS day tomorrow.
  5. Good afternoon from Estuary-Land. Walked (hobbled?) into town today, had a meal and shopped for a few bits. In W H Smiths I found a new partwork called 'Learn to draw with the Marvel experts', I haven't read the magazine with it but its about drawing the likes of Spiderman. The initial one that is on sale now has a 12" steel ruler, a pencil and a lining pen, all for 99p, its worth that for the ruler alone, it comes from Hatchet of Mk. I coach fame.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The forecast is for sun all day if a little on the cold side so a trot into town it is today. Jock, I found the item on 'Stargazing live' about rogue planets facinating and slightly worrying is the fact that the Earth itself could easily have become such a planet, a lifeless lump of rock wandering about in space, no life and certainly no human race. It is thought that another gas giant existed between Saturn and Uranus and that was ejected instead and thus saved the inner rocky planets from the same fate. Richard, if you can't hear the 'snoring beast' it must be a product of someone else's imagination and you can safely go back to sleep. My dad always reckoned so anyway when my mum complained about it. NB, sorry to hear of Mrs NB's travails in getting to Colchester. I would have suggested leaving the M1 at junction 20 and head for Market Harborough and pick up the A14 from there. I assume the intended route was then A14/M11 to Stanstead and then the A120 to Colchester. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.
  7. If the Sentinel is anything to go by there shouldn't be any problems.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ed, there's not much I can say, it must be truly devistating for the young couple. Hopefully they will be able to have a healthy child in the not to distant future. NB, I hope junior is a lot better. New series of 'Stargazing live' is on at 9 on BBC2 and I intend to watch it. On the subject of more down to earth science I hope there will be a program soon about the recent Must Farm bronze age site in Cambridgeshire, an over water (stilt) settlement that caught fire depositing everything into the underlying mud where it was preserved. Thats all for now, be back later.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but not predicted to last. I have been fortunate with my neighbours unlike some here on ER's, partly due to the fact that I only have one immediate neighbour. The chap who lived next door when I moved in 28 years ago became a very good friend but regrettably his business folded due to the recession and he was forced to sell up, he eventually would have had to move anyway as he had been diagnosed with MS. The young couple who bought the house about five years ago had a toddler who has now started school but they had another boy who is now two. I don't have a lot of contact with them as they both work shifts but we are on friendly terms. I am luckier than some on the estate as most of the properties here that come on to the market are snapped up by the 'buy-to-let' brigade and I know of one elderly couple living next to one such property where the tenants change on an almost weekly basis.
  10. Or what happened to me once, I forgot to count the number of frames and then realised that I must have taken over 50 shots on a 36 frame roll. I opened the back of the camera to find that the film had broken after a couple of frames. On another occasion the teeth of the winder stripped the holes on the film and I ended taking a dozen pictures on the same film.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had to wait about 10 minutes before I could use my computer this afternoon. All I got when I switched on was a picture of a field of lavender, no 'on' switch or anything else. I telephoned the shop I purchased it from and they were as mystified as I was. They did suggest that I had accidently switched on something called 'screenlock' but they would have to check out the computer and I would have to take it into the shop. Before I disconnected everything I decided to switch it on one more time and this time it came back on with the normal sign on screen. I then phoned the shop again and they helped me find a way to disable the feature causing this. This is a feature of Windows 10 that came with a recent download from Microsoft called 'Spotlight', but now I've disabled it I should not have any more problems.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sad news indeed that David Bowie has gone, another victim of the big C. Even though I was never a fan of his I did like his music and it seems like part of your life has gone. As I mentioned I spent Christmas day with my sister. Just before Christmas she and her husband took delivery of a brand new motorhome, they have been caravaners almost since they got married. They had originally ordered it from a (caravan) dealer in Sudbury, paid a deposit and then the dealer went into receivership. They then found a dealer in Nottingham to place their order, that dealer then was able to find the motor caravan that they had ordered was almost completed at the caravan builders in France and continued with their order. Their only problem then was to take their old motor caravan to Nottingham for certain items to be transfered such as the satellite dish from Kirby Cross (not far from Jock). They now have their new motor caravan but are quite a bit out of pocket having lost their deposit plus a bit more as the new dealer did not offer as good trade in terms as the Sudbury one.
  13. I wouldn't use the blower to direct the leaves at their car either, well not until they've opened the door to get in.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Well no one here seems to have won much on the lottery unless they're keeping it quiet. When I purchased a new mattress about 6 months ago the first one I looked at was over £1,000 for just a single mattress, even the one I settled for although not the cheapest was over £300. I think the first one was not only stuffed with unicorn hair but hand stitched using gold thread.
  15. Morning all (just) from a bright and sunny Estuary-Land. The Central African Sancturary for Hippopotami isn't based in Nigeria by any chance? if so can they please let that charming gentleman who telephoned me that know that I am dealing with his cash advance through Interpol. Off to check my lottery tickets now, if its me my next missive will be coming from Barbados.
  16. Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Sad news indeed from Ed, not much that I can say that has not been said. On the subject of abortion I think that we have the right balance in this country. A colleague was offered an abortion when the scan revealed that the baby would have a cleft palate, she turned it down and now that baby is a strapping lad of fourteen. He has a slight speech impediment and a few dentistry problems due to his condition and he has had to endure several major ops but he will be able to enjoy a normal life. Andrew, I too thought you had got rid of the troublesome neighbours and I hope the council get it sorted ASAP. Neil, on the subject of marine engines, the sight of a Doxford two stroke operating is a sight to behold.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Back problem seems to be over and done with now but I don't intend to be running any marathons soon. Weathers dry at the moment but the forecast is for more rain. As for 4472, I've always felt that its a bit like Trigger's broom and restoring it is a waste of money that could have been better spent elsewhere. I would have prefered the money be spent on digitalising the many records held by the NRM, generating income for years to come.
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