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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Quite a few ended up as breakdown wagons. There are photographs of one towing away some of the Brighton trolleybuses for scrap in the 1960's.
  2. Mine came today as well.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear about your brother OD, theres not much else I can say. Funny old weather today, I went out to do a bit of shopping lunchtime, started out in bright sunshine, by the time I got to Tesco's only a couple of miles away it was wet snow and 20 minutes later when I left Tesco's it was bright sunshine. The car is now repaired, now to arrange its return hopefully tomorrow.
  4. Morning all from a sunny but cold Estuary-Land. Congrats Andy on your birthday and many more of them. I've been watching the news on the Hillsborough inquest, the verdict was correct in my opinion but will those responsible be held to account? Thoughts with the missing and ailing and I hope we hear news of Jock soon. Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. My dilemma this morning was decided almost as soon as I had signed off. Normally the Royal Mail delivers the post between 11 and 12, this morning, bless them they delivered before 10 so I was able to go down to town and be back before the weather turned. They did deliver a parcel, not the one I had hoped for but welcome nevertheless. Ta Ta for now, be back later.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit of a dilemma this morning, wait in for a parcel that might or might not arrive or take a quick walk into town for some essentials before the predicted wintery weather arrives. Thoughts are with the ailing and missing, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The return of my car from the repairers has now been put back until the end of the week, the reason given is that they are waiting for a part to be delivered. The only thing that I can think of that might need replacing is the alloy wheel which only had a few superficial scratches, perhaps the damage was worse than it appeared. One of the parcels I was expecting arrived today, still a couple more to come. Thats it for now, be back later.
  8. Like what Tony was doing this morning with Robbie?
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Have to get the hire car filled up today ready to go back when my car is (hopefully) returned tomorrow. Problem is that they can't give a time so it looks as if I will have to wait in for a large part of the day. Still no news of Jock which is getting rather worrying, hope we do get some news soon. Have a good day all, be back later.
  10. Ah, whats confusing me is the reference to New Street. There isn't a picture of New Street in the post. If you mean Station Street I think the fourth car on the right might be a Morris Oxford MO rather than a Minor. The car behind it could be an MG or a Wolsley which shared the same bodyshell.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Quite a good day today, visited the Romford show. I enjoyed my visit there except for the cockwomble in a Chelsea tractor who was trying to do an umpteen point turn in the gateway between two sections of the car park. He gave up in the the end and reversed down the length of the car park as fast as his car could go in reverse. I've been spending money again and I'm now expecting a few more parcels next week. I'm now knackered after the exertions this weekend so its goodnight all.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Also setting off for Romford, only 25 minutes away by car, any other ER's there today?
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad day out at Acton Town today except there was only two 'proper' layouts, and one of those was a 'work in progress'. The other layouts as such were more aimed at the under 10's, I doubt if I will be going next year. I will be going to the Romford show tomorrow but its now time for bed, goodnight all.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A quick visit as I'm out shortly on my way to Acton Town. Thoughts are with the ailing, missing and those who have to work today.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I will not be at the Romford Show tomorrow as I'm going to the LT museum open day at Acton Town. I hope to be there Sunday so if there's going to be any ER's there on Sunday let me know and I'll say hello. The hay fever started with a vengence this morning so I was realy thankful for the rain later on that damped down the pollen. Got to get up early in the morning so goodnight all.
  16. If they can't even get the date right how reliable is the rest of the statement?
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I feel for AndrewC, I have a horrible feeling that the meeting will be cancelled at the last minute after the chance of POETS has passed, thats from previous experience. Mind you that only happened once and the perpetrator soon left to inflict his misery elsewhere. Bit late here this morning, not that I was a late riser just late switching on my computer. Have a good POETS day today all those who can POE. Bye for now, be back later.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Did you know the Queen turns 90 today? To be quite honest all the hype on the TV and in the newspapers can sometimes make you want to become a republican (only the name Donald Trump discourages any thoughts on that line), thats my rant over for today. Thoughts with the ailing and missing, have a good day all, be back later. EDIT Andys remarks about the fog at Crich reminded me that Crich is the highest tramway in the UK past or present.
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