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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I have seen one or two of them, he made several training videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC0EHFYoKK8
  2. The MBF shop stocks them but IIRC they only sell to members. They are available to the general public I believe but at a limited number of specialist outlets or sometimes on e-bay.
  3. A comment on the cyclist, when he went through the wig wag lights had stopped flashing as the barriers had been raised so he was perfectly entitled to go through whether or not it was wise to do so. He was riding on the pavement however.
  4. White metal (and maybe resin) National 2 fronts are available from model bus suppliers.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dull and overcast this morning but only the odd shower predicted. Taking a walk down the road to sort out the insurance with regard to Saturdays accident, having the brokers office at the end of my street is very useful, then a stroll into town as I am reluctant to use the car until the door mirror is fixed. In the news this morning about an international tax dodging operation has come to light in Panama, Australian and New Zealand authorities are already on the case which involves people such as senior politicians as well as a few dictators past and present http://www.reuters.com/article/us-panama-tax-idUSKCN0X10C2 Hope everyone has a good day, be back later.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Dash cam duly ordered but not much else to report except a very noisy thunderstorm has just passed overhead, dinner is cooking so be back later.
  7. Thanks Richard, although it fits in well with 00 scale models it is to a (lot) smaller scale. I have some similar products from Universal Hobbies, both they and Bruder appear to make excellant models. Manufacturers of agricultural models tend to use scales of 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 and 1/128 and it appears my purchase is of the smallest scale.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ordered a replacement door mirror for the car and it should arrive tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest, a very reasonable £9.99 post paid. Now looking around for a dash cam and one for the rear parcel shelf as well perhaps. I did make a few puchases at the show yesterday mainly models to pose with my OTP models but one little diecast farm trailer I acquired that I'd never seen before. It has a yellow tipping body on a black chassis about 2 inches long with just the name 'Bruder' stamped underneath. I am not sure of the scale but it is probably HO but it does seem to fit in with other 00 scale models. I hope we hear from Jock soon and a 'get well soon' to other ailing ER's and their families. Bye for now, be back later.
  9. A few bus companies use old taxi cabs for staff transport or a people carrier or even a large estate car. Oxford produce a couple of taxi models that would be useful.
  10. I thought it was water pipe insulation, very similar though. Another use for it could be what I used the water pipe insulation for, at the end of the fiddle yard I glued a one inch length at the end of each track to prevent damage to stock if any hit the end, being positioned in such a way that the couplings went into the hole in the centre. Getting late so goodnight all.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The day started well and I had a nice morning at Barleylands at the exhibition. However just after I left the venue which is situated on a narrow country road I saw a cyclist approaching, the cars behind him waiting until the road was clear before passing him, that is except one BMW driver who decided that he couldn't afford the few seconds of his life and overtook the cyclist as I approached. I braked and pulled as far over to the verge as possible but he still hit my door mirror shattering the glass, needless to say he didn't stop. Then to cap it all less than an hour later another BMW parked on my route the driver decided to pull away from the kerb as I was passing leaving a scrape along the rear nearside of my car. Luckily the driver in the second case was very apologetic and gave me his insurance details. A dash cam will be purchased ASAP.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick 'look in' as I'm of out shortly for an exhibition, not a club exhibition but a local entertainment more geared to 'kids and families' but some interesting layouts and traders. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. When doing my family research I discovered that one branch of the family came from the Isle of Portland back in the 1870's. The Isle of Portland at that time had a small population and a reputation for in-breeding and just by co-incidence many of my family have a strong resemblance to each other and can be traced back to that same branch of the family. Hopefully Jocks stay in hospital will be a short one and he'll be back posting soon. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary and goodnight all.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Earlier than usual riser this morning, by about three quarters of an hour. That three quarters of an hour seems to have disappeared somehow though. All this talk of in cest set me thinking about some of the royal houses of Europe and how in-bred some of them became especially the Hapsburg dynasty which died out for that very reason. The ultimate result was Charles II of Spain, who wasn't even able to speak properly until he was eight years old and was never able to consumate his two marriages. Not as bad as the Egyptian Pharaohs where brother married sister for several generations, Tutankhamun is now thought to have been suffering several congenital conditions due to this. Nice to hear that Alison has not had a heart attack after all but her ex had better watch his p's and q's as IIRC recent changes in UK law means that such behaviour is now illegal so perhaps she should report it. Hopefully everything is OK with Jock and hope to hear from him soon.
  15. An Englishman, a Frenchman and an Italian were discussing their sex lives. The Englishman said "Before making love I rub beef dripping onto my wifes body and she screams for ten minutes." The Frenchman said "I rub butter onto my wifes body before making love and she screams for an hour." The Italian said "I rub olive oil onto my wifes body before making love and she screams for a whole day." The others asked how he did that and he answered "Easy, I wipe my hands on the beadspread."
  16. I think 'spring' is the operative word.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, like yourself I retired today but two years later, and like yourself it couldn't come soon enough. The cockwombles were starting to take over when I retired and those colleagues who could followed me out of the door over the next couple of years. Best of luck today Jock and Ian (OD) I hope that things work out for Alison. Weather looks to be fair today so a walk into town beckons so be back later.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Neil, the Snaefell car looks a right mess but they rebuilt # 5 after it was burnt out so hopefully they can do the same with this one. Andy, glad to hear that Amber was able to go to the party after all. Best wishes for tomorrow Jock hope everything is OK. Pete, I like Barbados, I visited there before it was on the tourist trail that was nearly 40 years ago, hopefully it hasn't changed too much. Thats it for tonight, goodnight all.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning if a bit chilly. Ian, I hope things work out OK for Alison and Andy best wishes to Amber and hope she gets better soon, she's probably more disappointed at missing the birthday party than anything else. GDB glad you repaired your fence without any mishaps, I still have to repair the shed roof but its whether to do it myself or get someone to do it as I will have to get the neccessary materials such as roofing felt when I only need a few feet not a complete roll. Be back later.
  20. Now we know why it was mentioned in the Daily Wail.
  21. Morning all from a bright and sunny Estuary-Land. Made a closer inspection of the garden shed this morning, not helped by having to remove the remains of the neighbours fence. The neighbour in question is a lady in her 90's currently in a home and very likely to stay there. Her relatives do check the house out now and then so I will have to leave a note through the door. We may not have heard from Jock but he's been about rating posts. Ian, I hope Alisons problem is not as serious as it sounds and she'll be back soon. And you know what they say about men with big feet, well mine are size 12.
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