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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I intend to leave an envelope with any instructions for my relatives as suggested by Rick and will include instructions to pass on goodby's to all my social media friends (and details of the funeral for those who may wish to attend).
  2. As the clip is 'official' being from the CCTV cameras it must have been released by the authorities. Also once such a film is on the internet it is impossible to remove it, its in the public domain forever.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. E-mail is still down, almost 24 hours now, I'm wondering if something similar is the reason we have not heard from Pete (Trisonic). Fortunately I can still access RMweb and social media such as Facebook although I found myself signed out of Facebook last night and was fortunate to remember my password. Facebook does not let you re-use a password whereas I use the same password for most other 'social' media, saves having to remember too many passwords or using the wrong one. I haven't really given much thought to music at my funeral so I think a revisit to the classical music thread to get some ideas is in order. I would prefer the cheapest funeral possible, not because I am tight but to save my family any extra expense. I find funeral practices in other cultures fascinating although the one in Papua New Guinea where the deceased is the main course at the funeral meal is going a bit to far (I was going to say 'hard to swallow' but thought better not). Have a good 'hump' day all, be back later.
  4. Evening from Estuary-Land. Thats a great idea Rick, even though bush fires are extreamly rare in this part of the world. I will also leave instructions on what to do to notify all my friends here and on a few other forums if anything happens and I am unable to inform you myself. Still no e-mails, they were saying by ten o'clock but its now gone eleven. Time for bed so goodnight all.
  5. Although they are entirely different animals cats and dogs use the same types of 'super' senses such as smell its quite possible that cats can detect illnesses in the same way as dogs. Just a thought, our domesticated dogs and cats are all decended from predators who sought out the weakest of their prey, usually the old, young or sick. It stands to reason that the ability to 'smell' illness is derived from that.
  6. I am wondering if Atlas Editions are having cash flow problems. The nature of their business model, offering a 'loss leader' first and then hoping that enough people sign up can cause problems if too many people just take the loss leader then cancel. I queried the late arrival of the reach stacker, when I phoned them I was told that they were late arriving from their suppliers. The supplier was Oxford Diecast and that particular model was already available from the likes of Hattons and the Stobart shop. The reason as I said is that they could have cash flow problems. Their suppliers could be witholding stocks until the previous stock is paid for, this would explain why some subscribers receive a model on time whilst others are several months late, they have to collect the monies from the subscribers to pay for the next batch. As many subscribers have cancelled due to the delays it only makes the situation worse. I do think that as many subscribers had said they were waiting for the Unimog and then cancel this has caused the situation to get worse.
  7. Thanks Dick, it seems that there is a big problem world wide affecting Virgin Media, they are having similar problems in Australia.
  8. There are six rail related vehicles, three more airfield vehicles and the roadsweeper to come. The next model which some have already received is a tracked dump truck of the type used on track renewals, the other five rail vehicles are road/rail vehicles like the Unimog. The airport vehicles are an airport tug, baggage carrier/loader and another different crash tender based on a Scania 6X6 truck.
  9. No sign of mine yet, and nothing on my account either. There is a few models that I am interested in so I'm not going to cancel it just yet despite the last model arriving at the beginning of December. The problem is as they replied to my query you will get the complete series eventually but it appears that if a model is missed, going by what people have said about other Atlas series, any 'missing' models are not dispatched until the series is complete.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. This morning I spent some time composing a rather important e-mail, I had just finished typing it when weird messages started coming up and it started buffering, it then seemed to clear so I hit send and as I did so the whole e-mail system went down. Luckily the intended recipient of my e-mail is contactable on Facebook so I asked him via that medium if he had received it which he had. My e-mails are still down as must be all other Virgin Media e-mails so it must be serious, perhaps its a DOS attack. I can get by without e-mails for a while, using other social media but it means that I might miss something important.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Jocks remarks are a timely reminder that I should think about such things, my will is well out of date now so that will have to be sorted. Like Jock I am an atheist, as was my dad before me. He was adamant that there was to be no religious ceremony at his funeral and the funeral director suggested a humanist sermon. I was quite happy with this but my sister didn't think the service was up to scratch. Personally I couldn't care less about what happens to me after I die, I'm seriously thinking about leaving my body to medical science or if there's anything usable for transplants they are welcome to take them. As I said I am an atheist, more correctly I could be described as a Christian atheist as I believe Christ did exist but was a mere mortal.
  12. Good evening from Estuary-Land. Saturday evening I went to visit the chap from the model road transport association to view his 'man cave' with a view to using it for area meetings. And what a man cave it is, about 20' X 20' fitted out with comfy chairs, worktops and a bar and a massive 8 foot wide TV screen on one wall, I'm green with envy. It would certainly make an ideal meeting place so I'm now going forward to setting up a local group. Time for an early night so goodnight all. Sorry Matt, I nearly forgot condolences as well.
  13. http://www.guzer.com/pictures/forklift-bomb-fail.php Where is everyone?
  14. Morning all from a breezy Estuary-Land. Noticed yesterday that the car could do with a good clean, the back bumper looks as if it could be used for growing mushrooms. As I frequently mention I am looking into my family history, one 'half'* branch of my family were involved in the motor trade and obtained a Ford dealership and set up business on the North Circular Road, the name is still perpetuated in &@+~$ Corner. Just after the war during the 'Export or die' austerity years new cars were difficult to obtain unless you could prove a need for a new car or was in an occupation, such as doctor or clergyman. The end result was they provided a car to an elderly clergyman who didn't even have a driving licence! Officialdom eventually got wind of what was going on but they managed to get away with it largely because one of the recipriants of the 'vicars' cars was a solicitor. They would by all accounts make Arthur Daly look like a choir boy. *After my great X 2 grandfather died at an early age his widow remarried a blacksmith and their decendants went on to repairing and dealing in cars.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Up a bit late tonight, just had a telephone call from my brother, first time I've heard from him for ages so we ended up talking for nearly two hours, didn't mind so much as its his telephone bill. My neice is taking up researching the family history and he was asking me to pass on to her all that I have done in that regard. Not that I have done much recently and I lost some data when my old computer went belly up, fortunately most of it is on hard copy form but it occupies two shelves of a bookcase and its a lot of scanning to do. Time for bed so goodnight all. Jock posted as I was typing the above, glad to hear things are improving Jock, I am so disorganised that I sometimes take the single pill that I am prescribed at the wrong time.
  16. The ones on the other side were flashing so I presume they would have done the same. The truck driver seemed confused when the far barrier came down in front of his cab and appears to hesitate. I might add that there seems little if any time for anything to clear the crossing between the barriers coming down and the train arriving so half barriers would make little difference.
  17. In the part of the film clip of the rear of the truck the warning lights don't appear to be working.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Yet another celeb gone and the first month of 2016 isn't over yet. Not much to do today except getting the newspaper and a few essentials. I understand that Humbrol are going to market a 3D printer. Are we going to see downloadable 3D models such as we have downloadable card structures I wonder?
  19. Manchester Ship Canal and Trafford Park also used these locomotives together with the Sentinel four wheelers as in the Hornby model.
  20. That was one of my mums favourite sayings, until a seven year old me went up to the subject of that remark, who happened to be wearing a fur coat and said "My mum says that your not wearing any knickers." I didn't sit down for a week. The Peco bullhead track thread sounds as if it needs a bit of a stir up. I made a comment on the Oxford Rail wagons thread that seems to have momentarily stopped things. However they didn't take up my offer of a sackful of rivets to count, no one took up my offer so perhaps I should offer them there?
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather not to bad here today but according to the forecast stormy weather is on its way. On the subject of elderly drivers when I lived in Burnham-on-Crouch 30+ years ago there were a lot of elderly drivers who had never taken a test having taken up driving before the driving test was introduced. These drivers often came before the magistrates for minor driving offences and the magistrates usual way of dealing with them was to ban them until they had passed the test, which few if any were able to do, the majority just gave up driving. One elderly gentleman of my acquaintance was ordered by his doctor to stop driving because of Alzheimers, however he could still be seen driving around the town having forgotten his doctors instructions . Hope we hear from Pete soon, its almost a week now.
  22. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nice to hear from Jock and I hope things will get better. Supermarket trolleys, being the last Friday of the month the cockwombles were out in force in Tesco's today, pushing the bl@@dy things looking everywhere except where they are going, one of these days I intend to fill a trolley with 'embarrasing' items and quietly slip them into their trolleys when they're not looking. I did see a couple of nuns today not paying attention, perhaps a pregnancy test kit would fit the bill. Has anyone else got any suggestions for items to sneak into shopping trolleys when those pushing them block aisles, use them as battering rams or are just annoying.
  23. In the top photo they appear to be pushing the cars, the engineers are both leaning out of the cabs looking past the cars. This is possibly the reason for two short trains.
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