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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright, sunny and warm this morning so no excuse for not doing a bit of gardening, even the hay fever seems to be holding off so no excuse there. Not much else to say at the moment, be back later.
  2. Goodnight all on this sad day.
  3. Goodbye dear friend, RIP Jock.
  4. What are you doing with that mint sauce?
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thoughts are with Jock and his family at this time, both my parents were taken by cancer, back then very little could be done but there has been a lot more discovered about the disease in the last 25-30 years. Birthday wishes to Stewart and Barney and many more of them. Signing off for now, be back later.
  6. It appears that the power unit is based on an old tender chassis, certainly home made.
  7. Donated as well. Feeling too choked to say anything further, goodnight all.
  8. Cuckoos are now themselves in decline in some parts of the country. This is reckoned to be due to their own depredations of the host species. Reed warblers are a case in point, they declined to such a point that the cuckoos who used to lay their eggs in their nests couldn't find enough nests. Cuckoos can adapt to different species by changing the colours and patterns of their eggs but it takes two or three years to adapt to a different host species. Some conservationists if a host species is declining or under threat will remove and destroy cuckoo eggs.
  9. You could have smiled Bob, or was it just after that old git stood on your foot?
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Tony mentioning Hyde Hall reminded me that I haven't been there for a while. Last time I visited was about this time of year after a late spring when perhaps it wasn't at its best. Not doing much today, I did make a start the other day on clearing out the spare junk room. I did start a while ago but I found something 'interesting' that I had forgotten about about twenty minutes into the clear out so that put paid to it. Thats it for now, be back later.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to report this morning, sun is shining but cloud and rain predicted for later. Going to fit the dash cam to the car this morning, as soon as I can fathom out the instructions.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Jamie I'm green with envy at all that space despite the fact as an inveterate hoarder I would probably end up filling it with junk. Nothing planned and its a bank holiday weekend so we will have to see whats on within a reasonable distance. Thats enough of my drivel for now, be back later.
  13. Probably hard corn, hat, coat, gone........................
  14. You can always re-open your account but do it quick otherwise you might miss out on this model. Most people who have cancelled did so because they were not sent any models. I'm afraid that Atlas is a right PITA for customers.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to report this morning, only need to set up the dash cam and thats it. Thoughts are with the ailing and missing this morning. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I contacted the car repairers to arrange the return of my car this morning. They are based in Hainault and as the North Circular was closed entirely this morning from the M11 to the A12 I was expecting it to take some time so I was pleasantly surprised when they delivered it at 10:30 this morning. As I surmised the wheel was replaced and in all they did a very good job. Now getting late so its off to bed so goodnight all.
  17. Interesting thought, would archeology in a couple of hundred years time involve recovering data from old computers?
  18. What side of the road was he driving on?
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Waiting for the car to be returned this morning, hopefully before lunchtime then I can fit the replacement mirror and the dashcam. As Tony said but another point to remember when joining traffic, or even when crossing the road is that its look right-left-right and not left-right-left, very easy to forget. When I visited the States many years ago I momentarily forgot that when leaving a gas station, fortunately a loud blast on a car horn was all that happened, unlike a few years later when a USAF worker from one of their bases in the UK done exactly the same thing resulting in two deaths.
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