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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The percentage of income is very interesting. No wonder some of the member nations are happy to see us go.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. If the news this morning is to be believed the future of HS2 is in doubt, the sums don't add up according to the Audit Office. It depends I suppose if Boris wants it as a vanity project or the money for another vanity project.
  3. Three ER's have found the 'information useful'?
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Essex police also have a couple of unmarked Subaru's that are registered outside the county, a lot of wrongdoers have been caught because when they see that its not an Essex registration they presume its not a police car.
  5. That was last year. Oxford produced a 00 scale model of the Albion for Tesco's and they all sold out.
  6. The 'mystery car' looks very much like a Graham-Paige of 1935/36. Graham-Paige was an independant company that produced cars from 1923 to 1941. EDIT it is a Graham-Paige but more likely a 1933/34 model.
  7. Is the squealing because of the spines?
  8. I once saw a fox with a rat it had captured, the screams from the rat were chilling. It took at least five minutes for the rat to die.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. While I was out yesterday a parcel arrived via Royal Mail who duly left a card. I noticed that the sorting office is open today 10 am to 2 pm so I'm off to collect it soon, another advantage is that there are no parking restrictions on Sundays.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day today, spent an hour and a half at the exhibition at Braintree then on to Ipswich for the transport and model festival, I made a few purchases at both venues. The skys opened up with a vengence on the journey from Braintree to Ipswich, I had to stop for a few minutes near Sudbury as the wipers couldn't clear the windscreen. Similar situation on the way home but not so bad that I had to stop but on the A12 the cockwombles were out in force, almost bumper to bumper at 70 mph plus in torrential rain. Fortunately most of it occured on the 3 lane sections and by keeping to the nearside lane I had a lane between us.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very ER this morning as I'm out for the whole day, Braintree then Ipswich. Bye for now, be back later.
  12. Another point is that the out camp were funded by more than twice as much as the inners. I doubt if we will ever know where all this money came from but it seems strange that only a few major businesses supported the 'outers' compared to the 'inners'.
  13. COCKWOMBLES! I waited in all morning for the meter reader to check my electricity meter. Come 12.30 there was still no sign so I called my supplier to ask when he would be coming only to find that the appointment hadn't been confirmed. There was an appointment just over a month ago that was cancelled by the meter reading company so I had to make a new appointment for today. So I had to wait in all morning for a non-existant appointment.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Surely that drone is being flown illegally? my understanding is that it is illegal to fly them within so many hundred metres of any residence so its unlikely that the culprit would complain if it was bought down. I do have a garden hose with a trigger on the nozzle that can push a chair over with the water jet so it could possibly knock down a drone if it came to close.
  15. Perhaps we can get Putin to take him.
  16. You can be PM if the Australians take Rupert Murdoch back.
  17. Did he remove his own? He's now redundant.
  18. A sad morning from Estuary-Land. The argument that we have lost our sovereignty to the EU never seemed to ring true, so instead we hand it over to Rupert Murdoch. Up earlier than usual this morning (05:30) and couldn't get back to sleep. Not so bad except that I can't do much as I'm waiting for the meter reader to call 'sometime a.m.' but at least I'll be in for the postman.
  19. I hope he didn't have any bags of cement in the builders van.
  20. Actually the motors used in most of these drones are ideal for model locomotives. Capture it and then canibalise it.
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