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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. This was posted on the ER's thread, I'm sure the OP will not object to it being posted here
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A couple of the expected parcels arrived this morning, a book and the next model from Atlas Editions, the first after a four month hiatus. The book is called 'The Stronach-Dutton Road Rail System of Traction' a sort of half road/half railway system, quite fascinating. As for naming the boat/ship, I would suggest Lard Bard.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Feeling a bit tired after the exertions of the weekend not helped by the hay fever kicking in. Still waiting for some more parcels to arrive so will have to wait in for the postman to call. Ian (Roundhouse), that predictive text can be a pain, 'soft' layout I can work out but what is it when you 'lard bard' the wiring? Commiserations to any ER's who are suffering at the moment and a collective get well soon. Bye for now, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations Mike on becoming a granddad. Went to the Southern Expo (plastic kit bashers) show at Hornchurch, one table was full of models made by youngsters under 18 and very good models they were too, and at least half of the models were by girls, one only 10 years old. Sorry I didn't take any photographs as two or three were of railway subjects. Managed to find a couple of kits that could be used on a layout, one is of a 1930's limousine car and the other is of a farmhouse. Both are to 1/72 scale which makes them suitable for 00 scale, the farmhouse in particular. Getting late now so time for bed, goodnight all.
  5. I had one like that only this morning, whether he signaled or not I couldn't see as I was on his nearside, in the correct lane. Two lanes approaching the roundabout, left hand lane empty and queue of cars in right hand lane. I suppose following the one in front is easier than thinking about ones driving.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just a quick good morning as I'm off out shortly, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Didn't realise how tired I was until I woke up in the armchair so its off to bed shortly as its another busy day tomorrow. Its a modelling show but not specifically railways but sometimes you find kits and other modelling items that can be used on a layout. A few years ago at the same show I came across some LP covers in 1/72 scale printed photographically like the Tiny Signs notices were, I passed some on to a fellow modeller and they now grace a 'record stall' on his layout. http://www.southernexpo.co.uk Theres also plenty of traders selling tools and paints as well. Getting near to bedtime so goodnight all.
  8. And for me, all there is is a request to sign in to Amazon cloud drive.
  9. It may not apply in this case but it is used on all vehicles with two (or more) rigid, ie non-steering axles. In the case of these trailers the front axle is on a turntable and is therefore a 'steering' axle giving articulation.
  10. No pics I'm afraid, all I picked up were a few diecasts that were quite cheap.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Off to the toy fair at Brentwood later so be back later.
  12. It only applies to three axle vehicles with two non-steering axles. For example a 10' (4'DD) would give an overall wheelbase of 12'.
  13. I was thinking of something similar based on the Metropolitan/LT Bo-Bo electrics.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Condolences Bob to Nikki and family. I received another of the expected parcels today, a book this time called 'The Hidden Railways of Portsmouth and Gosport', facinating stuff including the railway on a scrap of land known as Whale Island which IMHO would make an excellent layout, with a bit of modellers licence of course. Out to different events tomorrow and Sunday so its goodnight all.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Rather overcast this morning but venturing into town today as I need to draw some spending money for the weekend. The eaten half of the dog biscuit?
  16. A little information about how the wheelbase of multi wheeled road vehicles is measured. On the six wheeled tankers the wheelbase is measured from the centre of the front wheel to a point midway between the centres of the rear wheels with the wheelbase of the rear bogie marked in brackets and BC after the figure like this 10'(4'BC). The reason for this was so that fitters when adjusting and setting the Ackerman steering geometry could adjust it correctly. EDIT Sorry its not BC but DD (for Double Drive)
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Nice to see that our invalids Jock and Andy are recovering. Another parcel arrived today, yet another Atlas Unimog, this one is probably going to be rebuilt with a different body. Getting late now so goodnight all.
  18. In my case I had just come over the brow of a hill to be confronted with a speeding lorry coming up the hill. Cars were parked either side but if he had been going slower and kept to his side of the road there would have been enough room for us to have passed slowly but it was obvious that he was neither going to slow down or move over. If there hadn't been a gap in the parked cars on my side of the road I would not have been able to avoid a collision.
  19. I experienced a similar incident on my first driving test. It was the main reason that I failed, (for braking and steering at the same time). My instructor said afterwards that some examiners would have made allowances and given a pass but not the one I had, this was nearly 50 years ago. My second test was abandoned when the car broke down but I passed on the third attempt. By then I was a bundle of nerves but largely due I believe to my thinking that I had made a mistake and failed early in the test and I then relaxed and was surprised and delighted when I passed. A few years later I was discussing driving tests with my boss and he said it was exactly the same for him, he thought he must have failed and then he was relaxed and passed his test.
  20. Broadsheets cover you better than tabloids when your curled up on that park bench.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just been announced that Paul Daniels has just died. I was never a great fan but 77 seems too early nowadays. Hope the postman delivers some more parcels today so waiting in till lunchtime. Good luck Jock, hope everything goes OK at the hospital. Have a good day all, be back later.
  22. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear of your mum Polly, my mum died nearly 29 years ago and I still think of her, and dad almost every day. Jock, great to hear from you, our profound and erudite considerations drivel must take some getting through so don't worry about keeping up. Getting late now so goodnight all.
  23. Chalk and blackboard? we had to cut our fingers and write in blood!
  24. Evening all from Estuary-Land. More parcels arrived today, three in all and another half dozen to come by my calculation. Off shortly as its club night tonight, be back later.
  25. Perhaps its been translated from Outer Mongolian. Perhaps we can encourage an American dentist to come over and shoot it?
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