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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. You'll have to get on the queue first.
  2. The platforms at Liverpool Street are in fact below street level in contrast to Broad Street alongside which was on an embankment/viaduct.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Condolences to Ian and family, porphyria is what King George III is believed suffered from and the cause of his madness, a bit more worrying perhaps is that it is hereditary. One of my parcels that I was expecting arrived today, but now there is another one to come as when I opened my e-mails a short while ago there was one from Atlas Editions saying another model was on its way. Frustratingly there is no indication as to which one after a four month hiatus I dont know if it is one of the 'missing' models or the next one due to be issued. The only indication is that it was posted on Monday, the last one that I knew had been posted took three weeks to arrive. Reading what Neil was saying about hip pain seems to have started mine going so I have followed ID's advice and taken something for it before it hits off and it seems to have done the trick.
  4. Tesco's now do pork sausages incorporating black pudding, and very delicious they are too.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hope Jocks 'oil change' goes well and Dick and family are feeling better. Nipping down to the shops later after the postman calls. One of the expected parcels arrived yesterday, still three to come and hopefully four by early next week if I'm not outbid.
  6. Terrible news Ian about the wifes cousins daughter, 33 is no age at all. Condolences to all concerned.
  7. Many years ago our clubhouse burnt down, some items were stored in a metal cupboard. The plastic items had melted but some card buildings were completely unaffected.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nice to see Debs and Jock posting and may it continue. No plans (as usual) for today except for a bit of shopping. Thats all for now, be back later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just 'won' a plastic model kit on E-bay, its for a WW1 FWD lorry in 1/72 scale. These lorries formed the basis of the Hardy Rail Tractor built during the 20's and 30's so I will be looking to see if a conversion is possible. Its now getting late so goodnight all.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is shining, were hearing from Jock and Ian is being let out so a good day so far. I'm expecting some more parcels in the next few days so I'm not venturing out until lunchtime. One item is a much sought after item from the Atlas 'World of Stobart' series which I managed to obtain at a comparatively bargain price, I say comparatively as I had to pay more than I would have if Atlas Editions had sent me one instead of vague promises but only a fraction of the £225 that someone forked out for one on e-bay. Thats enough of my drivel for now, be back later.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Nice to see a new face on ER's, you will find us all a friendly lot here PeterBB, now that you've found us I hope you will find time to become a regular. Not much to add really except to hope that the progress being made by our invalids continues unabated. Getting a bit sleepy now so its goodnight all.
  12. You have to make a new link as it won't work if you alter the existing link http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-35725299
  13. Good afternoon from Estuary-Land. As everybody else has said its great to have Jock posting again, welcome back Jock and hopefully for a long time.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny as reported, not sure what I'll be doing today. Ian (OD) you must be so popular with the nurses they want to hold on to you for as long as they can. I will likely need a hip replacement at some time but fortunately mine isn't that bad and hopefully other treatments will become available as an alternative.
  15. I haven't checked them out as they are fixed, unlike the Unimog they do not lower and the wheels do not even rotate. If the signwriting on the cab is anything to go by they are not allowed to be used when on the track. Although its a bit ambiguous I took it to mean that they only used the track to get from place to place and only worked off track. For some reason Atlas have chosen to pack this model with the cabin turned in the wrong direction and it is normally turned the other way, you can see this by the positions of the rear lights and the cab steps.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was going to say it was bright and sunny but now the suns gone in, no now its out again so off out soon, be back later.
  17. I was a Tom Sharpe fan as well, its really hard to pick out but Porterhouse Blue was one of my favourites. Now that Tom Sharpe is no longer with us I find that Carl Hiaasen writes in a similar vein, just as funny with the same wicked sense of humour. On that note I say goodnight all.
  18. I've never had the 'pleasure' of a catheter but I've had the fibre optic camera up there. About 15 years ago I had a bad water infection that was eventually cured though it took more than a month to find an antibiotic that could treat it. About nine months later I was asked to go in for an examination and tests to make sure that the infection hadn't left any damage. I duly attended the local hospital (on foot as it was only ten minutes walk away) for my appointment and in fact the actual process of pushing a camera up to check out the prostate and bladder under a local aneasthetic was not too uncomfortable. The problem was the aneasthetic did not wear off gradually but 'switched off' like a light, just as I had left the hospital! I managed to walk hope with my legs crossed and I followed the advice to drink plenty of water, the way my eyes watered I think I needed it. Fortunately everything was found to be in order.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. 80 years since the first Spitfire flew today, its a shame that the actual prototype did not survive though I did read somewhere that a replica has been built. As always the journo's claim that 'the Spitfire won the Battle of Britain' when they were outnumbered by the Hurricane by a considerable percentage. Its also my brothers 69th birthday so a phone call to wish him happy birthday later today. Not much planned for today except for a bit of shopping. Have a good day all, be back later.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Great news about Jock and everyone else who has been under the weather lately seems to be recovering and may it continue to be so. Bye for now, be back later.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but I need to get some things from Tesco's so its out in the car rather than a walk into town. Glad to hear most of our invalids are on the up but the lack of news from Jock is beginning to worry. Thats it for now, be back later.
  22. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear that Ian is on the mend as is everyone else it seems but still no news from Jock. Just been watching the program about Pompeii, quite interesting in that using modern technology they can get a more accurate picture of what life was like in AD79 and more knowledge of the victims. Thats all for now, goodnight all.
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