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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. At least the weather is improving and Carol reckons that next week will be a scorcher. One of our members turned up at the club meeting with a young lady in tow, before any ribald remarks I would like to point out that it was his granddaughter. Last time I saw the young lady concerned she was about six years old but now shes turned out to be a stunner. I was born and brought up in Romford, it annoys me when people say that its now in London, as far as I'm concerned its in Essex.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Birthday wishes Dave and I hope Is is back home soon. Bob, I sometimes have trouble knowing what exactly is hurting, a while ago I used to get back pain and that turned out to be a kidney stone, mind you the back pain was nothing compared to 'passing' the stone. Another miserable day weather wise but at least the forecast is improving. Bye for now, be back later.
  3. 1948 Mercury coupe http://www.classiccars.com/classifieds/154367_10850460_1948_Mercury_Coupe.j Link doesn't work, Google 1948 Mercury coupe.
  4. Definitely American looking. The chrome strip on the rear fender was a feature of Fords of the late 40's but I don't think its a Ford but perhaps something from the same stable, Mercury perhaps?
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I retired just over 8 years ago at 59 and I certainly have never regretted it, I could see that the lunatics were in the process of taking over the asylum so I decided to get out asap. The rain was rattling the windows well last night but it seems a bit brighter now so I'll chance venturing out shortly.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Made it to the Buckingham Rail Centre, not a bad run, one hour and twenty minutes. I did encounter a cockwomble convention on the M25 between junctions 24 and 23, four lanes section, I was using the two inside lanes and keeping up to 70 mph. The two outer lanes were chock-a-block with cars bumper to bumper whereas the inside lanes were virtualy empty. The only problem was a few who decided to cut across the lanes when they wanted to exit the motorway. I was fortunately able to pass the cockwomble convention quite quickly. They had both of the surviving Beattie well tanks in service today, sometimes double heading. I purchased a few books while I was there including a new book of wagon drawings, Railway Wagon Plans 1960's to the present by John L Fox ISBN 978-0-7110-3843-1. Not only does it have 00 scale drawings of the wagons but also of the loads such as military vehicles and nuclear flasks.
  7. I'm not aware of Badgers eating hedgehogs though as they eat the same kinds of food it may be too much competition for the hedgehogs. Foxes on the other hand are known to eat hedgehogs and the rise of the urban fox may well account for some of the decline.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Out very soon for the bank holiday, be back later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I had decided to head for the Mid Suffolk light railway today but the A12 was almost at a standstill today. In an attempt to get round the obstruction I went cross country via Chelmsford and Braintree only to meet more heavy traffic so I decided to visit Chappel and Wakes Colne instead. It turned out to be not a bad decision after all as they had a small vintage car display and free rides on a pair of vintage buses so in all not a bad day. Fortunately the drive home wasn't too bad either as the traffic had not built up to any extent. The traffic around Braintree was due to the Cockwombles trying to get into Freeport, who wants to go shopping on a bank holiday? Planned trip to the Buckingham Rail Centre is still on, alternatives to the M25 have been selected just in case. Thats it for tonight, goodnight all.
  10. I saw a hedgehog today, regretably it had been run over.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still not decided where to go today but the weather report seems to suggest a northern direction might be best, I have a list of places and events and I might make two or even three of them today. Tomorrow heading west seems a good idea and I've settled on the Buckingham rail centre. Off now, be back later. Oops nearly forgot, happy birthday Kelly.
  12. How long before couples having an affair will realise that these self driving cars could become an alternative to a hotel room.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I have some bottles of Belgian Trappist beer with the use by date of 2009, I tried one at Christmas and it was perfectly OK. If anything it had improved with age, and it seems to have gained in strength as well.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still undecided as to what I will be doing over the bank holiday as the weather reports keep changing. So I've decided to choose two or three options for each day and decide according to weather/traffic reports. Have a good day all, be back later.
  15. Yesterday when walking home along my street I saw a juvenile crow apparently trapped by the rear screen wiper of a neighbours car. It appeared to be struggling and flapping its wings, as I approached however it seems to have freed itself and flew away. On closer inspection it was only using the wiper as a perch and was attacking its own reflection in the window.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. GDB have you tried Co-Codamol for your back pain? I used it when I had my sciatica a while back.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Checked the weather reports for the bank holiday weekend, Sunday looks OK but Monday is decidedly iffy so I'm looking at an outdoor event Sunday and an indoor event Monday. To be quite honest I didn't realise that there had been changes made to the order of the smileys, if I couldn't find what I wanted I just clicked on the 'show all' option. At least Is was able to make the decision herself not to continue with the treatment, I have left clear instructions with my family what to do if I am unable to make such decisions for myself. Hopefully that situation will never occur and I will never have to make that decision on behalf of a loved one.
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