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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Happy birthday Lurker and goodnight all.
  2. Doesn't it come with a starting handle?
  3. I wonder what would have happened if a patrol car had come by?
  4. When on a trip to Paris back in the seventies I needed to use the 'facilities' in a cafe near to the Eiffel Tower. The 'facilities' were a couple of urinals in a corridor alongside which was a pay phone. There I was in full flow when this elderly woman came and stood beside me to use the phone.
  5. But thats usually in an RAF Tornado.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Peanuts on being made redundant, it can't be easy for anyone to find a new job nowadays, I'm just thankful that I have retired. A bit overcast today and the odd shower predicted so the big question today is shoes or sandles? Have a good POETS day all (or should that be awl), be back later.
  7. Bill, sorry to hear of your friend and Dave, hope everything goes as well as can be expected. Goodnight all.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Enjoyed watching 'Full steam ahead' on BBC2 this evening, the best bit IMHO was the ride on the Ffestiniog gravity train. Interesting in that the program concentrates on the social changes bought about by the railways but still plenty there for the enthusiasts.
  9. Many years ago, late 60's IIRC a friend had an Austin A40 (Jensen bodied) convertible. The problem was after driving with the hood down you had to wash your hair to get all of the dead insects out.
  10. I frequently have to reverse around a corner as my model railway club is in a cul-de-sac that has a lot of parked cars making a three point turn difficult if not impossible. It does have a turning off of it and I reverse around the corner there as its the only way of facing the exit.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I thought it was hotter than usual last night until about 2 am when I realised the cause of the problem. Last night was club night and as usual when leaving the house empty I shut and lock all of the windows, when I got in from the club I forgot to open them again. I always sleep 'commando' summer or winter but in the hot weather I tend to sleep on top of the duvet, no need to worry about burglars as thats plenty to scare them away.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Despite the heat I managed to sleep better last night than the night before. I was considering moving to warmer climes when I retired, Malta was in my sights but in the end I decided that all the upheaval wasn't worth it. Not much to do today but I had better get on with it, be back later.
  13. How many stamps will you need?
  14. I had one like that a few months ago, I moved over to see if he would do the same to the clearly marked police patrol car in front of me, he did.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm6JxP870P0
  16. I was nearly hit by a cockwomble reversing out of a parking space without looking yesterday. Fortunately a blast on the horn made him aware of my presence. The worst I have seen is people trying to reverse vans into a stream of traffic, how can they observe the traffic when they are reversing virtually blind?
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday BAZ have a good one. ALERT!!! railways are now going to be mentioned, watching the weather forecast this morning which was from Stratford-upon-Avon where Carol was standing on the old Stratford and Moreton Tramway bridge. The bridge dates from the 1820's, the tramway was horse drawn. El scorchio today, too hot to do anything strenuous but a toddle down to the local shops at the end of the street.
  18. I e-mailed Atlas a couple of weeks ago asking how many models were intended for this series. I received this reply this morning >> "We plan to send approximately 20 models in this collection, subject to modification." Seeing as the Nissan cherry picker is number 18 it appears there is only 2 more models to come but the 'approximately' and 'subject to modification' does seem to suggest there could be more.
  19. Morning all from a hot and sultry Estuary-Land. Things weren't to bad this morning but as the sun rose so did the humidity. I was considering venturing into town today but its much to hot already and the car has air conditioning and pollen filters so will be more comfortable. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Parcel duly collected this morning and as expected it was the next issue in the 'World of Stobart' series, a rather neat small Nissan lorry with a 'cherry picker' access platform on the back. It is so hot and sticky here at the moment, according to the forecast the temperature is not going to drop below about 18 degrees tonight.
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